Fuji Food Products, Inc., is a privately held company focused on delivering ready-to-eat healthy products free of artificial ingredients. Fuji Foods is a national food manufacturing company. Most of these locations are operated by independently owned and operated franchisees, through our affiliate, Fujisan Franchising Corp. We have three, strategically located, manufacturing facilities in California, Illinois, and Massachusetts. Fuji is a well-established company whose roots lie in providing fresh sushi to customers across the country. As we have grown, we have diversified our portfolio of products to extend beyond just sushi and now pride ourselves in our ability to produce a variety of ready-to-eat products with an accompanying line of complimentary sauces, dressings and dips that are perfect for both retail and foodservice applications. Fuji Food Products has assembled a team of veterans from the food industry with decades of experience. The focus of our team is to develop and deliver healthy and fresh grab-n-go foods.
Santa Fe Springs, United States
Founded in 1990
501-1000 Employees
Working industry
Food and Beverage
Type of company
Manufacturer, Service provider
Ownership structure
Privately Held
1 Headquarter
Number of products
16 Products
Specialised areas
Manufacturing, Distribution / DSD, Healthy, Organic, and All Natural, Food Production, Food Manufacturing, Food Processing, Ethnic Foods, Logistics
Fuji Food Products offers a wide range of products and services
Chinese-Style Salad Kit (contains grilled chicken) - Fuji Foods
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Edamame Salad - Fuji Foods
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BBQ Ranch Salad Kit (contains Grilled Chicken) - Fuji Foods
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Products - Fuji Foods
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Teriyaki Chicken Bento Box - Fuji Foods
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California Roll with Brown Rice - Fuji Foods
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Salsa Fresca - Fuji Foods
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Shrimp Tempura Roll - Fuji Foods
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An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
United States
Overall risk estimation:
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Fuji Food Products operates in 1 country around the world
Get an overview of the locations of Fuji Food Products
United States
Santa Fe Springs
Some frequent questions that have been asked about Fuji Food Products
Where is Fuji Food Products located?
The company headquarter of Fuji Food Products is located in Santa Fe Springs, California, United States. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations
How many employees does Fuji Food Products approximately have?
As of the latest available information Fuji Food Products has around 501-1000 employees worldwide.
When was Fuji Food Products founded?
Fuji Food Products was founded in 1990
In which industries does Fuji Food Products mainly work?
The company Fuji Food Products has it's main focus in the industries of Food and Beverage
What is the current company status of Fuji Food Products?
Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Fuji Food Products seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change
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Our products, including cooked and raw sushi, bento boxes, chef favorites, appetizers, and party platters have taken sushi back to its origins of chef-based theatricality. We are committed to providing our employees with a stable work environment and an equal opportunity for learning and personal growth. We are committed to safety and the wellbeing of all our people and provide employee relations support and food safety training to all personnel and franchise owners. We are responsive and resourceful to our franchises, customers, and colleagues by providing creative and innovative solutions to everyday problems. Our vision is to provide a newer flexible setting for Grab-N-Go sushi and other fresh, delicious fare that people will love. Founded in 2005, SNOWFOX (JFE Franchising, Inc) is a leading provider of full-service sushi kiosks in the grocery industry. We own and operate 1,300+ full-service sushi kiosks in 38 states throughout the continental U.S., Hawaii and Alaska. We proudly provide high-end restaurant quality but with grab-n-go convenience in our guest’s own neighborhoods.
Fuji Oil Europe
Ghent, Belgium
101-250 Employees
We produce cocoa fillings, coatings and specialty chocolates for the food industry, mostly tailored to our customer's specific needs. The Fuji Oil Group delivers all sorts of delicious and healthy foods to all of its customers through its business in four fields: vegetable oils and fats, industrial chocolate, emulsified and fermented ingredients, and soy-based ingredients. Fuji Oil develops and manufactures a wide range of oil and fat products, including function-enhancing oils and fats for chocolate, and oils and fats that improve flavour and texture. Using advanced emulsification and fermentation technology, we have developed a line of easy-processing products with stable functions and taste. The Fuji Oil Group has production sites on all continents, with each group company developing, producing and selling food products locally, in response to the regional needs and demands of its customers. Oils & fats are key ingredients in many delicious food products. We have over 30 years of experience in developing innovative and value-adding solutions for applications where the right choice of fat truly makes the difference. The Fuji Oil Group operates production sites across all continents.
Paramount Packaging Systems Limited
Hart, United Kingdom
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We are committed to providing our customers with a level of service that meets and exceeds their needs throughout the entire organisation. We are the leading supplier of Fuji’s high speed flow wrapping machinery for the food, non-food, medical device and pharmaceutical industries. We are the exclusive supplier of Fuji Machinery Co. The leading supplier of horizontal and vertical Fuji packaging solutions for the food, non-food, pharmaceutical and medical device industries. With many years of experience, we are always on hand to assist our customers at all times. Our team of service technicians are on–hand to install, commission and maintain the full Fuji packaging range of wrapping machines.
London, United Kingdom
1-10 Employees
The company was established in 2001 to develop Japanese Frozen Foods within the European market. We provide safe and stable products to our customers. Our mission is based on the 7S’s :-. The company was established in 2001 to develop Japanese Frozen Foods within the European market. Everyone knows Sushi and Sashimi, but there is a whole lot more to Japanese food than that. Our company strength is to create healthy, high quality and simply prepared frozen products which are originate from Japan but with a touch of European influence based on our experience and creativeness. Our company strength is to create healthy, high quality and fuss-free frozen products which are originate from Japan but with a touch of European influence based on our experience and creativeness. We have been providing safe and stable products to our customers for more than 20 years.
FUJI Sports
New York, United States
11-50 Employees
FUJI Sports provides high quality Jiu-Jitsu, MMA, and Judo gi and gear for students and academies worldwide. FUJI Sports (together with Hatashita Sports) was founded in 1969 by Frank Hatashita, 8th Dan. Jimmy brings an astounding amount of first-hand product knowledge to the company and wants only the best for athletes, and anyone who commits to learning a martial art. FUJI’s products have been put to the test during rigorous competitions and training sessions. The result is a high quality brand of products that are built to last and have proven to withstand the athletic battlefield. Introducing the innovative Urban Day Backpack, designed with the modern jiu jitsu practitioner in mind.
Whitby, United Kingdom
1-10 Employees
Fusco Foods produces a wide range of food service and retail products. Home | Products | About | Contact | Human Rights Policy | Ethical Trading Policy. All frozen products are labelled with full defrost and storage instructions. Attention to these details will maximise quality and presentation of the product concerned. The Fusco Foods range is packaged to enable all product reach the end user in the best possible condition. Packaging consists of durable cardboard cases with all products being supported by collars and sealed with plastic packaging.