Gary Mehta CPA EA Logo

Gary Mehta CPA EA

Gary Mehta, CPA, EA - Delaware Accounting Firm

Who is Gary Mehta CPA EA?

Experience why we are Delaware's top accounting and tax firm. We are specialists in providing business and tax consulting services geared towards small to mid-sized companies and cater business needs at every facet of your small business. Our goal is to consistently provide professional, affordable and personalized service so your business can make the right decisions and take the right steps. We provide accounting, tax and auditing services to individuals and small businesses across the state. We are always excited to learn something new about niche industries and their evolving accounting regulations. We are proud to be from Wilmington, Delaware and have roots have deeply embedded within our community and surrounding areas. Headquartered out of Wilmington, Gary Mehta, CPA, EA is a full-service accounting firm serving all of Delaware. So feel free to look around and see which of our services helps your business take the right steps.

This company is:

Service provider

Wilmington, United States

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2007

Products & services of Gary Mehta CPA EA

Product Accounting and Auditing Services image


Accounting and Auditing Services

Phone consult - Quick Quote for Accounting services like Business Setup and Formation, Bookkeeping, Financial Statement Preparation & Payroll Services. Quick Phone Consult to gather info for audit proposals. We DO NOT provide tax or business formation advice unless you are our client or have signed an engagement letter because it legally binds us

Product Tax Prepararation Quote image


Tax Prepararation Quote

Phone Consult - Get a quick quote for personal or small business tax prep services. Tax Return Preparation starts at $250. We DO NOT provide tax advice unless you are our client or have signed an engagement letter because it legally binds us

Product Tax Problem Help image


Tax Problem Help

Phone Consult only - Quote on IRS representation and Tax Relief. Prices start at $750. We DO NOT provide tax advice unless you are our client or have signed an engagement letter because it legally binds us

View all products


tax preparation
small business CPA
Tax law
business consultants
business advisory
Corporate tax
financial audit
financial review
IRS Representation
individual tax preparation
business tax preparation
certified public accountants
business formations
start ups
tax planning
cfo services
financial statement preparation
bookkeeping services
payroll services
tax audits
Form 1120
LLC Returns
self employed tax preparation
partnership returns
gift return preparation
trust return preparation
1041 forms
estate returns
tax consulting
tax advisory


Finance and Insurance

Contact of Gary Mehta CPA EA

City: Wilmington

State: Delaware

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Gary Mehta CPA EA

The company Gary Mehta CPA EA is located in Wilmington, Delaware, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Gary Mehta CPA EA has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Gary Mehta CPA EA was founded in 2007

The company Gary Mehta CPA EA has it's main focus in the industries of Finance and Insurance

Competitors of Gary Mehta CPA EA

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