GCMI's Logo


Accueil - GCMI

Who is GCMI?

GCMI dispose de nombreuses machines, Pelles à pneus, Camions grue auxiliaire, etc. En effet depuis 2006, GCMI est certifié MASE, Qualibat 21.11 et ISO 9001 V 2015. L’entreprise GCMI est capable d’intervenir au niveau national. Fondée en 2001, sur la zone Industrielle Portuaire de Gonfreville l'Orcher, GCMI est une entreprise de Génie Civil, Maintenance Industrielle et Prestation de Services.

This company is:

Service provider

Saint-Romain-de-Colbosc, France

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 2001

Products & services of GCMI

Product Travaux par aspiration - GCMI image


Travaux par aspiration - GCMI

Fosses Graviers Décroutage d'enrobés Sable de sablage Terre Sable Gravats *** Engins Autonomes Conducteurs Opérateurs Qualifiés Capacité de 12 m³

Product Grande connaissance de la QSE - GCMI image


Grande connaissance de la QSE - GCMI

En effet depuis 2006, GCMI est certifié MASE, Qualibat 21.11 et ISO 9001 V 2015

Product Bâtiments Industriels – Modulaires - GCMI image


Bâtiments Industriels – Modulaires - GCMI

Réalisations de plateformes Implantations Fondations pour ossature bois ou métalliques (Massifs - Longrines) Réseaux sous dallages Dalles portées

View all products


Suction earthworks
Civil Engineering


Science and Engineering

Use Cases of GCMI


Le Havre - GCMI

Branchements EP/EU pour Le Havre et transport Gosselin JC

Contact of GCMI

City: Saint-Romain-de-Colbosc

State: Normandy

Country: France

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about GCMI

The company GCMI is located in Saint-Romain-de-Colbosc, Normandy, France. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information GCMI has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

GCMI was founded in 2001

The company GCMI has it's main focus in the industries of Science and Engineering

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company GCMI seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change