MMSC는 메시지 Convert 기능 및 VAS(Content Provider), Relay/Server 등으로 구성되어 지지만, LMSC는 Relay/Server 기능과 VAS연동기능을 수행한다. SP는 GemVaxLINK Push Server를 통해서 Google의 C2DM과 별개로 서비스 가입자의 App.으로 Contents를 전달할 수 있고, 메시징 및 Notification 용도로 활용 할 수 있습니다.
Kazan', Russia
Founded in 2000
Working industry
IT, Software and Services
Type of company
Ownership structure
Public Company
1 Headquarter
Number of products
1 Product
Specialised areas
Business Information Systems, Customer Service, Fashion
GemVaxLink offers a wide range of products and services
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An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
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The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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GemVaxLink operates in 1 country around the world
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Some frequent questions that have been asked about GemVaxLink
Where is GemVaxLink located?
The company headquarter of GemVaxLink is located in Kazan', Tatarstan, Russia. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations
When was GemVaxLink founded?
GemVaxLink was founded in 2000
In which industries does GemVaxLink mainly work?
The company GemVaxLink has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services
Check out some interesting alternative companies to GemVaxLink
Tandridge, United Kingdom
11-50 Employees
Customers use NowSMS for a variety of different reasons … High Performance SMS Gateway, 2-Way SMS and/or MMS Application Enabler, Operator MMSC, MMS Gateway, WAP Push Proxy Gateway (PPG), SMSC Multiplexer, Testing Tool, and more. Explore NowSMS Features Learn about some of the features of the Now SMS & MMS Gateway. NowSMS is not a replacement for a bulk SMS or MMS service provider. NowSMS can be configured to send MMS messages using two different delivery mechanisms. NowSMS can be self-installed and tested in customer environments without requiring expensive consultants. NowSMS in a Fault Tolerant or Redundant Load Balanced Environment For many configurations it is desirable to install NowSMS on multiple servers in order to achieve fault tolerance and/or improved throughput and performance. NowSMS offers extreme configuration flexibility to facilitate these requirements. NowSMS is a powerful multi-functional content delivery solution for SMS & MMS messaging.
Hong Kong Linkage Group Co. Limited
Kowloon, China
11-50 Employees
It isn’t enough to just send a message, we make sure you convey it. What comes to mind when you think of an SMS solution? Cutting-edge technology, advanced systems and services will push your business to a new level, which may be some services you expect from suppliers. These are definitely signs of good SMS service providers. Hong Kong Linkage Group Co., Ltd. is a global SMS, MMS and verification service provider, offering services in more than 230 countries/regions worldwide. Our company is located in the Kowloon district in the heart of Hong Kong.
mApps Teleservices Pvt. Ltd.
Dadri, India
11-50 Employees
We develop premium Mobile Value Added Services for Mobile operators and Enterprise. We are a team of highly experienced individuals from Mobile VAS industry. We provide enterprise customize solutions for business analytics and data warehousing. It includes Content Hosting, Management and Delivery Platform. For any Telecom Operator or Content Provider, streamlined Subscription Management System is essential to their business. We offer SMS Gateway and services to customers. Our SMS Gateways are capable to deliver maximum features that support current trends. SMS Campaign Manager is a SMS Mobile Marketing tool that allows enterprise to manage communications between your clients and staff, whether they are local or global.
Shenzhen, China
501-1000 Employees
Enable companies to easily integrate SMS text message functions by combining traditional communication services and the Internet. Provide efficient and stable mail sending APIs and accurate, real-time data reports. Quickly build your message management platform;Enable multiple-channel unified message delivery, management, and statistics. Help companies gain insight into user profiles and build a multi-dimensional, accurate and timely tagging system. User behavior data collection, custom "multi-model, multi-scenario, multi-dimensional" real-time data analysis.
La Victoria, Venezuela
11-50 Employees
Con nuestro servicio de MNP, los clientes pueden sentirse seguros al enviar los mensajes los usuarios lo recibieron sin importar que hayan cambiado de operador. Es un “hub” que permite conexiones bidireccionales entre nuestra plataforma y las operadoras móviles, utilizando diferentes métodos para el envío y recepción de SMS. Es el conjunto de soluciones diseñadas para que los Bancos e Instituciones Financieras implementen el uso del canal móvil de forma sencilla y segura, haciendo que sus productos y servicios estén disponibles a sus clientes a través de sus equipos móviles. Es el servicio de conectividad SMS que ofrece Tedexis con todas las operadoras de telefonía móvil en América Latina. Es un conjunto de productos y servicios dirigidos a satisfacer el segmento empresarial, ofreciendo los beneficios de llevar sus procesos principales y la comunicación al mundo móvil de forma rápida y sencilla.
Bucharest, Romania
11-50 Employees
SMSO se ocupă de trimiterea acestora prin infrastructura robustă pe care o operează. SMSO API oferă o capabilitati solide, o soluție completă 2FA, de la gestionarea autentificării la automatizarea mesajelor. RCS este prescurtatea de la Rich Communication Service, un protocol de comunicare imbogatit in comparatie cu SMS-ul. RCS este folosit doar pentru telefoanele Android fiind asemanator iMessage pentru telefoanele Apple. Cu totii suntem bucurosi si entuziasmati de produsele si serviciile noastre. Campaniile SMS te ajuta sa te promovezi in publicul potrivit pentru produsele și serviciile tale. Utilizarea platformei este simplă, ușoară datorită interfeței moderne. Interacțiunea umană este prețioasă, ne dorim să transformăm imposibilitățile în posibilități.