Glass MIrror Logo

Glass MIrror

Who is Glass MIrror?

We provide high-quality glass and aluminum works from windows, doors, and wall mirrors at a very reasonable cost. We are the best aluminum and glass installation and repairing glass services provider and decorative metalwork with good experience to serve residential and commercial glass services across the UAE. We are a top, leading, and number 1 name for a glass shop in Dubai and have worked for 100s of residential and commercial mirror glass jobs. We are determined to provide high-quality products like Aluminium Doors and Windows Both Swing and Sliding, Patio Doors, Aluminum Folding Glass Doors, Aluminium Front Shop, Automatic Glass doors, Pump Room Cabinet, Louver Cabinet, Building Aluminium cladding, Roller Shutter, Mosquitoes Fly net roller, Fixed Fly net Mesh and automatic rolling shutters in Dubai, UAE. We are SAR can do whole annual make certain maintenance for an individual home, Office, Villas, in Dubai UAE. We are a team as clear as our glasses and mirrors to meet our goal: to bring a smile to our clients with our work. We are the most reliable company as we are offering and providing our Customers warranty in Maintenance as well. Plus we provide you the qualified glass delivery services on your demand.

This company is:

Service provider

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

51-100 Employees






Contact of Glass MIrror

City: Dubai

State: Dubai

Country: United Arab Emirates

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Glass MIrror

The company Glass MIrror is located in Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Glass MIrror has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

The company Glass MIrror has it's main focus in the industries of Construction

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Glass MIrror seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

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