Griffin Foods Ltd Logo

Griffin Foods Ltd

Who is Griffin Foods Ltd?

This company is:


Dublin, Ireland

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 1994

Products & services of Griffin Foods Ltd

    Strawberries 5-10mm - 7kg - griffinfoods image


Strawberries 5-10mm - 7kg - griffinfoods

Delicious freeze dried strawberries full of flavour. A fantastic healthy snack and great for adding into desserts. Obtained by freeze drying of frozen strawberry that has been cut.

    Callets White (28%) - (7x400g) 2.8kg - griffinfoods image


Callets White (28%) - (7x400g) 2.8kg - griffinfoods

This chocolate is as Belgian as can be, since it's predominately made with milk from cows grazing on Belgian pastures and sugar from locally grown sugar beets. It has a delightful taste with pronounced milky, creamy, caramelly and vanilla notes that are in perfect balance.

    Callets Brazillian origin (72.4%) 4x2.5kg - griffinfoods image


Callets Brazillian origin (72.4%) 4x2.5kg - griffinfoods

Tasting the single origin Brazil chocolate, is like indulging in a waterfall of intense cocoa flavours, intensified with amazing bitters and refreshing sours. The result is a w

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Food & Beverages


Food and Beverage

Contact of Griffin Foods Ltd

City: Dublin

State: Leinster

Country: Ireland

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Griffin Foods Ltd

The company Griffin Foods Ltd is located in Dublin, Leinster, Ireland. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Griffin Foods Ltd has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Griffin Foods Ltd was founded in 1994

The company Griffin Foods Ltd has it's main focus in the industries of Food and Beverage