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HandlingTech Automations-Systeme GmbH Logo

HandlingTech Automations-Systeme GmbH

Actively managed by company

HandlingTech is what makes it special in the standard. Since 1994, we have been developing and implementing modular automation systems around industrial robots - from standard cells to complex special solutions. HandlingTech offers you a unique approach to design and functionality that increases output, relieves employees and effectively reduces costs. We believe in progress and success as a healthy mix of risk and down-to-earthness. That's why we question everything to find the answers that take our customers further than expected. Completely individual. And everything from a single source.

Quick overview

Steinenbronn, Germany

Founded in 1994

51-100 Employees


Additional information

Working industry

Machinery Manufacturing

Type of company



1 Headquarter

Number of products

5 Products

Specialised areas

robotic cells, robots, workpiece handling, pallet handling, machine tending, palletizing, packaging, robot cells, handlingy systems, automation

Products & services of HandlingTech Automations-Systeme GmbH

HandlingTech Automations-Systeme GmbH offers a wide range of products and services

Product: leanZ



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Product: ecoZ



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Product: SRZ



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Product: palletZ



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Product: IRZ



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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:

Very low

ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Headquarter of HandlingTech Automations-Systeme GmbH

HandlingTech Automations-Systeme GmbH operates in 1 country around the world

City: Steinenbronn

State: Baden-Württemberg

Country: Germany

Locations of HandlingTech Automations-Systeme GmbH

Get an overview of the locations of HandlingTech Automations-Systeme GmbH









Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about HandlingTech Automations-Systeme GmbH

Some frequent questions that have been asked about HandlingTech Automations-Systeme GmbH

The company headquarter of HandlingTech Automations-Systeme GmbH is located in Steinenbronn, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information HandlingTech Automations-Systeme GmbH has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

HandlingTech Automations-Systeme GmbH was founded in 1994

The company HandlingTech Automations-Systeme GmbH has it's main focus in the industries of Machinery Manufacturing

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company HandlingTech Automations-Systeme GmbH seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of HandlingTech Automations-Systeme GmbH

Check out some interesting alternative companies to HandlingTech Automations-Systeme GmbH

EFS Gesellschaft fur Hebe und Handhabungstechnik's Logo

EFS Gesellschaft fur Hebe und Handhabungstechnik

Nordheim, Germany

51-100 Employees


We are always on the lookout for the best solution, both technically and economically, and we develop innovative system solutions for our customers on the basis of research projects. In many areas we are developing system solutions, from the idea to implementation, which often exceed the expectations of our customers. We work quickly and efficiently to implement customer-specific process requirements and deliver handling devices at the very highest level. As a specialist in handling technology and automation, we have taken up position as the leader in innovation and technology in our market segment. The key to our success is the know-how of the employees and our experience in the area of handling technology.

Tünkers Maschinenbau GmbH's Logo

Tünkers Maschinenbau GmbH

Ratingen, Germany

101-250 Employees


Auch deshalb sind unsere Produkte keine Handelsware, sondern „Eigengewächse“, die wir selber erfinden, konstruieren, produzieren und vertreiben - immer im engen Dialog mit unseren Kunden, den OEMs, den Anlagenbauern und den Konstruktionsbüros. Es ist unser Ziel, Ihnen für die gängigen Funktionen im Umfeld des Roboters einen industrietauglichen Baukasten an die Hand zu geben, mit robusten, wartungsfreien Bausteinen, ausgelegt für die extremen Einsatzbedingungen der Großserienfertigung in der Automobilindustrie, ebenso wie in der Zulieferindustrie – mit schlüsselfertigen Bausteinen, die bereits über Antrieb, Getriebe, Prozesskontrolle und passenden Schnittstellen verfügen und damit eine Funktion wie das Spannen oder Fördern vollständig abbilden. Handhabungstechnik besteht aus 9 Modulen mit der entsprechenden Produktvielfalt:. Im Bereich der Automation setzen TÜNKERS Produkte Maßstäbe.

Hi Tech Automation's Logo

Hi Tech Automation

Kettering, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


Hi Tech Automation is an automation intelligence company dedicated to the total success of its customers, and profitable market leadership. We will ensure that all customers are satisfied with our service by delivering total customer support. Hi Tech Automation will continue to recruit, develop, motivate and reward committed employees through superior leadership, from which we will ensure sustainable natural growth, and profitability. This then led to an involvement with Industrial Robots at Cincinnati as the control systems shared some common control architecture. We have built strong relationships with suppliers and customers alike to stay at the cutting edge of technology. Our focused industry knowledge, in-house design and manufacturing combined with local support is what the market needed and this philosophy has proven to be successful.

Han-tek's Logo


Town of Mendon, United States

51-100 Employees


Han-Tek has the experience and expertise to custom design, build and install the most dependable, predictable automation applications to optimize your manufacturing processes from start to finish. Han-Tek has engineered and installed cranes and hoists of all kinds. Han-Tek’s inteGREAT warehouse control software will optimize your production and distribution automation operations with real-time actionable data. Han-Tek’s patented Soft Drop® is the result of over 10 years of customer requests. For more than 60 years Han-Tek has been designing solutions for the industry’s toughest material handling and automation challenges – helping you boost your productivity, cut costs, improve workplace safety, and provide the best return on investment. From industrial assembly to injection molding pick and place to packaging and palletizing, Han-Tek can install Universal Robots collaborative robot technology to support nearly any production application. Learn More About How Collaborative Robots Can Deliver a Competitive Advantage. Whether it’s upgrading/modernizing a legacy system to be more productive or installing an all-new, state-of-the-art unit, we’re here for you.

Conveyor Handling Technology Ltd's Logo

Conveyor Handling Technology Ltd

Chorley, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Our goal is to provide you with an insight into the benefits and functionality of our material handling solutions. Discover all about our products, our solutions and whether one of our modular designs or bespoke solutions best meets your material handling needs. Conveyor Handling Technology Limited (CHTL) are a material handling equipment supplier that provides mechanical conveying, filling and discharging solutions. You can expect high-quality equipment designed and manufactured with our knowledge, skills and support. As a dedicated provider of material handling solutions, our in-house expertise and flexible design can be found in each and every one of our products no matter the size of the application. All our equipment is customer-focused to provide reliable, high-performance solutions built to last. Our equipment is used in a range of manufacturing and processing industries worldwide. We offer complete systems, part assemblies, and replacement parts to offer more flexibility for our customers.

GER4TECH GmbH's Logo


Redlham, Austria

51-100 Employees


Together with you, we develop Tailor made solutions for all of your manufacturing process. GER4TECH Metall and GER4TECH Mechatronik have found their home in a production area of ​​around 9,600 m2 and offer a strong all-round service from laser cutting and bending to machining (turning, milling) and welding. Our goal in every project is to provide our customers with the best possible support, from advice to the finished product. G4T4 is a fusion of collaborative and mobile robots.Our mobile cobots can move autonomously between different workstations, transport materials and switch from one job to the next without any trouble.Thus G4T4 – Mobile Cobots enable new possibilities in handling and logistics automation. As a system integrator for industrial robots, We combine these with user-friendly software and innovative control-systems. After only nine months of construction and the successful relocation from our two old production sites, we now make optimal use of the synergy effects in a new modern building enabling us to offer our customers the best products and best service. In the field of mechatronics, we are the innovation leader in robot-based automation. From a classic contract manufacture in the field of mechanical and metal engineering, we are developing into becoming a provider of system solutions (full-service metal fabrication) for the entire steel and mechanical engineering sector.