By the mid-eighties the Hatecke brothers Jan and Peter joined the business, assuming responsibility for the company in its fourth generation. Hatecke GmbH is the sole owner of all proprietary rights of former Ernst Hatecke GmbH. Nowadays:Today’s success of Hatecke Group is mainly based on right ownership decisions regarding market developments in the past, paired with very modern production facilities, experienced and reliable long term employees and an always innovative production program. All together has enabled Hatecke to achieve its current position as market leader in new installations of lifeboats onboard cruise vessels, a high qualitative and flexible production of lifeboats and davits for the cargo segment and a strong footprint in the aftersales market through quick and customer focussed service. They set about extending production with glass fibre reinforced plastics facilities and a steel construction division. The company was now geared to the serial production of lifeboats and davit systems. Under their management, the company grew to become the world’s leading manufacturer of freefall lifeboats. Marescape is a turnkey provider for all safety services on- and offshore.
Drochtersen, Germany
Founded in 1903
51-100 Employees
Working industry
Maritime and Ship Building
Type of company
Service provider, Manufacturer
1 Headquarter
Number of products
8 Products
Number of services
8 Services
Specialised areas
Manufacturing, Hoists, cranes, and monorails, Transportation Equipment Manufacturing, Boatbuilding and repairing, Ship and Boat Building, Shipbuilding, Boat repair Marine supplies , Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers, Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing, Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance
Hatecke GmbH offers a wide range of products and services
Products – Hatecke GmbH
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Spare Parts – Hatecke GmbH
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Fleet Agreement For Annual Services – Hatecke GmbH
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Simulated Launching – Hatecke GmbH
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Refurbishment & Overhauling – Hatecke GmbH
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Semi-Enclosed Lifeboats – Hatecke GmbH
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Authorizations Lifeboat and Davit Services – Hatecke GmbH
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Service – Hatecke GmbH
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An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
Overall risk estimation:
Very low
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Hatecke GmbH operates in 1 country around the world
Get an overview of the locations of Hatecke GmbH
Lower Saxony
Some frequent questions that have been asked about Hatecke GmbH
Where is Hatecke GmbH located?
The company headquarter of Hatecke GmbH is located in Drochtersen, Lower Saxony, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations
How many employees does Hatecke GmbH approximately have?
As of the latest available information Hatecke GmbH has around 51-100 employees worldwide.
When was Hatecke GmbH founded?
Hatecke GmbH was founded in 1903
In which industries does Hatecke GmbH mainly work?
The company Hatecke GmbH has it's main focus in the industries of Maritime and Ship Building
What is the current company status of Hatecke GmbH?
Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Hatecke GmbH seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change
Check out some interesting alternative companies to Hatecke GmbH
Reinach, Switzerland
251-500 Employees
The merger of Hatebur and Carlo Salvi has united what logically belongs together: Two companies with brands and products that complement each other perfectly. We are structured and innovative, meaning that we are well equipped for any market challenges. Hatebur stands for the highest-quality forming machines, services and precision tools. The old Hatebur machine is set to retire after more than 60 years of reliable service. Your cooperation with Hatebur does not end the moment an ordered machine is delivered – on the contrary, we attach great importance to ensuring that our customers’ production runs smoothly and cost-effectively. Hatebur and Carlo Salvi participation at MF-Tokyo from 12th- 15th July 2023. A wider range of innovative solutions under the umbrella brand of Hatebur. President of the Board of Directors at Hatebur Metalforming Equipment Ltd.
S-two Verwaltungs-GmbH
Lage, Germany
1-10 Employees
Hoppe Marine has acquired the S-Two business in 2023. Committed to the high standards of S-Two, Hoppe Marine takes the established system and service into the future with the same quality. In 1949 the German engineer Hans Hugo Karl Hoppe founded the company Hoppe Bordmesstechnik. Today Hoppe is a family-owned group of companies with a global presence. Combined with countless inventions and patents Hoppe has reached a leading position in several maritime business areas like marine digitalization. The company‘s continued passion for technology and the permanent motivation to deliver customer-oriented products and services have been the keys to its success. A key demand of today‘s maritime data acquisition is the exact validation of a large number of a ship‘s operational and nautical measurements after receiving them onshore. Hoppe offers you a convenient one-stop solution with high data quality on-board and superior analysis ashore.
HaTEC Haag
1-10 Employees
Hatec bietet Produkte und Dienstleistungen im Bereich Maschinen- und Anlagenbau für verschiedene Anwendungen und Industrien an. Hatec wurde im Frühjahr 2003 von Thomas Abbas und Volker Haag in Mülheim an der Ruhr gegründet. Bedingt durch die starke Nachfrage nach unseren Produkten und Dienstleistungen sowie hohem Vertrauen unserer Geschäftspartner in uns und unsere Lösungen, hat sich Hatec erfolgreich entwickelt. Damit wir unseren Kunden wettbewerbsfähige Produkte in bester Qualität anbieten können, haben wir 2012 eine moderne Produktionsstätte und ein Verwaltungsgebäude im Mülheimer Hafen errichtet. Diese hochmoderne Produktionshalle, kombiniert mit unserer strategisch günstigen Lage, gibt uns die Möglichkeit auch besonders große oder schwere Produkte zu produzieren und per Schiff, Schiene oder per LKW zu transportieren. Aktuell arbeiten an die 95 hochqualifizierte und talentierte Mitarbeiter für Hatec in der Produktion, der Qualitätssicherung- und Überwachung, in der Verwaltung, Logistik, Technologieentwicklung und im Verkauf.
Hoppe Marine GmbH
Hamburg, Germany
51-100 Employees
We are offering global services through our own subsidiaries supported by our cloud based vessel data services to ensure a direct and fast customer support. HOPPE is an independent family-owned group of companies and a leading supplier for fluid control and measurement systems in the maritime industry. Having motivated and qualified people in our team is the key to secure our customer centricity, constant high quality, and continuous improvement. The first Hoppe Anti-Heeling System was developed and delivered. The first Hoppe passive U-Tank Stabilization System was developed and delivered. The first Hoppe Blower Anti-Heeling System was developed and delivered. That’s why innovation – derived from the Latin Innovare “to renew” – is a Hoppe core value. To rethink products, to develop future-oriented solutions for our customers’ needs is what drives us at Hoppe.
HECO International A/S
Hedensted, Denmark
51-100 Employees
Heco International are delivering piston rod stuffing boxes for new engines and spare parts for engines across the globe. Since the Heco invention that was a game changer on the market for two-stroke diesel engines, we have been the preferred partner for engine builders around the world. The name Heco comes from our founder, Henning Cornelius. Heco International today is a result of the 1988 unification of Maskinfabrikken Heco, and Vejle Ringe & Magnetfiltre (founded in 1972), demonstrating our commitment to our global engagement. Heco International was founded in 1959 and became part of G&O Maritime Group in 2015. Since then, Heco International has been a proud representative of G&O Maritime Group’s Propulsion Management division, assisting the group to live up to the changes that are ongoing in the maritime industry. We produce piston rod stuffing boxes, designed and developed to keep two-stroke engines running on ships all over the world. We combine the best of two worlds to keep delivering products of the highest quality at competitive prices.
Himmler Erhard
Berg b.Neumarkt i.d.OPf., Germany
1-10 Employees
Seit mehr als 30 Jahren steht die Firma Himatec, vorher als Himmler Maschinenbau bekannt, für technische Präzision, absolute Zuverlässigkeit und konsequente Kundenorientierung. Im September 1985 von Erhard und Hedwig Himmler als „Erhard Himmler Maschinenbau“ gegründet, hat sich unser Familienunternehmen durch Kompetenz, Zuverlässigkeit und Fairness einen Namen in der Maschinenbaubranche gemacht. Durch innovative Abläufe und motivierte Mitarbeiter erweiterte sich unser Produktportfolio im Laufe der Zeit, was die Vergrößerung der Produktionsfläche erforderte. Beim Bau der bisher neuesten Halle wurde auch Raum für Montageflächen geschaffen, wodurch sich das Leistungsspektrum noch einmal erweitert hat. Ende 2008 wurde das Unternehmen von Daniel und Severin Himmler übernommen und in die Himmler Maschinenbau GbR umfirmiert. Im Jahre 2016 wurde die Firma in HIMATEC GmbH & Co. Trotz dieser eher äußerlichen Veränderungen bleibt unser Ziel das gleiche wie zuvor: höchstmögliche Qualität durch den hohen Standard unserer täglichen Arbeit zu bieten.