Hindustan Refrigeration Stores Logo

Hindustan Refrigeration Stores

Hindustan Refrigeration Stores |

Who is Hindustan Refrigeration Stores?

They represent most Global manufacturers and play an important role in the setting up of cold stores in Northern India. Realizing the importance of indigenous development, the group ventured into manufacturing activity and developed ice-cream manufacturing and dispensing equipment, in the “Igloo” range and have been successfully providing self-employment opportunity, to a large number of small scale ice-cream manufacturers and which plants are now installed all over the country. Further, additions to the group were, in the form of better manufacturing facilities at NOIDA and where today, a large variety of refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment is manufactured in standard and custom built designs. Process CHILLERS and other innovative cooling equipment; have been developed by the group and which match expensive imported equipment in performance and designs. The hindustan group is known for dependability and reliability and presently in their trading activities, represent the leading icons, like RefComp, SRM Tec, Danfoss, Emerson, Embraco, Friterm, Chemours, Chemplast, Higac, Saginomiya, Kyowa, Emkarate, Fuchs, Voltas, Haier, Elanpro, Euronova, Fujitsu General etc. The Group presently employs around 160 persons and provides back-up service, through well-equipped service stations and personnel, both in the north, as well as in the south. The Group has also negotiated with European and Eastern manufacturers for Refrigeration equipment Including components for Cold Rooms and which essentially are a part of the Cold Chain concept and for Food preservation, both at the point of procurement and at the point of disposal. Process CHILLERS and other innovative cooling equipment; have been developed.

New Delhi, India

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1947


manufacturing equipment
cold stores
cooling equipment
Home appliances
refrigerant gases
cold chain
Food preservation
Hydrocarbon Refrigerants
dispensing equipment
industrial gas tankers
Business Supplies & Equipment


Business Supplies and Equipment

Contact of Hindustan Refrigeration Stores

City: New Delhi

State: Delhi

Country: India

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Hindustan Refrigeration Stores

The company Hindustan Refrigeration Stores is located in New Delhi, Delhi, India. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Hindustan Refrigeration Stores has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Hindustan Refrigeration Stores was founded in 1947

The company Hindustan Refrigeration Stores has it's main focus in the industries of Business Supplies and Equipment

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Hindustan Refrigeration Stores seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Hindustan Refrigeration Stores

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Reynold India Pvt. Ltd.


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South Africa

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