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HORIBA FuelCon GmbH Logo


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HORIBA FuelCon is one of the world´s leading manufacturers of innovative testing and manufacturing systems for fuel cells and electrolyzers. Over 25 years of experience in this field of work built our competence and knowledge, which we put to use in every test system we design. This allows us to give you standardized solutions for your general testing demands, as well as fully customized ones for your specific testing requirements. We always focus on the reliability and quality of our products and on proximity to our customers. To meet even the most complex requirements, we use intelligent engineering, a maximum value chain in our company and the highest safety standards in all development steps. With years of experience in the automation of test and production processes, we are your competent partner for the testing, qualification and validation of your future developments. As part of the HORIBA Group with over 8,000 employees and 50 companies around the globe, you can rely on a strong local distribution and service network. The broad expertise of HORIBA in different measurement technologies gives us the opportunity to offer solutions beyond the sole fuel cell or electrolyzer testing. This includes gas & material analysis devices, powertrain & vehicle test beds and large-scale test field automation software.

Quick overview

Barleben, Germany

Founded in 2001

251-500 Employees


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Working industry

Environment, Disposal and Recycling, Oil, Energy and Gas, Manufacturing, Automation, Automotive, Manufacturing

Type of company



1 Headquarter

Number of products

4 Products

Specialised areas

electrolyzer testing, PEM Fuel Cell Testing Equipment, Fuel Cell Test Equipment for SOFC, sofc testing, soec test station, ael testing, pem electrolyzer testing

Products & services of HORIBA FuelCon GmbH

HORIBA FuelCon GmbH offers a wide range of products and services

Product: Evaluator LT-Series


Evaluator LT-Series

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Product: Evaluator HT-Series


Evaluator HT-Series

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Product: Evaluator Electrolyzer


Evaluator Electrolyzer

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Product: HORIBA TestWork



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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:

Very low

ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Use Cases of HORIBA FuelCon GmbH

Get insights into the use cases of HORIBA FuelCon GmbH

UseCase: Test Stations for Energy & Automotive Sector, Shipping, Aviation, Environment & Science

Use case

Test Stations for Energy & Automotive Sector, Shipping, Aviation, Environment & Science

Automotive, Energy, Science, environment, aviation, shipping, green transformation

The production of green hydrogen through electrolysis is seen as a promising solution for the global energy transition. Green hydrogen is favoured as it has the potential to decarbonise entire industries. Reliable electrolysis processes and hydrogen testing solutions are essential to promote the ‘green transformation’. HORIBA FuelCon's testing and production solutions support various industries such as energy, automotive, marine, aviation, environment and science in the transition to new energies. HORIBA FuelCon is your partner for testing and production equipment in the field of electrolysers. Our goal in development is to offer solutions that combine all expertise in the field of electrolysis and hydrogen testing. Our strength lies in the combination of global presence, state-of-the-art measurement technology and extensive user knowledge. With over 1,000 test stations delivered worldwide, we are a trusted partner in the market.

Headquarter of HORIBA FuelCon GmbH

HORIBA FuelCon GmbH operates in 1 country around the world

City: Barleben

State: Saxony-Anhalt

Country: Germany

Locations of HORIBA FuelCon GmbH

Get an overview of the locations of HORIBA FuelCon GmbH









Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about HORIBA FuelCon GmbH

Some frequent questions that have been asked about HORIBA FuelCon GmbH

The company headquarter of HORIBA FuelCon GmbH is located in Barleben, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information HORIBA FuelCon GmbH has around 251-500 employees worldwide.

HORIBA FuelCon GmbH was founded in 2001

The company HORIBA FuelCon GmbH has it's main focus in the industries of Environment, Disposal and Recycling, Oil, Energy and Gas, Manufacturing, Automation, Automotive, Manufacturing

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company HORIBA FuelCon GmbH seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of HORIBA FuelCon GmbH

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Spezialist Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH's Logo

Spezialist Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH

Puchheim, Germany

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Die international agierende Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH ist Europas führendes Unternehmen in der Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen-Technologie „Made in Germany“ mit einem Vierteljahrhundert an Erfahrung. Die sehr hohen Technologie-Qualitätsstandards auf Basis emissionsfreier Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen ermöglichen allen Unternehmen unabhängige, nachhaltige Energieversorgung. Durch das Komplettangebot aus einer Hand von der Brennstoffzellen-Entwicklung bis zum Engineering können wir Unternehmen jeder Größe stets die passende und wirtschaftlichste Lösung bieten. Unsere Kunden werden von der Angebotsphase an durch kompetenten, umfassenden Support und Service begleitet. Die Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH agiert seit 1998 als innovatives High-Tech-Unternehmen und hat sich als Premiumanbieter für komplexe Markenprodukte zur unabhängigen, nachhaltigen und emissionsfreien Energieversorgung etabliert. Drei gleichwertige, miteinander verknüpfte und aufeinander abgestimmte Kompetenzbereiche prägen die Proton-Motor-Technologie: die erstklassige anwendungsorientierte Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen-Entwicklung, das umfangreiche Engineering-Know-how für die passgenaue Integration in kundenspezifische Anforderungen als auch die professionellen Service- und Supportleistungen. Auf diese ganzheitliche Weise erhalten Proton-Motor-Kunden jeder Unternehmensgröße optimale Brennstoffzellen- und Hybridsysteme als Komplettlösungen aus einer Hand. Seit 1998 ist die Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH Europas führender Experte für klimaneutrale Energiegewinnung mit CleanTech-Innovationen und auf diesem Gebiet Spezialist für emissionsfreie Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen aus eigener Entwicklung und Herstellung.

Proton Motor's Logo

Proton Motor

Puchheim, Germany

101-250 Employees


Die international agierende Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH ist Europas führendes Unternehmen in der Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen-Technologie „Made in Germany“ mit einem Vierteljahrhundert an Erfahrung. Die sehr hohen Technologie-Qualitätsstandards auf Basis emissionsfreier Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen ermöglichen allen Unternehmen unabhängige, nachhaltige Energieversorgung. Durch das Komplettangebot aus einer Hand von der Brennstoffzellen-Entwicklung bis zum Engineering können wir Unternehmen jeder Größe stets die passende und wirtschaftlichste Lösung bieten. Unsere Kunden werden von der Angebotsphase an durch kompetenten, umfassenden Support und Service begleitet. Die Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH agiert seit 1998 als innovatives High-Tech-Unternehmen und hat sich als Premiumanbieter für komplexe Markenprodukte zur unabhängigen, nachhaltigen und emissionsfreien Energieversorgung etabliert. Drei gleichwertige, miteinander verknüpfte und aufeinander abgestimmte Kompetenzbereiche prägen die Proton-Motor-Technologie: die erstklassige anwendungsorientierte Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen-Entwicklung, das umfangreiche Engineering-Know-how für die passgenaue Integration in kundenspezifische Anforderungen als auch die professionellen Service- und Supportleistungen. Auf diese ganzheitliche Weise erhalten Proton-Motor-Kunden jeder Unternehmensgröße optimale Brennstoffzellen- und Hybridsysteme als Komplettlösungen aus einer Hand. Seit 1998 ist die Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH Europas führender Experte für klimaneutrale Energiegewinnung mit CleanTech-Innovationen und auf diesem Gebiet Spezialist für emissionsfreie Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen aus eigener Entwicklung und Herstellung.

Aussendienst Fiorentini Deutschland's Logo

Aussendienst Fiorentini Deutschland

Waldems, Germany

1-10 Employees


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H2 Core Systems GmbH's Logo

H2 Core Systems GmbH


- Employees


Our mission is to help create a resource-saving and sustainable energy supply worldwide, using over 35 years of experience in fluid system technology combined with renewable energies and new technologies. And with our products, it comes without much effort. We develop, manufacture and maintain modularly configurable production, storage and energy systems by combining electrolysis with storage, compression, fuel cells and everything around an H2 based eco-system. EGAT Learning Center was established with the aim of providing knowledge and experience in power generation. H2 Core Systems is a spin-off of an established company specialized in fluid system technology and has corresponding experience with gases in industrial systems. H2 Core Systems develop, manufacture, and maintain modular, scalable electrolysis systems and combine them with expansion options (fuel cells, compressors and various storage options) to create complete plug & play energy supply solutions. Capacity of series production is expanded to 500 systems per year. Combining our know-how of fluid systems with innovative Enapter AEM electrolysers and the innovative energy management system EMS, we´re building your standardised, flexible and smart hydrogen package.

KE-TEC GmbH's Logo


Betzigau, Germany

11-50 Employees


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SureView Instruments LLP's Logo

SureView Instruments LLP

Thane, India

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