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HyMove Logo


The implementation of the HyMove project was entrusted to the Waterstof Onderneming Gelderland. The HyMove project was an initiative by the Province of Gelderland, the Arnhem-Nijmegen Urban Region and the Municipality of Arnhem. HyMove focuses on promoting fuel cell solutions in different applications. We manufacture top quality fuel cell systems as power modules in heavy-duty applications, such as buses, trucks, construction equipment, agricultural vehicles, inland vessels, and stationary power modules. The HyMove hydrogen fuel cell power modules distinguish by energy efficiency and durability and therefore have the lowest possible TCO. For an optimal solution, HyMove supplies complete power trains tailored to the application (complete driveline consisting of FC systems and batteries, including control unit). HyMove has access to technology for each step in the hydrogen supply chain. This project is the forerunner of the company HyMove, established in 2012.

Quick overview

Arnhem, Netherlands

Founded in 2012

1-10 Employees

Additional information

Working industry


Type of company

Manufacturer, Service provider

Ownership structure

Privately Held


1 Headquarter

Number of products

14 Products

Number of services

2 Services

Specialised areas

Automotive, Power Grid, Manufacturing

Products & services of HyMove

HyMove offers a wide range of products and services

Product: Fuel cell systems - HyMove


Fuel cell systems - HyMove

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Product: Quality and safety - HyMove


Quality and safety - HyMove

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Product: Project Number 1 - HyMove


Project Number 1 - HyMove

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Product: Project Number 5 - HyMove


Project Number 5 - HyMove

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Product: HyMove B.V. schliesst Vertrag mit dem chinesischen Unternehmen HPI für die Produktion von Brennstoffzellensystemen - HyMove


HyMove B.V. schliesst Vertrag mit dem chinesischen Unternehmen HPI für die Produktion von Brennstoffzellensystemen - HyMove

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Product: Solutions to fuel the Energy Transition - HyMove


Solutions to fuel the Energy Transition - HyMove

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Product: Project Number 2 - HyMove


Project Number 2 - HyMove

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Product: Project Number 6 - HyMove


Project Number 6 - HyMove

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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:

Very low

ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Use Cases of HyMove

Get insights into the use cases of HyMove

UseCase: Energieopslagproject Hydrova is genomineerd voor de RAAK-award 2020 - HyMove

Use case

Energieopslagproject Hydrova is genomineerd voor de RAAK-award 2020 - HyMove

Energieopslagproject HYDROVA is genomineerd voor RAAK Award 2020. De award wordt uitgereikt voor het beste praktijkgerichte onderzoek. HyMove is trots op de nominatie van dit project en de bijdrage aan het onderzoek hoe opgeslagen energie in waterstof weer omgezet kan worden in bruikbare energie. Zie hierna een uitgebreid verslag vanuit het HAN Lectoraat Duurzame Energie. Twee projecten van het HAN Lectoraat Duurzame Energie maken kans op de RAAK-award 2020. Het project HYDROVA helpt mkb-bedrijven om opgeslagen energie in waterstof weer in bruikbare energie om te zetten en verbindt de regionale ‘waterstofdeeltjes’ in het HAN H2Lab. Tekst: Walter Baardemans, HAN “Ik …

UseCase: Mobile solutions - HyMove

Use case

Mobile solutions - HyMove

for public transportation city and inter city buses The HyMove H2FC range extender can be configured to the intended route profile of the bus Considering the paramaters: Required range Required top speed Average speed Internal climate requirements Terrain Available charging/refueling time

Headquarter of HyMove

HyMove operates in 1 country around the world

City: Arnhem

State: Gelderland

Country: Netherlands

Locations of HyMove

Get an overview of the locations of HyMove









Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about HyMove

Some frequent questions that have been asked about HyMove

The company headquarter of HyMove is located in Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information HyMove has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

HyMove was founded in 2012

The company HyMove has it's main focus in the industries of Automotive

Competitors of HyMove

Check out some interesting alternative companies to HyMove

H2Motion GmbH's Logo

H2Motion GmbH

Vienna, Austria

1-10 Employees


H2Motion is a consulting company, offering project implementation and operations for safe, decentralized and large scalable stationary energy storage and energy supply. We work for energy suppliers, real estate developers, business agencies, local communities, as well as industrial companies and emission-free mobility.Our vision is the region and nation-wide empowerment of the European hydrogen economy, accelerating the decarbonization of Austrian and CEE economy. January 2021: 48V LiFeYP04 battery pack, BMS123 & bluetooth interface, Huawei P5 tablet: drivetrain VEC Controller programming for foot throttle. June 2021: H2M 48V Racer power-up first test run together our E/E-engineer Alex. Safety Always First: H2 sensor to alert any hydrogen leakage during operation, triggering alert if H2 concentration in air exceeds 1% in vehicle.

Hy-Hybrid Energy's Logo

Hy-Hybrid Energy

Glasgow, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Hy-Hybrid Energy is a hydrogen & fuel cell service provider with over 22 years of experience in the field. We provide technical and management services in a wide range of areas, including but not limited to fuel cells, batteries, supercapacitors, hydrogen production, storage & renewable energy. We provide support to our clients for selecting highly reliable, durable and cost effective drivetrain components. Our aim is to provide technical and management services to a wide range of clients, including academia, industry and government worldwide. We work with leading players in fuel cells, green hydrogen production, storage & transport, clean mobility and renewable energy sectors. We offer expert industry advice to new businesses, start-ups and entrepreneurs to help set-up their business. We Specialise in Hydrogen & Fuel Cells, Provide Services Around the World. We work on all supply chain processes of green hydrogen, including production, compression, liquefaction, conversion to other forms (e.g., green ammonia, green methanol, e-fuel, liquid organic hydrogen carrier etc.), transport, re-conversion and end use.

H2Bus Europe's Logo

H2Bus Europe

Herning, Denmark

1-10 Employees


Everfuel is initiator and coordinator of the H2Bus Europe project. The project is the coordinated effort to implement green hydrogen production, hydrogen refueling infrastructure as well as consumption in the shape of Fuel Cell Buses. The Danish activities consist of production in the shape of HySynergy the expanding station network, targeting heavy duty users like buses and trucks and end customers like Nobina who operates a Toyota Caetano Fuel Cell Bus in Copenhagen. Both production and fueling infrastructure are scalable and specifically targeted to the hard to abate heavy duty transport sector.

Hyzon's Logo



- Employees


Hyzon builds high-performance hydrogen fuel cell systems that provide zero-emission power tough enough for the most demanding jobs.



Utrecht, Netherlands

11-50 Employees


Het project is een unieke samenwerking van lokale ondernemers, kennisinstellingen en overheden. En toont de mogelijkheden en haalbaarheid voor de lokale productie, distributie en toepassing van groene waterstof in het wegvervoer. LIFE NEW HYTS is een LIFE project en staat voor reNEWable green HYdrogen for TranSport. Een groenere transportsector met minder CO2 emissies is hard nodig. Het gebruik en de productie van groene waterstof in het transport bevindt zich in een impasse die doorbroken moet worden. Vraag en aanbod kijken naar elkaar en bewegen niet. LIFE NEW HYTS is een samenwerking tussen KWR Water Research Institute, provincie Utrecht, Hysolar, Stamhuis, Jos Scholman Beheer B.V. LIFE NEW HYTS toont de haalbaarheid aan van de lokale productie, distributie en toepassing van groene waterstof in het wegvervoer door een keten op te zetten in Nieuwegein.

HY2GO Limited's Logo

HY2GO Limited

Kilmacolm, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Hy2Go Limited was established to take advantage of the growing demand for the use of alternative greener fuels to reduce carbon emission and meet zero carbon targets by 2050. It concluded that now is the time to scale up technologies and bring down costs to allow hydrogen to become widely used. Hydrogen offers ways to decarbonise a range of sectors – including long-haul transport, chemicals, and iron and steel – where it is proving difficult to meaningfully reduce emissions.