I.H.M.G.S Logo


Study Abroad Programs in Spain

Who is I.H.M.G.S?

IHMGS International School is an educational institution that sponsors and offers joint postgraduate study programs with the University of Valencia study in Spain for international students for students who want to come to Spain safely and grow along the way. At IHMGS we are characterized by offering personalized treatment to the student. IHMGS is one of the best schools in Spain for international students. We are one of the best International Schools in Spain for Students. IHMGS is your oportunity to Study abroad in Spain. IHMGS IS A PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION WORKING IN DIRECT COLLABORATION WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA. We also offer the possibility of extending your stay for TWO YEARS for students with higher education. We offer masters in Spain for international students.

Cullera, Spain

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2017


Education Management



Contact of I.H.M.G.S

City: Cullera

State: Valencian Community

Country: Spain

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about I.H.M.G.S

The company I.H.M.G.S is located in Cullera, Valencian Community, Spain. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information I.H.M.G.S has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

I.H.M.G.S was founded in 2017

The company I.H.M.G.S has it's main focus in the industries of Education