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Inosan Biopharma Logo

Inosan Biopharma

At Inosan Biopharma we develop and distribute the latest generation antivenoms that meet highest manufacturing standars. Inosan is a biotechnology company that has integrated innovation and internal development of knowledge and technology to manufacture medicines for vulnerable patients' emergencies. Not all products and/or indications are available in all territories. Is a polyvalent equine antivenom specifically indicated for the treatment of Sub- Middle East and North African snake bites. Is a polyvalent equine antivenom specifically indicated for the treatment of Sub-Saharan African snake bites. Is a polyvalent equine antivenom specifically indicated for the treatment of Middle East and North African scorpion stings. It is a biological therapy indicated for the treatment of poisoning by bites or stings of venomous or poisonous animals; for example, snakes, scorpions and spiders whose function is to counteract the effects of a venom or at least prevent the undesirable damage of the toxic compounds. Serum, purified biological product of moderate efficacy and safety.

Quick overview

Mexico City, Mexico

Founded in 2012

51-100 Employees


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Type of company


Ownership structure

Privately Held


2 Locations

Number of products

1 Product

Specialised areas

Pharmaceuticals, Immonuglobulins, Antivenoms

Products & services of Inosan Biopharma

Inosan Biopharma offers a wide range of products and services




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Headquarter of Inosan Biopharma

Inosan Biopharma operates in 2 countries around the world

City: Mexico City

State: Mexico City

Country: Mexico

Locations of Inosan Biopharma

Get an overview of the locations of Inosan Biopharma







Mexico City

Mexico City

Arbea Campus Empresarial


Community of Madrid


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Inosan Biopharma

Some frequent questions that have been asked about Inosan Biopharma

The company headquarter of Inosan Biopharma is located in Mexico City, Mexico City, Mexico. Inosan Biopharma has subsidiaries in Spain

As of the latest available information Inosan Biopharma has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Inosan Biopharma was founded in 2012

The company Inosan Biopharma has it's main focus in the industries of Pharmaceuticals

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Inosan Biopharma seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Inosan Biopharma

Check out some interesting alternative companies to Inosan Biopharma

ToxiVen's Logo


Coimbatore, India

11-50 Employees


Since ToxiVen realises the therapeutic and scientific value of a broad spectrum of toxins present in vertebrate & invertebrate venoms and poisons, in partnership with Venomtech Limited (UK), we offer arrays (from over 200 species of snakes, spiders, scorpions, millipedes and lizards) of venoms and poisons, and their fractions for novel drug discovery which has an established success rate of over 98% to leading academic institutions and pharmaceutical industries. In ToxiVen’s point of view, venoms are a ‘Bio-Treasure’. Therefore, we provide a range of venoms, venom products and venom antibodies for basic scientific and clinical research. We are committed to bring world class whole venoms, venom components, venom antibodies, venom arrays and general antibodies in to the market for the effective treatment of snakebite, and also drug discovery. Together with a team of world-leading experts, ToxiVen tackles the complications of snakebite envenoming via developing diagnostic tools and next generation therapeutics.

VenomAid Diagnostics's Logo

VenomAid Diagnostics

Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

1-10 Employees


At VenomAid we are on a mission to enable best-in-class snakebite care and reduce the global burden of snakebites. VenomAid is a medtech company at the forefront of revolutionizing snakebite care on a global scale by pioneering affordable diagnostics to reach previously neglected populations. VENOMAID EXTENDS ITS SEED ROUND TO A TOTAL OF $ 1.8 M FOR AFFORDABLE AND RAPID SNAKEBITE DIAGNOSTICS. Here, we had all been drawn to the Lab due to its overarching mission; to combat one of the world’s most neglected diseases - Snakebite - by introducing newer biotechnological methods into antivenom development, substituting a 125-year old method. By combining state-of-the-art antibody discovery, venomics insights, and affordable diagnostic technologies, we are developing the necessary tools to empower clinicians dealing with snakebite. By developing affordable technologies that can support clinical decision-making, we're committed to making snakebite care more accessible, efficient, and life-saving. Empowerment lies at the heart of our mission. Disposable materials for the course will be delivered at your high school.



Saint-Égrève, France

11-50 Employees


Smartox Biotechnology is a French research and manufacturing company specialized on animal venoms and toxins. Animal venom is a mixture of hundreds of compounds including proteins, peptide toxins and chemicals. Smartox Biotechnology offers a range of products and services dedicated to the life-sciences community based on the wealth of animal venoms.




11-50 Employees


Ainos is transforming itself into a diversified medtech leader through three innovative business arms: 1. We are committed to a better understanding of low-dose interferon and its applications in strengthening the human body to fight disease or improve innate healing capabilities. Ainos is pushing forward to expand the applications of SRNA. Beginning with improve vaccines, Ainos envisions mRNAs as the future cornerstone of treatments for oncology and acute inflammatory disease. Ainos’s proprietary sensor array technologies effectively gather the complexity of scent data required to make major advances in healthcare AI. Ainos SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test Kit is Taiwan's first Covid-19 antigen test co-developed by its national defense, health research institution and a biotech company. The past few years offered deep insight to fundamental gaps in the healthcare industry and an opportunity improve patient outcomes through emerging technologies. We believe our clinical work will improve patient outcomes for various diseases such as Thrombocytopenia and Sjogren’s Syndrome.

Latoxan's Logo


Portes-lès-Valence, France

1-10 Employees


LATOXAN is the leading producer of venoms from snakes, scorpions and batrachians with over 300 different venoms worldwide available. LATOXAN also produces and supplies venom toxins, plant, plant small molecules and screening libraries. LATOXAN supplies Pharmaceutical Industry, Academic and Pharma Research centres and worldwide distributors of Life Science Reagents. Based on a long-standing experience in zoology, LATOXAN is a fully independent company dedicated to the production and sales of high quality venoms and toxins.Founded in 1982, LATOXAN is now a leading supplier in this field, selling to pharmaceutical companies, medical research laboratories and drug discovery units throughout the world.Venoms are produced under strictly controlled conditions from animals we have collected in all parts of the world, or which were born and reared in our breeding facilities.Purified toxins, plant compounds and other similar pharmacological tools are produced in cooperation with leading research institutions. Most molecules provided come with a purity ⪚98%.

Elusys Therapeutics, Inc.'s Logo

Elusys Therapeutics, Inc.

Parsippany-Troy Hills, United States

11-50 Employees


Elusys Therapeutics leverages immune-stimulatory and immune-derived therapies to combat infectious disease. Our mission is to accelerate the development and commercialization of novel biodefense solutions to defend tomorrow today. Elusys Therapeutics is dedicated to delivering innovative medical countermeasures that enable fast, effective, and durable protection against infectious agents. Our goal is to accelerate the development and commercialization of novel biodefense solutions, such as our anthrax antitoxin ANTHIM® (obiltoxaximab), for strategic government partners. Elusys was also contracted as of 2022 to deliver ANTHIM to the Public Health Agency of Canada. Anthrax is a disease caused by Bacillus anthracis and is regarded as a top (“Category A”) biological warfare and bioterrorism threat. Obiltoxaximab is a monoclonal anthrax antitoxin licensed as ANTHIM® in the United States and Canada and as NYXTHRACIS® in Great Britain and the European Union. ANTHIM® has been delivered to the US Strategic National Stockpile as the result of a successful multi-year partnership with the US government.