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Intellect Data Systems Logo

Intellect Data Systems

We are passionate about transforming the hospitality industry through innovative technology solutions. Almost all full-service restaurants offer customers the flexibility of making reservations or walking in and choosing an open table.

Quick overview

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Founded in 1987

251-500 Employees


Additional information

Working industry

IT, Software and Services

Type of company

Service provider, Manufacturer

Ownership structure

Privately Held


3 Locations

Number of products

2 Products

Number of services

1 Service

Specialised areas

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Information Technology, Hospitality, Software, Computer

Products & services of Intellect Data Systems

Intellect Data Systems offers a wide range of products and services

Product: FX Club App | IDS Next - Hotel Management Solutions


FX Club App | IDS Next - Hotel Management Solutions

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Product: Solutions | IDS Next - Hotel Management Solutions


Solutions | IDS Next - Hotel Management Solutions

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Product: Experience Hotel | IDS Next - Hotel Management Solutions


Experience Hotel | IDS Next - Hotel Management Solutions

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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself


United Arab Emirates

Overall risk estimation:


ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Headquarter of Intellect Data Systems

Intellect Data Systems operates in 2 countries around the world

City: Dubai

State: Dubai

Country: United Arab Emirates

Locations of Intellect Data Systems

Get an overview of the locations of Intellect Data Systems






United Arab Emirates



Regional Sales & Support Office



New Delhi

Global Office - Middle-East

United Arab Emirates



Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Intellect Data Systems

Some frequent questions that have been asked about Intellect Data Systems

The company headquarter of Intellect Data Systems is located in Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Intellect Data Systems has subsidiaries in India, United Arab Emirates

As of the latest available information Intellect Data Systems has around 251-500 employees worldwide.

Intellect Data Systems was founded in 1987

The company Intellect Data Systems has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Intellect Data Systems seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Intellect Data Systems

Check out some interesting alternative companies to Intellect Data Systems

Redcat's Logo


Melbourne, Australia

- Employees


We’re passionate about hospitality – we love the business and we love the people who run the businesses. They are delivered via a hybrid local/cloud backbone for a minimum IT footprint (and cost) in store. That’s why some of Australia’s best hospitality venues rely on our systems: multi award-winning restaurants, restaurant groups, cafés, bars, franchises, QSRs, and fast casual restaurants. We’ve provided thousands of businesses with the real-time visibility and control they need to make effective decisions and grow their business. Web ordering, Mobile App ordering, Table ordering, Kiosks, Drive Thru, and integration with Menulog, Deliveroo, Uber Eats, Google & DoorDash. Leading delivery solutions to suit the requirements of the ever-evolving hospitality industry - Fixed-Cost delivery, and direct integration with Uber Eats, Doordash, and Menulog. Central management of menus, omnichannel loyalty, online ordering, kiosks and delivery to serve your customers at every touchpoint.

bld Order's Logo

bld Order

Melbourne, Australia

1-10 Employees


Revolutionary, modern, powerful and incredibly flexible food ordering (dine-in, pickup and delivery) and table reservation (booking) platform using industry-leading technologies. You can set up pickup timetables, menus, conditions, fees, special offers, and more. Customers can order for delivery within a specific range of your store quickly and easily. Allow your customers to request a delivery service for now or later (pre-order). You can specify delivery timetables, locations/zones, costs/fees, and more with customisable rules and conditions. Easily manage all your food orders, delivery, customers’ information, payments, bookings, menus, business details and more. Our product integrations and business partnerships allow you to manage and boost bookings and online food ordering. The platform provides every function and integration you need to streamline and improve your operations and services - from a dine-in waiting list and table reservation to online food ordering, pickup and delivery.

stack-wizard's Logo


Zagreb, Croatia

11-50 Employees


We specialize in the intersection of hospitality and software development. We believe that combining these two industries can create exciting new opportunities for all-kind and all-size businesses, property owners, investors, and most importantly, guests.

Restaurantechs's Logo


London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


We are dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and support, ensuring that the restauarantechs platform is easy to use and fully functional. Our goal is to help your business thrive by improving service quality and customer satisfaction. Digital menus allow restaurants to provide, contactless ordering, enhance user experience through appealing graphics and organization, gain data-driven insights to optimize offerings, accommodate dietary needs, update in real-time, strategically upsell items, and establish a tech-forward brand. This innovative solution helps drive revenue and loyalty while future-proofing businesses. The Table App is a software-based tool designed to improve the efficiency of the restaurant and the customer service process. The waiter app is a part of the Table App software designed to assist the waiter in optimizing their work. The kitchen app is also a part of Restaurantechs, designed to receive orders directly from customers via the tablet. This app gives the kitchen staff more time to focus on food preparation, and it helps to ensure that customers receive their orders promptly.

LRSSA's Logo



1-10 Employees


Our mission is to empower restaurants with innovative technology that drives efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and unlock new possibilities. We are committed to revolutionizing the way restaurants operate, providing cutting-edge tools that streamline operations, improve service quality, and ultimately increase profitability. Our vision is to be a trusted and innovative partner for businesses, enabling them to maximize their sales potential, improve customer experiences, and ultimately achieve long-term success. Our goal is to improve operational efficiency, enhance customer experience, optimize inventory management, and enable data-driven decision-making to drive overall business success – Whilst continuously advancing technologically to meet the changing needs and preferences of businesses and customers. We are continuously evaluating and refining our strategies based on customer feedback and industry trends which are key to long-term success. Make your goals a reality with a comprehensive Point-of-Sale solution that includes hardware and software designed around the needs of your operation as it grows. Our unwavering dedication to delivering tailored, user-friendly solutions and exceptional customer support ensures that every restaurant we serve can thrive in the digital age. Offering excellent customer service and creating a positive experience for customers is something we hold to a high standard.

OptiTable Technology Limited's Logo

OptiTable Technology Limited

Sha Tin District, China

1-10 Employees


Increase covers, Optimze tables, Engage effectively with customers & Generate more profits with OptiTable. Easy to use Table Plan, All-in-one OptiHost information panel, Built-in CRM and Guest Database for Social Media Marketing. Built-in Artifical Intelliegence to eliminate your daily robust and routine task on table assignment with a single touch of "Auto Assign" button. What kind of cuisine provided in your restaurant?