Intensity Midstream LLC Logo

Intensity Midstream LLC

Ben May | Trace Midstream

Who is Intensity Midstream LLC?

Trace Midstream Partners was formed in 2017 with a focus on developing midstream infrastructure across North America and has been supported by multiple equity capital commitments from Quantum Capital Group since inception. We leverage our project development expertise and industry relationships to commercialize, construct, and operate assets across all phases of the midstream and CCS value chain. The track record of our team is driven by our ability to provide excellent customer service while operating in a safe and environmentally conscious manner. Josh Weber is a founder and Chief Executive Officer of Trace Midstream. Ben Beyer is a founder and Chief Financial Officer of Trace Midstream. David Dell’Osso is a founder of Trace Midstream II and its affiliate Trace Carbon Solutions. David serves as COO and is responsible for leading engineering and operations, geosciences, regulatory, and land management functions. Before Trace, David served as Chief Operating Officer of Parsley Energy, a leading public E&P company focused on developing assets in the core of the Permian Basin.

This company is:


Lindsay, United States

1-10 Employees



Support Activities for Mining
Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
Oil and gas exploration services


Natural Resources

Contact of Intensity Midstream LLC

City: Lindsay

State: Oklahoma

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Intensity Midstream LLC

The company Intensity Midstream LLC is located in Lindsay, Oklahoma, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Intensity Midstream LLC has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

The company Intensity Midstream LLC has it's main focus in the industries of Natural Resources

Competitors of Intensity Midstream LLC

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