Jacobs Joinery and Shopfitters Logo

Jacobs Joinery and Shopfitters

Who is Jacobs Joinery and Shopfitters?

We are proud to be able to provide our clients with a full turnkey solution, without losing that distinctive personal touch. Our ability to consistently deliver world-class service is supported by a carefully constructed system which strives for predictability in an industry which traditionally is deadline driven. Apart from the team’s crisp blue overalls to let you know we are on-site, all items are wrapped in protective wrapping and taped with the distinctive white and blue Jacobs branded tape… just another example of what sets us apart. Products are manufactured in our 4000 square metre Pietermaritzburg facility. Production equipment includes; CNC machines, powder-coating abilities, a CNC laser cutting machine and a full range of specialised shopfitting and joinery equipment. Jacobs Shopfitters has a substantial capacity to produce quality products on time. Our production facilities and installation teams are all geared to this reality. Jacobs is geared to deliver anywhere – especially for clients with ambitious roll out needs.

This company is:

Service provider

Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1992


Office Interiors
Bespoke Joinery
Ceilings and Partitions
Metal Work
Powder Coating
Shop and Office Fitting



Contact of Jacobs Joinery and Shopfitters

City: Pietermaritzburg

State: KwaZulu-Natal

Country: South Africa

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Jacobs Joinery and Shopfitters

The company Jacobs Joinery and Shopfitters is located in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Jacobs Joinery and Shopfitters has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Jacobs Joinery and Shopfitters was founded in 1992

The company Jacobs Joinery and Shopfitters has it's main focus in the industries of Construction

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Jacobs Joinery and Shopfitters seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Jacobs Joinery and Shopfitters

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