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Jeremias Inc. Logo

Jeremias Inc.

We develop and manufacture high temperature and high pressure exhaust solutions for domestic, commercial and industrial applications. We are saddened and deeply shocked by Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the Russian government's devastating attack on human rights and democratic values. Jeremias is one of the world`s leading manufacturers of flue and chimney systems for the exhaust of gases and ventilation, covering all kinds of domestic, commercial and industrial applications. Jeremias Group product range includes 100 different CE or UL certified systems covering commercial and domestic applications complimented by freestanding Industrial steel chimneys up to 13 feet in diameter. Jeremias offers its clients a wide range of high quality products, technical support for projects, and stack sizing software. One of the world`s leading manufacturers of flue and chimney systems for the exhaust of gases and ventilations. The Jeremias Group has more than 40 years of experience in flue and chimney production. The Jeremias Group is one of the world`s leading manufacturers with more than 40 years of experience in flue and chimney production.

Quick overview

Marietta, United States

Founded in 2014

51-100 Employees


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Working industry

Building Materials

Type of company


Ownership structure

Privately Held


1 Headquarter

Specialised areas

Commercial Exhaust Venting, Flue and Chimney Systems in Stainless Steel, Commercial and Industrial Boiler Exhaust, Generator/Engine Exhaust, Commercial Kitchen Exhaust- Grease Ducts, Building Materials

ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself


United States

Overall risk estimation:


ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Use Cases of Jeremias Inc.

Get insights into the use cases of Jeremias Inc.

UseCase: Heating Oil/Gas/Solid fuel | Jeremias® Exhaust Systems

Use case

Heating Oil/Gas/Solid fuel | Jeremias® Exhaust Systems

Heating Oil/Gas/Solid fuel | Everything is possible! | 25 years warranty! | We offer you the ideal exhaust system for any application. | SWKL-Vt | SWFL | SWCK | DWKL-Lt | DWKL-Vt | DWFL +1, +2, +3 and +4 | DWFL | DWFL-ZC Grease Duct | DWCK+1

UseCase: Condensing boilers | Jeremias® Exhaust Systems

Use case

Condensing boilers | Jeremias® Exhaust Systems

Condensing boilers | Energy efficient and environmentally friendly | 25 years warranty! | We offer you the ideal exhaust system for any application. | SWFL | SWGV | SWKL-Vt | DWGV | DWKL-Lt | DWKL-Vt | DWFL | DWFL +1, +2, +3 and +4 | DWFL-ZC Gas Vent | DWFL-ZC Grease Duct

Headquarter of Jeremias Inc.

Jeremias Inc. operates in 1 country around the world

City: Marietta

State: Georgia

Country: United States

Locations of Jeremias Inc.

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United States



Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Jeremias Inc.

Some frequent questions that have been asked about Jeremias Inc.

The company headquarter of Jeremias Inc. is located in Marietta, Georgia, United States. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information Jeremias Inc. has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Jeremias Inc. was founded in 2014

The company Jeremias Inc. has it's main focus in the industries of Building Materials

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Jeremias Inc. seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Jeremias Inc.

Check out some interesting alternative companies to Jeremias Inc.

Jeremias Group's Logo

Jeremias Group

Wassertrüdingen, Germany

1001-5000 Employees


We are saddened and deeply shocked by Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the Russian government's devastating attack on human rights and democratic values. Since the inception of the company, Jeremias-Group has continuously expanded its activities. Production locations in Germany, Poland, Russia, Spain, Czech Republic, UK and the United States are evidence of our healthy growth, entrepreneurial success and ambitious visions. Besides production and sales offices we also have more than 100 different CE mark systems for domestic and industrial applications as well as for free standing chimneys with a diameter up to 4 meters. A wide range of products, competent customer service and international certifications represent our technical innovation, creativity and spirit. We offer the best service to our customers worldwide, thanks to our 8 production sites, 6 subsidiaries and many sales partners worldwide. Since more than 40 years the manufacturer Jeremias GmbH stands for excellent quality in the area of exhaust systems. Today added to stainless steel chimneys (element construction) we have a lot more products in the offer of Jeremias GmbH.



Iurreta, Spain

11-50 Employees


Jeremias da respuesta a diversas aplicaciones, desde el tubo de chimenea para hogar o estufa de leña hasta una chimenea industrial autoportante para procesos siderúrgicos. Hoy en día, el grupo industrial Jeremias con 9 plantas de producción en 7 países diferentes en Europa y Estados Unidos, es el productor más grande del mundo de chimeneas modulares metálicas y chimeneas industriales autoportantes. Esta ubicación se ampliará en los próximos años como centro central para el grupo Jeremias.

Jeremias France's Logo

Jeremias France

Lentilly, France

11-50 Employees


Jeremias s'implante à Hoerdt pour un service de proximité. JEREMIAS a développé 3 gammes spécifiques pour la construction neuve ou la rénovation de logements collectifs utilisant l’ énergie Gaz . JEREMIAS vous invite à découvrir nos produits en tubage flexible ainsi que tous les accessoires de raccordement. Filiale d’un groupe allemand, JEREMIAS France possède deux sites de distribution sur deux régions centrales de l’hexagone : l’Île-de-France et la région lyonnaise. Le groupe Jeremias se place comme expert dans la fabrication de cheminées autostables au niveau européen. Poêle à bois Système : Conduit de raccordement acier 2mm noir matProduit : FERRO-LUX, Élément de finition design. Process industrielSystème : Conduit double paroi Produit : DW-KL. Quelques images de l’installation d’un conduit modulaire Jeremias, réalisée lors de la mise en place d’un groupe électrogène pour la LDLC Arena.

Schornsteinsysteme Paul Gmbh's Logo

Schornsteinsysteme Paul Gmbh

Riegelsberg, Germany

1-10 Employees


Firmenprofil Zielsetzung Produkte Service Anfragen Kontakt und Anreise Referenzen Ansprechpartner Impressum AGB/Datenschutz. Seit Sommer 2008 vertreiben wir lagerführend Schornsteinsysteme der Plewa-Schornsteintechnik und Heizsysteme GmbH als auch Edelstahlsysteme der Jeremias GmbH. Unsere Produktpalette umfasst alles, was Architekt, Bauherr oder Sanierer brauchen, um Schornsteine unterschiedlichster Art, zu errichten. Gerne werden wir in einem persönlichen Gespräch, Ihre Bedürfnisse und unsere Produkte zu einem gelungenen Schornsteinsystem zusammenführen.

JS ventilation's Logo

JS ventilation

Glostrup Municipality, Denmark

51-100 Employees


JS ventilation manufacture all kinds of sheet metal solutions as well as a comprehensive range of forging tasks and we strive to deliver first class craft. Experienced employees with expertise in service, trade and engineering contracts – and the use of strategic partners. JS ventilation ensures a healthy indoor environment and an efficient production.

Poujoulat UK Ltd's Logo

Poujoulat UK Ltd

Sydney, Australia

11-50 Employees


Poujoulat UK was created to supply Europe’s market-leading metal chimneys and pre-fabricated stacks directly to the United Kingdom, with the expansion of this market supported further by the Groups acquisition of our Guildford Head Office in 2006. Our products are of the highest standard and our team of professional staff will personally support you with everything from initial design, through to completion of your project. Being a leader gives us a great responsibility towards our employees, partners, our customers, but also society and the planet. This is why the whole of the Poujoulat Group is mobilized around the “Positive Relationships” project.