Kinetic Power Logo

Kinetic Power

Kinetic Energy Storage | KEST

Who is Kinetic Power?

Kinetic-Power - технологическая компания, предлагающая инновационную систему накопления и хранения энергии, имеющую более высокую мощность и число циклов разряд – заряд, чем любая существующая технология хранения на базе аккумуляторных батарей. Одна из самых доступных ($/кВт) на рынке благодаря высокой мощности, использованию доступных материалов и длительному сроку службы. Литографическая линия компании Kinetic-Power позволяет производить промышленные микропроцессоры широкого профиля.

This company is:


Tallinn, Estonia

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2011


Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing


Electronics and Electrical engineering

Use Cases of Kinetic Power


Applications | KEST | Kinetic Energy Storage

KEST has developed a unique superflywheel-based energy storage system with wide range of industrial applications including electrical grids and infrastructure...

Contact of Kinetic Power

City: Tallinn

State: Harju maakond

Country: Estonia

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Kinetic Power

The company Kinetic Power is located in Tallinn, Harju maakond, Estonia. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Kinetic Power has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Kinetic Power was founded in 2011

The company Kinetic Power has it's main focus in the industries of Electronics and Electrical engineering