Kraftblock engineers and builds plants to decarbonize high-temperature process heat in industries and the energy sector. The core of the plants is a high-temperature storage that can store heat up to 1,300°C for up to two weeks. It uses sustainable material specifically developed to provide a uniquely efficient heat storage. The storage can be charged by renewable power via power-to-heat elements, waste heat from industries or heat from CSP plants. The different modules allow a flexible operation in thermal processes and supply heat in every possible heat transfer medium to the factory's existing infrastructure. This way, industries and utilities can use renewable energy to decarbonize their processes and improve energy efficiency.
Sulzbach/Saar, Germany
Founded in 2014
11-50 Employees
Working industry
Environment, Disposal and Recycling, Computer Hardware, Oil, Energy and Gas, Research
Type of company
Service provider, Manufacturer
1 Headquarter
Specialised areas
energy storage, energy, heat, thermal energy , industries, utilities, wind , solar, steel, food
An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
Overall risk estimation:
Very low
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
View details operates in 1 country around the world
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Some frequent questions that have been asked about
Where is located?
The company headquarter of is located in Sulzbach/Saar, Saarland, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations
How many employees does approximately have?
As of the latest available information has around 11-50 employees worldwide.
When was founded? was founded in 2014
In which industries does mainly work?
The company has it's main focus in the industries of Environment, Disposal and Recycling, Computer Hardware, Oil, Energy and Gas, Research
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1414 Degrees
Adelaide, Australia
11-50 Employees
It provides high-temperature air output, up to 1000°C, coupled to the process via an energy recovery system. There are various opportunities for its application across the minerals processing and manufacturing industries –including the cement, alumina and iron and steel sectors. SiBox is the culmination of over a decade of research and development by 1414 Degrees in silicon based latent heat thermal energy storage. About 45% of the world’s energy-related emissions come from heat and Australian industry alone spends $8 billion annually on process heat. SiBox® is the culmination of over a decade of research and development by 1414 Degrees in silicon based latent heat thermal energy storage. SiBox can provide reliable, clean heat for industry. Our storage media has high energy storage density, which means it provides consistent high-temperature heat, with a smaller footprint, without need for constant power input – making it a cost-effective solution to replace fossil fuels. This is a requirement of minerals processing and manufacturing industries –including the cement, alumina and iron and steel sectors.
Skibo Energy
Pittsburgh, United States
1-10 Employees
Our goal is to enable the provision of low cost, non-polluting, and reliable electricity generation using inexpensive, ubiquitous materials including brick, concrete, insulation and carbon steel. Solving the storage piece will provide cost-efficient and accessible electricity for all - from a single household to utility scale electric grids. Our technology is modular and scalable with manufacturing flexibility designed for efficient construction and limited on-site effort.
TEXEL Energy Storage
1-10 Employees
Taking the right steps towards a fossil-free future has become a matter of both national and international security.”. Peak production of green energy occurs during midday, while the highest demand of energy occurs in the afternoon and evening. Today the energy systems are largely reliant on fossil fuels, leading to great vulnerability and enormous environmental impact. There is a constant effort to evaluate these opportunities, which include energy storage from heat to heat, energy storage from heat to a combination of heat and electricity (CHP), combustion and conversion to heat and electricity of various biofuels, wood pellets, wood chips, and waste gases, as well as the conversion of industrial waste heat into energy. It is designed to operate without consuming Earth's precious resources or rare earth minerals. Renowned for its scalability, this technology adeptly converts heat into electricity with high energy efficiency. The technology has an emission payback time of 15-45 days. TEXEL Energy was founded in Sweden but is built on global cooperation that extends across Europe, the USA, and Australia.
Brenmiller Energy
Drom HaSharon Regional Council, Israel
51-100 Employees
Brenmiller’s award-winning TES technology is a heat battery using crushed rocks to store high-temperature heat.. At Brenmiller Energy, we’re at the forefront of this revolution, offering cutting-edge sustainable heat technologies that not only meet today’s needs but also pave the way for a greener tomorrow. Founded in 2012, Brenmiller’s team has extensive experience in developing, manufacturing and deploying market-leading thermal energy technologies. Whenever heat is required, whilst charging or idle, Steam or hot air is delivered in stable temperature and pressure. Whenever heat is required, whilst charging or idle, Steam or hot air is delivered in stable temperature and pressure.
Solar Tomorrow
Mississauga, Canada
1-10 Employees
We are specialists in building-integrated energy solutions capturing and storing thermal energy to help building owners achieve zero carbon emissions. Construction of Zero Carbon Emission Buildings and de-carbonization of heat intensive industrial processes. Mar 14, 2014 Solar Tomorrow Offers Cutting Edge Technology.
SolEngCo GmbH
Waiblingen, Germany
1-10 Employees
SolEngCo has the experience and references with molten salt energy storage and is ready to assist owners of coal power plants to save the jobs and the investments, to secure the electricity supply and to protect the climate. Molten salt energy storage has been operated successfully for over ten years in most of the 5,000 MWe concentrated solar power (CSP) plants worldwide; the technology is proven and readily available to convert coal fired power plants to storage power plants. The prototype of the H2/O2 steam generator delivered the full power of 40 MWth within one second.