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Kumaran Systems Logo

Kumaran Systems

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Kumaran Systems is an established IT company with 30 years of experience. We specialize in modernizing legacy software and have completed over 2000 projects. We also offer cloud services, app development, ongoing support, and data analysis. We've worked with big global companies for decades, building strong, lasting partnerships. Kumaran Systems is known for its innovative solutions and commitment to customer satisfaction, making it a trusted leader in the IT world.

Quick overview

Menlo Park, United States

Founded in 1990

251-500 Employees


Additional information

Working industry

IT, Software and Services

Type of company

Service provider


1 Headquarter

Specialised areas

legacy application modernization, mainframe modernization, oracle forms modernization, powerbuilder modernization, cloud computing services, application development, application maintenance

ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself


United States

Overall risk estimation:


ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Headquarter of Kumaran Systems

Kumaran Systems operates in 1 country around the world

City: Menlo Park

State: California

Country: United States

Locations of Kumaran Systems

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United States


Menlo Park

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Kumaran Systems

Some frequent questions that have been asked about Kumaran Systems

The company headquarter of Kumaran Systems is located in Menlo Park, California, United States. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information Kumaran Systems has around 251-500 employees worldwide.

Kumaran Systems was founded in 1990

The company Kumaran Systems has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Kumaran Systems seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Kumaran Systems

Check out some interesting alternative companies to Kumaran Systems

Kumowiz Technologies's Logo

Kumowiz Technologies

Pune, India

51-100 Employees


Kumowiz Technologies, is a global product engineering company with services around. Our expertise on modern technologies and understanding of business help deliver and drive business for our customers globally.

Kreyon Systems Pvt Ltd's Logo

Kreyon Systems Pvt Ltd

Jabalpur, India

11-50 Employees


Ltd. is a Global Software Company with rich experience of working with clients in US, UK, Australia, Japan & Africa. Kreyon Systems offers an in-depth experience in business process automations for various sectors like Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail, Education, Gas, Power, banking & finance etc. The company has earned reputed clientele with projects like JICA Finance software for MPPTCL with funding of more than US$200mln & managed assets of more than US$1bln. Kreyon Systems has an impressive product portfolio and is focused on innovative products in the area of Enterprise software’s with the best in class technology leveraging the high end expertise in Mobile, cloud & analytics computing. Kreyon Systems offers end to end software solutions & IT consultancy to various organisations for optimisation of business processes & growth.

Zemusi Tech Solutions's Logo

Zemusi Tech Solutions

Bhubaneshwar, India

11-50 Employees


We are one of the inaugurals in the progressive idea in information technology. We are strongly dedicated to giving predictable quality in all parts of our deliverables. Our mission is to deliver optimal solutions with quality and services at reasonable prices. We are very friendly in our dealings to the customers and it helps us retain existing clients and expand customer circle. We are fortunate enough to be connected to such clients, who have given their valuable time and shown interest to avail our services and deal for our products. Ramesh comes with over 16 years of experience in Business Management, Global IT Sourcing, Large Scale Program Management and Software Development. Ramesh has successfully implemented several programs focusing on innovations in service delivery, project and program management excellence, continuous improvement and operational excellence. We give complete applications management to the packages of ERP and CRM and offer an assortment of extra data centre administrations to compliment them.

Ksoft Systems Inc.'s Logo

Ksoft Systems Inc.

Marlboro, United States

51-100 Employees


We're here to help you cut costs, focus on your core business, and nimbly respond to growth opportunities. Insights developed since our founding in 1996, through countless hours of client services provided by our stellar consultant team. All benefiting from our lifecycle IT solutions, delivered through processes which are at par with CMMI Level 3. In addition, the fully owned Global Delivery Centre with over 400 consultants and engineers operates in Hyderabad, India. KSoft Systems is a fully owned subsidiary of Virinchi Technologies Ltd, a public listed IT products and services company with over 400 engineers and consultants with an industry-wide experience, deep technology expertise, a comprehensive portfolio of services and a vertically aligned business model. KSoft Systems has been a vital IT service provider for the implementation of multiple Virinchi products across industries. The flagship product – QFund – is the Global Market Leading ERP product for the Short Term Lending Industry and has been implemented successfully over 10,000 stores across North America managing over $15 bn short term loan at any point of time. Beyond offering services to the in-house Virinchi product suite, the KSoft Consultants have served multiple industries for Industrial Financier, Banking, Health-Care etc.

Insync Tech Solutions's Logo

Insync Tech Solutions

Kochi, India

1-10 Employees


We are a software development company, leader in IT consulting, custom software development, testing, and UX/UI design. Our mission is to enhancing the business growth of our customers with creative Design and Development to deliver market-defining high-quality solutions that create value and reliable competitive advantage for our clients around the world. Our vision guides our business every day: to provide the world with the best IT consulting and software development services in Kochi while taking care of our people and honoring our values. We are a seasoned team of software developers, UX designers, quality engineers, and product managers who love solving hard problems in simple, elegant, and scalable ways. For the last 12 years, we have offered world-class services in IT consulting, NEARSHORE & OFFSHORE custom software development services, testing, and user interface design. Located in Cochin India, we have worked hard and smart to reach where we are today with a passion to create wonders with technology. We believe in using technology for social cause. We offer discounted rates for non profits and projects that involves socially relevant issues, social injustices or education.



Chennai, India

11-50 Employees


We are a Chennai-based IT solution provider that specializes in offering technology solutions and services to enterprises and startups across various industries. Our vision is to empower businesses to harness emerging digital technologies, fostering stronger competencies and embracing growth possibilities in the ever-changing digital era. As your partner, we provide expert consulting to enhance your vision and deliver tailor-made, secure, and decentralized software solutions. We extend our expertise across domains such as Entertainment, Manufacturing, Automobile, Mining, Logistics, and Healthcare. We're your partners in the realm of digital transformation, dedicated to seamlessly incorporating technology into your business functions. Backed by more than ten years of experience, Kirshi is making waves in the business world, strengthened by our loyal clients who've been with us all along. Thriving on fresh ideas and enhanced strategies, we empower our clients with innovative solutions that reshape and elevate their businesses. Recognizing that collaboration drives superior solutions, we embrace teamwork built on relationships, respect, and harmonious interaction – with both colleagues and clients.