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Legaltap AI

Legaltap (LT)

Who is Legaltap AI?

Legaltap delivers solutions co-developed with legal experts, ensuring a specialised focus on problem-solving and promising seamless integration into lawyers’ daily legal practice. Legaltap streamlines the most significant processes across the legal domain, meeting the distinct needs of each legal practitioner. Legaltap’s integrated platform enhances efficiency by tackling issues like time management, client communication, and regulatory compliance, aiding solicitors and legal executives in delivering quality service while balancing work-life demands. Legaltap also lets you save your research, annotate documents, and share findings easily with your client. Legaltap can streamline the workflow for barristers and pupils, by offering digital case management and interactive tools, it helps manage documentation, deadlines, and case preparation, ensuring nothing is missed. Legaltap’s technology can also aid in professional development and collaboration, crucial for ensuring a growing practice. Legaltap quickly organises the bundle into a clear timeline of events and documents. Legaltap also tracks your preparation progress, ensuring you’re fully prepared and confident for the courtroom.

This company is:


London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2023

Products & services of Legaltap AI

Product Legal Insights – Legaltap (LT) image


Legal Insights – Legaltap (LT)

Legal Insights | Add Your Heading Text Here | AI Draft | Transforming Data Into Decisive Legal Strategies. | AI Summarize | Summarize Contracts And Clauses In A Matter Of Seconds. | Legal Data Analysis, Redefined | Access & Aggregate | Set Your Parameters | AI-Driven Analysis | 1M+ Contracts Handled | Learn More About Legal Insights | Take Your Legal Practice Into A New Frontier | Company | Product | Resources | Legaltap | Join our growing community! | We Help To Grow Fast, So Get Started | Set Guardrails For Your Drafting | Draft Contract Language Instantly | Revise And Refine Clauses | Summarize Whole Contracts | Summarize Individual Clauses | Instantly Share With Teams | INNOVATION | ACCURACY | SPEED | [email protected]

Product AI-Powered Legal Search Engine – Legaltap (LT) image


AI-Powered Legal Search Engine – Legaltap (LT)

Say Hello To Your Legal AI Assistant | Add Your Heading Text Here | AI Draft | Create And Amend Contracts With Help From Powerful AI. | AI Summarize | Summarize Contracts And Clauses In A Matter Of Seconds. | Lawyer-Grade Security As Standard | Privacy Assurance | SOC2 Type 2 Compliance | Segregated Data | 1M+ Contracts Handled | Learn More About AI-Powered Legal Search | Take Your Legal Practice Into A New Frontier | Company | Product | Resources | Legaltap | Join our growing community! | We Help To Grow Fast, So Get Started | Set Guardrails For Your Drafting | Revise And Refine Clauses | Draft Contract Language Instantly | Summarize Whole Contracts | Summarize Individual Clauses | Instantly Share With Teams | INNOVATION | ACCURACY | SPEED | [email protected]

Product Document Generation & Drafting – Legaltap (LT) image


Document Generation & Drafting – Legaltap (LT)

Document Generation & Drafting | Add Your Heading Text Here | AI Draft | Empowering Legal Drafting Through Advanced AI. | AI Summarize | Summarize Contracts And Clauses In A Matter Of Seconds. | Your Drafting Assistant, Just A Click Away. | Select A Starting Point | AI Analysis | Word Integration | 1M+ Contracts Handled | Learn More About AI Document Generation And Drafting | Take Your Legal Practice Into A New Frontier | Company | Product | Resources | Legaltap | Join our growing community! | We Help To Grow Fast, So Get Started | Set Guardrails For Your Drafting | Draft Contract Language Instantly | Revise And Refine Clauses | Summarize Whole Contracts | Summarize Individual Clauses | Instantly Share With Teams | INNOVATION | ACCURACY | SPEED | [email protected]

View all products


Law Practice


Financial Services

Contact of Legaltap AI

City: London

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Legaltap AI

The company Legaltap AI is located in London, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Legaltap AI has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Legaltap AI was founded in 2023

The company Legaltap AI has it's main focus in the industries of Financial Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Legaltap AI seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change