We are relentless and tenacious in the pursuit of quality and innovation in all we do. We are committed to simplifying processes, systems, and tools to make work enjoyable, satisfying, and productive in a respectful and inclusive environment. Our goal is to discover new and improved approaches to work within GP, for our clients, and in the marketplace, and to celebrate these advancements. Your future is defined by HOW your workforce executes on your vision, strategies, and tactics. That is why talent and organisation transformation is our core deliverable. They are our not-so-secret power, at your service. That is why Performance Improvement is our second core deliverable. They are our secret weapon, at your service.
London, United Kingdom
51-100 Employees
Working industry
Type of company
Manufacturer, Service provider
Ownership structure
Public Company
1 Headquarter
Number of products
16 Products
Specialised areas
Learning, E-Learning, Instructor Led Training, Instructional Design, Subject Matter Expertise
LEO GRC offers a wide range of products and services
Career Development Solutions | GP Strategies
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Training Technologies | Workforce Technologies | GP Strategies
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Leadership Development Services & Solutions | GP Strategies
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Technical Training | GP Strategies
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Employee Engagement Survey Solutions - GP Strategies
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Managed Learning & Outsourced Training Services | GP Strategies
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Corporate Learning Solutions & Services | GP Strategies
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Technical Engineering Services | GP Strategies
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An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
United Kingdom
Overall risk estimation:
Very low
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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LEO GRC operates in 1 country around the world
Get an overview of the locations of LEO GRC
United Kingdom
Some frequent questions that have been asked about LEO GRC
Where is LEO GRC located?
The company headquarter of LEO GRC is located in London, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations
How many employees does LEO GRC approximately have?
As of the latest available information LEO GRC has around 51-100 employees worldwide.
In which industries does LEO GRC mainly work?
The company LEO GRC has it's main focus in the industries of Education
What is the current company status of LEO GRC?
Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company LEO GRC seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change
Check out some interesting alternative companies to LEO GRC
London, United Kingdom
51-100 Employees
We are relentless and tenacious in the pursuit of quality and innovation in all we do. We are committed to simplifying processes, systems, and tools to make work enjoyable, satisfying, and productive in a respectful and inclusive environment. Our goal is to discover new and improved approaches to work within GP, for our clients, and in the marketplace, and to celebrate these advancements. Your future is defined by HOW your workforce executes on your vision, strategies, and tactics. That is why talent and organisation transformation is our core deliverable. They are our not-so-secret power, at your service. That is why Performance Improvement is our second core deliverable. They are our secret weapon, at your service.
GP Strategies
Columbia, United States
1001-5000 Employees
From our global experience working across thousands of projects and initiatives over the past 55 years, we’ve learned that relationships, business, work, innovation, strategy, and transformation are all about people. And, to put it simply, GP Strategies is about our people—an extensive global network of learning experts—supporting your people so that you can bring value to your workforce and your customers, stakeholders, and communities. The world in which you compete and your people learn and perform is changing faster and more profoundly than ever before, and it isn’t going to slow down or become simpler in the future. Your future is defined by HOW your workforce executes on your vision, strategies, and tactics. Your business needs the right people, processes, technologies, and leadership to gain and keep competitive advantage.
Yellow Seed Consulting
Johannesburg, South Africa
11-50 Employees
We are committed to understanding our clients’ wants, needs and viewpoints with respect, integrity and dignity. We are generous, servant-oriented and focused on empowering others … always! We are fast-paced, but we understand the importance of slowing down for reflection and collaboration to ensure optimal performance. We bring innovative solutions to organisations that are ready to modernise their human capital processes and systems. We want to make the world a better place through innovative, employee-centric human capital solutions. Our single-minded mission is to dedicate our behavioural science expertise, modern technology, digital design capability and deep organisational understanding to help our clients build agile working environments that allow employees to grow, thrive and significantly contribute to their environments. Implicit in our performance-driven culture is the demand for innovation across all areas of our business, and especially in helping clients find innovative solutions to complex human capital challenges. We iterate, experiment and are passionate about bringing a creative flair to everything we do.
Dynamic Results LLC
San Francisco, United States
11-50 Employees
Our mission is to help organizations achieve extraordinary results and unleash the superpowers of their people to create a strong competitive edge. We are dedicated to helping you execute your business strategy by quickly aligning your people, culture, and goals. We are focused on building a strong, trusting partnership. We are practitioners, thought leaders, and former clients with expertise in a variety of industries. We are committed to you through every step of the process. We are better leaders than we were two days ago. For more than 20 years, we’ve used our innovative, proprietary, proven processes to help organizations realize their competitive advantage. Our proven process is designed to flex to accommodate the constant change that is the norm in today’s world of work.
IES Ltd - Everything DiSC UK Partners
London, United Kingdom
1-10 Employees
We are committed to catalysing positive transformation within organisations, fostering a culture of innovation, and enabling our clients to not only achieve their business objectives but also create enduring, meaningful impact in their communities and industries. Our mission is to be the trusted partner that propels forward-thinking leaders toward greater success, making their journey to excellence both seamless and rewarding. Excellence and Results We are driven by excellence and results. Passion and Performance Our goal is to build high-performing teams. Culture within an organisation is a powerful yet invisible force that shapes how people work together. We believe that embracing problem solving is the key to continuous improvement, and we’re always looking for opportunities to grow these skills in ourselves, our teammates, and our clients. Lead with Experience We believe in walking the walk. That’s why we’re committed to being honest, transparent, and authentic with everyone we work with—our clients, our partners, and each other.
Gdańsk, Poland
1-10 Employees
Our vision is to revolutionize the GBS industry by creating sustainable and fulfilling job opportunities for all. Join us in our mission to build a brighter future for the GBS industry, one job at a time. We are committed to delivering the best solutions for every client, every time. We are committed to creating clarity and enabling progress through the principle of simplicity. We are committed to helping GBS leaders unlock their full potential and achieve their goals. We are on the brink of a technological revolution that is set to redefine our industry – the advent of Generative AI. Our services include Business Strategy Consulting, Business Process Optimization, and Business Transformation Consulting. We are good at coming up with new ideas and finding different ways to solve problems.