At LMS Energy (LMS), we believe in preserving our planet and environment for generations to come. To achieve this, LMS captures methane generated by waste and utilises it to create renewable energy (bioenergy). LMS leads the industry in this field and is responsible for destroying methane across the majority of the country’s landfill sites. LMS owns and operates more than 60 biogas projects (90MW of installed capacity) across Australia, New Zealand and the United States. Each year, LMS sites collectively generate 600,000 megawatt hours of baseload renewable energy (enough to power 100,000 homes each day), while abating more than four million tonnes of carbon (CO2e) from entering the Earth’s atmosphere. LMS Energy believes a sustainable future requires the world to transition away from a ‘take, make, use and dispose’ economy towards a circular approach, where resources are valued and retained for as long as possible, waste and pollution are avoided, and nature regeneration is supported. Each year, LMS projects recover more than one million tonnes of contaminated organic waste and repurpose this waste into a valuable source of renewable energy, helping to power our communities. LMS is also actively developing a range of technologies to support the transition to a Circular Economy.LMS is working hard to help reduce the environmental impact of waste, while supplying Australians with secure, affordable, clean energy.
City of Unley, Australia
Founded in 1993
101-250 Employees
Working industry
Oil, Energy and Gas
Type of company
Service provider, Manufacturer
Ownership structure
Privately Held
3 Locations
Specialised areas
Holding companies, , Electric services, biogas innovation, renewable energy, Utilities, landfill biogas, Landfill Gas-to-Energy, Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, power generation, flaring
An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
Overall risk estimation:
Very low
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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LMS ENERGY PTY LTD operates in 1 country around the world
Get an overview of the locations of LMS ENERGY PTY LTD
South Australia
City of Unley
Cleveland Office
Greater Brisbane
Prospect Manufacturing Facility
South Australia
City of Prospect
Some frequent questions that have been asked about LMS ENERGY PTY LTD
Where is LMS ENERGY PTY LTD located?
The company headquarter of LMS ENERGY PTY LTD is located in City of Unley, South Australia, Australia. LMS ENERGY PTY LTD has subsidiaries in Australia
How many employees does LMS ENERGY PTY LTD approximately have?
As of the latest available information LMS ENERGY PTY LTD has around 101-250 employees worldwide.
When was LMS ENERGY PTY LTD founded?
LMS ENERGY PTY LTD was founded in 1993
In which industries does LMS ENERGY PTY LTD mainly work?
The company LMS ENERGY PTY LTD has it's main focus in the industries of Oil, Energy and Gas
What is the current company status of LMS ENERGY PTY LTD?
Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company LMS ENERGY PTY LTD seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change
Check out some interesting alternative companies to LMS ENERGY PTY LTD
Greater Brisbane, Australia
1-10 Employees
Established in 2009, LGI is a 100% Australian based and operated leader in carbon abatement that’s committed to a clean energy and zero-carbon future. Our vision is to be people engineering a clean energy, zero carbon future, by achieving our mission of expediting the transition to renewables by delivering clean energy and lower carbon solutions, reliably, effectively, commercially for our customers. We are guided by our Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) principles. LGI are proud sponsors of Beyond Blue, Movember and Mullet for Mental Health. LGI has a proven track record of providing innovative, commercial solutions for landfill owners and operators. We are developing our platform to integrate with energy storage batteries, synergistic solar and/or green gas (bio-methane). LGI ‘s own operations are carbon neutral and we are pursuing actions to further reduce our carbon footprint to become net zero as soon as possible. LGI owns and maintains all equipment needed, including a drill rig, to supply quality outcomes for customers.
LMS ENERGY -LED Lighting Solar Electrical & EV Charging Services
Milwaukee, United States
11-50 Employees
LMS ENERGY provides comprehensive interior and exterior solutions for our commercial and industrial customers. LMS SIGN provides design help based on existing regulations as well as fabrication and installation of your new signs. LMS ELECTRIC provides complete commercial and residential service for new or existing buildings. We specialize in design, fabrication and installation of all types of commercial awnings and canopies! LMS ENERGY will provide you with initial survey and consultation to ensure the optimal design of your solar PV system. We partnered with world’s leading manufacturers to offer the best, SMART stations available on the market today. Our technicians are experts in their trade and will provide you with honest and reliable service!
LM Renewables
Maidstone, United Kingdom
1-10 Employees
We are passionate about providing innovative technology to ensure your satisfaction – so investing in an LM Renewables’ solution means you can trust us to deliver on our promise and power your life with clean, sustainable energy. At LM Renewables, we are passionate about providing an effective and permanent Renewable energy or sustainable Energy Systems solution to any requirements. Our approach is simple: to deliver a tailored and cost-efficient system that is designed to meet each individual’s needs, maybe you want to change your heating and hot water system, maybe you simply want to put a heater in your box room, whichever it is we can help. As the world looks for ways to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels, renewable energy systems are an attractive option.The burning of fossil fuels to heat our homes and our water accounts for 13% of the UKs total carbon emissions, the only way to meet net zero by 2050 we must find a better way Our focus and energy is on supplying the most technically advanced, environmentally friendly and energy efficient products currently available.We are here to help our clients who wish to join us and reduce their carbon footprint which in turn will have the added benefit of lower energy billsWe offer top-of-the line equipment at affordable prices so your home or business can be as green as possible.
Melbourne, Australia
1-10 Employees
We provide the community with a green source of energy and an alternative to the current harmful waste management practices. Stephen is the founding director of a new company OSMI Australia, a Wind Energy development business. Craig has over 20 years’ international expertise in the energy industry, including both private and government senior business development roles. Recovered Energy Australia is committed to converting household waste into a source of clean power. Waste to energy gasification technology offers a viable alternative to other high emission waste disposal options. Recovered Energy Australia is committed to a better solution for managing waste. That’s why Recovered Energy Australia offers an environmental solution that creates a more livable world not only for now but for our children and for generations to come. To be part of the solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by deploying the most efficient and green energy conversion technologies available.
Liquid Measurement Systems
Milton, United States
11-50 Employees
At LMS, our mission is to design and build the best in-industry measurement solutions. We are committed to the superior safety, quality, and accuracy of our products, and to working with our customers to achieve their objectives. Engagement – We are fully engaged in the success of our partners, customers, suppliers, end-users, and stakeholders. Excellence – We are committed to excellence in everything we do. Teamwork – We are accountable and supportive of one another. Commercial Fixed Wing & Rotorcraft, where we leverage our expertise in military auxiliary fuel gauging systems to win new customers and evolve into the exciting hybrid-electric and unmanned aerial vehicle market sectors. LMS is dedicated to protecting the environment, our employees, and our community by continually seeking new ways to improve our environmental business practices. The Department of State has determined through a commodity jurisdiction, that our products are dual use for both military and commercial applications and are under the jurisdiction of Department of Commerce (Export Administration Regulation).
Green Create
London, United Kingdom
11-50 Employees
Our mission is to treat and derive tangible value from large agricultural’s and industrial’s otherwise neglected waste streams. We are committed to operating our plants as optimal and efficient as possible whilst adhering to the best industry standards on health and safety and environmental regulations. Our goal is to contribute to the global mission to reduce carbon emissions from transport fuels and energy production. We produce biogas that we upgrade into many useful energy forms, such as biomethane, bio LNG and renewable energy. Our development team is geared to take a plant from inception through commissioning to set up our operational arm for success. We focus on automating and streamlining our data extraction and reporting to accurately measure ongoing operational inefficiencies and compare our data between our various plants to increase our operations standards across our portfolio. Green Create has proven that there is an affordable and eco-innovative solution to derive value from waste. Green Create’s biomethane and bio LNG fuels help to provide the necessary offset to meet obligations for global carbon emission reduction goals.