Lucent Ind. Manufacturing Ltd. Logo

Lucent Ind. Manufacturing Ltd.

Customized CNC Turning Parts | Tooling Automation & Assembly

Who is Lucent Ind. Manufacturing Ltd.?

We are specialized in manufacturing custom-made precision Machining Components, Casting Parts, Hardware, Plastic Mold Design & Build and also Production. We are specialized in producing different type of precision parts for our customers. We are very satisfied about the result and experience working with Lucent. We offer a wide range of manufacturing solutions, including machining, casting, forging, stamping and molding. They will submit detailed manufacturing solution regarding different product’s characteristics. At each manufacturing stage, our engineers work with the operation team to ensure quality control procedures are properly implemented and the specification is 100% in compliance. We have one quality control team which is built up by rich experienced QC & QA. Make sure every product is under customer’s requirement before reaching customers.

This company is:


Shenzhen, China

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 2010

Products & services of Lucent Ind. Manufacturing Ltd.

Product Plastic Molding & Prototyping – Customized CNC Turning Parts | Tooling Automation & Assembly image


Plastic Molding & Prototyping – Customized CNC Turning Parts | Tooling Automation & Assembly

Plastic Molding & Prototyping

Product Precision Machining – Customized CNC Turning Parts | Tooling Automation & Assembly image


Precision Machining – Customized CNC Turning Parts | Tooling Automation & Assembly

Precision Machining

Product Assembling – Customized CNC Turning Parts | Tooling Automation & Assembly image


Assembling – Customized CNC Turning Parts | Tooling Automation & Assembly


View all products


CNC Machining
Swiss Machining
Die Casting
Investment Casting
Plastic Molding & Prototyping
Sheet Metal


Machinery Manufacturing

Contact of Lucent Ind. Manufacturing Ltd.

City: Shenzhen

State: Guangdong Province

Country: China

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Lucent Ind. Manufacturing Ltd.

The company Lucent Ind. Manufacturing Ltd. is located in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Lucent Ind. Manufacturing Ltd. has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Lucent Ind. Manufacturing Ltd. was founded in 2010

The company Lucent Ind. Manufacturing Ltd. has it's main focus in the industries of Machinery Manufacturing

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Lucent Ind. Manufacturing Ltd. seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change