LV Lending Logo

LV Lending

Who is LV Lending?

Our goal is to close every time, on time. We provide fast and creative solutions for investors and real estate owners in need of immediate funding, and for those who do not wish to be exposed to the lengthy application process with conventional lenders. We are not about a single transaction, we are about building long term successful partnership. We are an alternative co-investments platform conformed by a team of trusted professionals dedicated to building great long-term partnerships that allow us to connect good people with opportunities different from those available in the traditional markets and ofered to investors, institutions, partners and the Linkvest Team. In 2015 LV Lending is founded as a Miami-based private lender registered in the state of Florida; focused on bridge loans for commercial and residential investment properties and developments. This corporate philosophy is fundamentally grounded in building solid long-term partnerships with our clients, providers, borrowers and investors. The quality of our network is a guarantee to its members that those who make it up are people or entities that share our ethical and moral principles. At LV Development, Camilo establishes partnerships with respected and experienced developers with a focus on multifamily and mixed-use properties.

This company is:


Miami, United States

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2015


Financial Services


Financial Services

Contact of LV Lending

City: Miami

State: Florida

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about LV Lending

The company LV Lending is located in Miami, Florida, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information LV Lending has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

LV Lending was founded in 2015

The company LV Lending has it's main focus in the industries of Financial Services

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