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MEGAMAN® is a global brand to have exclusively provided energy-efficient lighting products throughout its lifetime. MEGAMAN® is recognised around the world as a provider of energy-saving lighting solutions that make a positive difference to the quality of life. MEGAMAN® - The light that lights up the world in a sustainable and socially responsible way. MEGAMAN® Launches Dual Beam Technology – Two Beam Angles in One Luminaire. MEGAMAN® TEGO 2 integrated LED downlight comes with the Dual Beam Technology. MEGAMAN® Radar Motion Sensor Lightwith a combination of daylight sensors and motion detection. Light’s power is in its ability to provide a dynamic focus in an ever-changing universe. It provides quality time for music concerts, theatre performances and evening football games.

Quick overview


Founded in 1992

51-100 Employees


Additional information

Working industry

Electronics and Electrical engineering

Type of company

Service provider, Manufacturer

Ownership structure

Privately Held


1 Headquarter

Number of products

16 Products

Specialised areas

Lighting, LED, Smart Lighting, CFL, Eco-lighting Solution, Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing

Products & services of MEGAMAN LIGHTING

MEGAMAN LIGHTING offers a wide range of products and services

Product: MEGAMAN | LED Lamps, Light Bulb, Energy-efficient Lighting


MEGAMAN | LED Lamps, Light Bulb, Energy-efficient Lighting

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Product: MEGAMAN | INFINITE Smart Lighting



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Product: MEGAMAN | Indoor Luminaires - LED Bulkhead | Integrated LED Fixtures, General Lighting


MEGAMAN | Indoor Luminaires - LED Bulkhead | Integrated LED Fixtures, General Lighting

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Product: MEGAMAN | Outdoor Luminaires - LED Surface and Spike Mounted Fixtures | Fixtures


MEGAMAN | Outdoor Luminaires - LED Surface and Spike Mounted Fixtures | Fixtures

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Product: MEGAMAN | Indoor Luminaires - Emergency |


MEGAMAN | Indoor Luminaires - Emergency |

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Product: MEGAMAN | Indoor Luminaires - Emergency |


MEGAMAN | Indoor Luminaires - Emergency |

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Product: MEGAMAN | Indoor Luminaires - Emergency |


MEGAMAN | Indoor Luminaires - Emergency |

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Product: MEGAMAN | TECOH Components | LED Modules, LED Light Engines, Zhaga, OEM


MEGAMAN | TECOH Components | LED Modules, LED Light Engines, Zhaga, OEM

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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:


ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Get insights into the use cases of MEGAMAN LIGHTING

UseCase: MEGAMAN | Worldwide Lighting Projects | LED, CFL, Successful Case Studies

Use case

MEGAMAN | Worldwide Lighting Projects | LED, CFL, Successful Case Studies

Lamps | Luminaires | Smart Lighting | TECOH® Components | Others | Hospitality | Retail | Residential | Commercial | Special Application | LED Lamps | Indoor | Outdoor | Emergency | Infinite IoT Lighting | INGENIUM® ZB | LED Modules | Sensors | LED Converters & Transformers | Relays | Switches | PRIVACY PREFERENCE CENTER | Essential | Marketing | Performance | Email to Friend

UseCase: MEGAMAN | Hospitality Lighting Projects | Successful Case Studies, Hotel Lighting, Food Display, Café & Bar Lighting

Use case

MEGAMAN | Hospitality Lighting Projects | Successful Case Studies, Hotel Lighting, Food Display, Café & Bar Lighting

Lamps | Luminaires | Smart Lighting | TECOH® Components | Others | LED Lamps | Indoor | Outdoor | Emergency | Infinite IoT Lighting | INGENIUM® ZB | LED Modules | Sensors | LED Converters & Transformers | Relays | Switches | Langham Hotel | Moon Bay Chinese Restaurant | ALTO | Croke Park | Saint Pauls House Hotel | Zurriola | Ponte 16 | Éclectic | Grand Casino Lucerne | Forsthofalm Hotel | Pamper Your Guests with Luxurious Comfort | PRIVACY PREFERENCE CENTER | Essential | Marketing | Performance | Email to Friend


MEGAMAN LIGHTING operates in 1 country around the world

City: -

State: Hong Kong

Country: China


Get an overview of the locations of MEGAMAN LIGHTING







Hong Kong


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about MEGAMAN LIGHTING

Some frequent questions that have been asked about MEGAMAN LIGHTING

The company headquarter of MEGAMAN LIGHTING is located in Hong Kong, China. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information MEGAMAN LIGHTING has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

MEGAMAN LIGHTING was founded in 1992

The company MEGAMAN LIGHTING has it's main focus in the industries of Electronics and Electrical engineering

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company MEGAMAN LIGHTING seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change


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Megaman Nederland

Almere, Netherlands

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De unieke MKG MEGAMAN garantie, garandeert dat het geïnstalleerde MEGAMAN product de gespecificeerde branduren en dus ook de bijbehorende besparing in euro gaat realiseren. MEGAMAN® stelt zich ten doel licht te verschaffen op een wijze die werkelijk duurzaam , energiebesparend en van een zodanige kwaliteit is, dat het een positief verschil uitmaakt in de levens van eenieder die de innovatieve LED producten van ons gebruikt.

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Greater Brisbane, Australia

11-50 Employees


Megabay are committed to developing LED luminaires to meet the long-term reliability and energy efficiency demands of the modern world. Megabay are part of the FOS Lighting Group. Megabay is Australia’s premier manufacturer of LED luminaires at the forefront of innovation. With product ranges that embrace the advantages of LED technology, we provide advanced lighting solutions for architectural and exterior illumination. FOS Lighting is the company behind Australia’s most innovative and comprehensive group of lighting brands. Keep up to date with everything happening at Megabay. Sit back and enjoy the show, our new product videos tell a story with clarity and simplicity.

Megalight Systems Oy's Logo

Megalight Systems Oy

Kaarina, Finland

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Our mission has always been to offer durable, functional and effortless worksite lighting solutions for our clients. Megalight Systems, based in Kaarina, Finland, has designed and manufactured worksite illumination systems for over 30 years. By listening to our users’ needs and learning from their experiences, we are constantly improving energy efficiency, durability and effectiveness of our products. Over 60% of our production is exported, mainly in Europe. Megalight products are designed and manufactured in Finland.

magineer's Logo


Weiterstadt, Germany

1-10 Employees


We develop and produce the LED lighting systems you need, exactly to your specific requirements.. Magineer, our preferred partner, has improved the efficiency and durability of our installations thanks to their high-quality luminaires and technical expertise. Magineer is a reliable partner and we highly recommend their luminaires for high-performance, long-lasting lighting solutions. The story begins with the planning, development and production of diagnostic software for the automotive sector. We established our second site in Darmstadt, Germany, strengthening our presence and expertise in cutting-edge lighting. Our history in Europe blossomed in 2017 with the creation of Magineer Lighting GmbH. R&D certification "made in Germany" and Moroccan production "made in Morocco". We focus on the public and private market segments, where our intervention brings a mastery of the most complex issues.

Visibility Systems Company's Logo

Visibility Systems Company

Hudson, United States

1-10 Employees


Lightman® products are unique for their lighting effectiveness atop the highly adaptable 3D pyramid design using an unmatched range of accessories. With award winning design, Lightman is a world leader in portable lighting for safety or visibility. Affordable brilliant, wide-angled LEDs, and application-specific accessories can meet your needs exactly. Our products have diverse applications and are used in industries such as railroad, public safety, traffic safety, mining, and more.

Magtech Industries's Logo

Magtech Industries

Las Vegas, United States

11-50 Employees


Magtech has been constructing reliable and high-performance products to surpass the competition and satisfy specific lighting solution requirements for architecture, commercial, and industrial purposes since 1988. From drivers to cutting-edge wireless technology, our enhanced production facilities ensure all of your products are certified, quality checked, and arrive in excellent condition, on time. From the earliest stages, our goal is to design products that can go the distance, with flawless quality and no compromises. Every day, we create products that are extraordinary. For the last 25 years, we’ve been known as a leader in the LED lighting industry, and that’s largely due to our focus on innovation and continuous evolution. Our focus is on providing you with a broad range of products, such as LED driver customization, along with added-value features for any environment or business need.