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Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd. Logo

Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd.

We are proud of our crews and the excellent records of operational reliability and the successful cooperation. We are always ready to improve and adapt, our goal is to become the most reliable partner for our clients, customers and employees. Our services are cost effective and fully optimized for the individual client’s business, resulting in the best customized and comprehensive solutions. Mestex Shipmanagement can offer a turnkey, fully transparent and flexible portfolio of services.

Quick overview

Limassol, Cyprus

Founded in 2001

51-100 Employees


Additional information

Working industry

Logistics, Supply Chain and Transportation

Type of company

Service provider

Ownership structure

Privately Held


2 Locations

Number of services

1 Service

Specialised areas

Logistics & Supply Chain

Products & services of Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd.

Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd. offers a wide range of products and services

Product: Commercial services – Mestex shipmanagement


Commercial services – Mestex shipmanagement

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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:


ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Headquarter of Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd.

Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd. operates in 2 countries around the world

City: Limassol

State: Cyprus

Country: Cyprus

Locations of Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd.

Get an overview of the locations of Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd.









Ukraine office


Odesa Oblast


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd.

Some frequent questions that have been asked about Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd.

The company headquarter of Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd. is located in Limassol, Cyprus, Cyprus. Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd. has subsidiaries in Ukraine

As of the latest available information Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd. has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd. was founded in 2001

The company Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd. has it's main focus in the industries of Logistics, Supply Chain and Transportation

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd. seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd.

Check out some interesting alternative companies to Mestex Shipmanagement Ltd.

Sinasta Maritime's Logo

Sinasta Maritime

Thane, India

11-50 Employees


We are committed to providing Reliable and Top Class Ship Management Services to our clients. To accomplish our Vision, To be recognized as Leading Maritime Quality Service Provider supporting our Clients business with benefits through our Valuable Resources to grow and achieve with sustainability and distinction. To accomplish our Vision, we will always Deliver the best Management Practices concerning Safety, Quality and Environmental aspects. We are committed to perform and deliver in most ethical & cost effective manner for supporting our Client's consistent growth and profitable business. We are committed to provide Reliable and Top Class Ship Management Services to our clients. We are a highly experienced Team and deeply understand the Core Values of Ship Management. We deliver on 24X7 to an ever demanding Maritime World. As responsible and Earnest Ship Managers, we are determined to provide Reliable, Efficient & Quality Ship Management Services and Solutions in most trustworthy and Cost Effective way.



Glyfada, Greece

51-100 Employees


We are always going the extra mile to serve their needs and exceed their expectations. Our Company is committed to providing our clients around the world with ship operations practices that are safe, reliable and environmentally friendly. We believe that the most valuable part of our company is our people hence we are committed to providing our employees with safe working practices and an engaging working environment. Our Fleet consists of vessels built in first-class yards, supervised and operated by experienced in-house management teams.

Jebsen PTC Maritime Inc.'s Logo

Jebsen PTC Maritime Inc.

Makati, Philippines

251-500 Employees


We deliver to the best interest of our customers. We are a one-stop-shop for training, medical, travel, and processing. We are small enough to care and big enough to matter. We are not reluctant to try the untried – so long as it delivers what our customers need. We strive to provide innovative solutions that drive our industry forward. As a global ship manager and maritime service provider, our core values call for our commitment to be transparent in all levels of operations. As a third-party provider of crew and ship management and land-based manpower, we are constantly focused on delivering transparent work and reporting processes through tight internal procedures that provide our customers the highest level of clarity when it comes to managing their people and assets. It provides solid guidance on demonstrating the highest level of integrity in all business transactions.

Northern Marine Group's Logo

Northern Marine Group

Clydebank, United Kingdom

5001-10000 Employees


Our mission is to provide reliable and efficient management, combined with optimum operational safety. Our shore-based workforce is strategically located across the world, delivering a wide scope of ship management and marine services.

Mashed Software Solutions's Logo

Mashed Software Solutions

Graz, Austria

1-10 Employees


We are the partner of choice in our focused area by shipping reliable and profitable solutions. As mentioned in our vision, we’re a company thinking and acting people-centric in nearly all agenda points we’re approaching. The professional way we manage our processes is the key to delivering enhanced value to our clients and employees. Let’s discover some of these agenda points like our crew, benefits we provide for our employees, our office manual, or our up-to-date and real-time shopping list. We actively participate in increasing our customer's productivity and future-proof competitiveness. Providing this and more - whatever is being defined and elaborated together - enables Mashed customers to grow and save time and resources.

Thomas Schulte Ship Management's Logo

Thomas Schulte Ship Management

Hamburg, Germany

11-50 Employees


Even if we view ourselves as innovative leaders, we always remain faithful to our tradition and our corporate values. Mission: Enable our clients to successfully meet their business goals and targets through our tailor made maritime solutions and our value added chain of partners. Collaboration: Working together as a team delivers high performance results and nurtures long standing relationships. Securing our clients best possible interests is always our ultimate focus, as we are the cost and quality leader in ship management benchmarked by BCG. We cooperate and have close ties with many foreign shipyards, the leading liner operators and charterers, ship brokers, classification societies, insurance companies and leading financiers. Thomas Schulte Ship Management (TSM) provides full cargo ship management services including financial management, chartering management, technical management, crew management, and accounting services. All TSM and their agents’ employees are committed to. These provide for controlled and comprehensible workflow requirements and clearly defined responsibilities at all levels, are frequently reviewed and amended as appropriate, and binding to all TSM’s and agents’ employees.