Metrek Technologies Logo

Metrek Technologies

Home - Metrek Technologies

Who is Metrek Technologies?

We are a multi-disciplinary business & engineering consulting firm, having facilitated projects globally, spanning from Southern Africa, North America, Europe as well as the Middle East. We develop a proposal outlining the conceptual solution with detailed deliverables, milestones, budgets, resource requirements as well as cost estimates. Drawing from a broad range of experience and industry knowledge, we offer our clients services in the areas of:. Production facility review and optimization (process analysis & integration, energy optimization, systems development). Business analysis and development (impact studies, production management, operations forecasting & analysis, technical & commercial proposals). As a multi-disciplinary business & engineering consulting company, we offer a host of services and tailored solutions in the fields of engineering, process design, construction, project management, business analysis and information management. Within our analytical framework, we apply critical thought, logical reasoning and fact-finding as the foundation for developing customer-orientated solutions. Our divergent and creative thinking enables us to develop innovative solutions that are technically and economically feasible.

This company is:

Service provider

Pittsburgh, United States

1-10 Employees


Products & services of Metrek Technologies

Product Services - Metrek Technologies image


Services - Metrek Technologies

The Services We Offer System design We support our clients by analyzing process & system requirements. We develop, update and optimize processes & systems to increase productivity, improve efficiency and product quality. Our services include system integration, design & development of human-machine interfaces as well as motor-control centers. Enquire now Project Management Our services cover […]

Product Sector - Environmental - Metrek Technologies image


Sector - Environmental - Metrek Technologies

Featured Projects Slag-dump reclamation project (Eastern Europe) The project was the establishment of a slag processing facility in order to reclaim a ferrochrome slag dump source in Eastern Europe. A comprehensive environmental impact analysis was initially conducted, and followed by the process and plant design, construction, commissioning and operations of the facility. The process included […]

Product Sector - Industrial Support Services - Metrek Technologies image


Sector - Industrial Support Services - Metrek Technologies

Featured Projects Steel-mill support services (Eastern Europe) The project entailed the implementation of a mill services contract for a major steel producer in Eastern Europe. The project encompassed the provision of services relating to slag handling & processing, furnace demolition, slag dump processing, fine-particle mixing and briquetting. Services provided included design & review, project -, […]

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Management Consulting



Use Cases of Metrek Technologies


Metal Recovery Facility - Metrek Technologies

The project was the establishment of a metal recovery plant to process various ferro-alloy slags from smelters based in Ohio and south-west Pennsylvania.

Contact of Metrek Technologies

City: Pittsburgh

State: Pennsylvania

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Metrek Technologies

The company Metrek Technologies is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Metrek Technologies has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

The company Metrek Technologies has it's main focus in the industries of Consulting

Competitors of Metrek Technologies

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United Kingdom

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