Pet Microbiome Test for Diagnosis and Treatment | MiDOG

Who is MiDOG LLC?

The MiDOG microbiome test is a microbial identification test grounded on scientific research that provides veterinarians DNA evidence for the guided treatment of canine microbial infections. A MiDOG microbiome test provides the technologies for the accurate identification of all microorganisms within a pet’s sample, independent of culturing. Next Generation DNA Sequencing is the new standard for the detection and identification of microorganisms, and MiDOG pet microbiome testing is now making this technology available to veterinarians and pet owners. All work is performed at the state-of-the-art MiDOG pet microbiome testing facility and the pet owner and veterinarian are provided a comprehensive report on all bacteria and fungi comprising a sample. MiDOG microbiome test report provides an accurate diagnosis and pinpoint treatment to save pet’s lives. Next Generation Sequencing is a molecular based method used in MiDOG’s pet microbiome testing that can sequence and detect the DNA of ALL microbes that live on the dog’s skin, without having to grow any of these organisms in a laboratory first. MiDog enables us to offer care that exceeds the typical standard of care.”.

This company is:

Service provider

Tustin, United States

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2019


canine health
DNA sequencing
Pathogen detection
antibiotic resistance
microbial quantification
data analysis
animal health



Contact of MiDOG LLC

City: Tustin

State: California

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about MiDOG LLC

The company MiDOG LLC is located in Tustin, California, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information MiDOG LLC has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

MiDOG LLC was founded in 2019

The company MiDOG LLC has it's main focus in the industries of Other