MISAPOR is a Swiss company and was founded in December 1982. MISAPOR foam glass is manufactured at two Swiss sites. Besides the production sites, MISAPOR also operates various customer service offices in Switzerland, Germany and recently also in France. MISAPOR employs some 60 people in Switzerland and abroad. MISAPOR is a purely mineral product and consists of 98% recycled glass. Each year MISAPOR converts some 40,000 tons of recycled glass into an innovative and sustainable construction material. In fact we are not recyclers, we are upcyclers. MISAPOR is “baked” in the oven – this is why we have become known as “stone bakers”.
Zizers, Switzerland
Founded in 1982
51-100 Employees
Working industry
Building Materials
Type of company
Manufacturer, Service provider
Ownership structure
Privately Held
2 Locations
Number of products
10 Products
Number of services
6 Services
Specialised areas
Foam Glass Applications, GREEN EMAS, Greenlight, MISAPOR Insulating Concret, Light fill, Lightweight backfill, Isolation sous fondation, Cellular glass aggregate, Foam Glass Gravel, Schaumglasschotter
Misapor AG offers a wide range of products and services
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Products - Misapor
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An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
Overall risk estimation:
Very low
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Get insights into the use cases of Misapor AG
Use case
Applications - Misapor
Embankments and ramparts | References Infrastructure and road construction | Backfilling | References Infrastructure and road construction | Increasing the width and height of embankments | References Infrastructure and road construction | Remediation of settlement damage | References Infrastructure and road construction | Railway lines | References Infrastructure and road construction | Nature proposes – we adapt. | Features | Products | References | Never under pressure. | Features | Products | References | Nothing easier than that! | Features | Products | References | Alternative solutions with lightweight forms of construction using MISAPOR foam glass | Features | Products | References | The railways ride with us. | Features | Products | References
Use case
Applications - Misapor
GREEN EMAS ZURICH AIRPORT | stone chip protection | slope stabilisation | Sound-absorbing wall made from MISAPOR | References Special applications | Quays and ports | Canal Construction | References Special applications | Zementgebundene Schüttung | GREEN EMAS (Engineered Material Arresting System) is being used at Zurich airport - a first for Europe. | MISAPOR GREENLIGHT for Rockfall X from Geobrugg | Products | Efficient - ecological - sustainable | Features | Products | Products | References | Features | Products | Around the pipe - MISAPOR | Features | Products | References | MISAPOR Schaumglas erfüllt in seiner zementgebundenen Anwendung die Anforderungen beim Bau von Verkehrsflächen optimal. | Features | Products
Misapor AG operates in 2 countries around the world
Get an overview of the locations of Misapor AG
Misapor SA
Grand Est
Some frequent questions that have been asked about Misapor AG
Where is Misapor AG located?
The company headquarter of Misapor AG is located in Zizers, Grisons, Switzerland. Misapor AG has subsidiaries in France
How many employees does Misapor AG approximately have?
As of the latest available information Misapor AG has around 51-100 employees worldwide.
When was Misapor AG founded?
Misapor AG was founded in 1982
In which industries does Misapor AG mainly work?
The company Misapor AG has it's main focus in the industries of Building Materials
What is the current company status of Misapor AG?
Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Misapor AG seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change
Check out some interesting alternative companies to Misapor AG
Aeropor GmbH
Bischberg, Germany
11-50 Employees
AEROPOR® is a purely mineral, largely closed-pored lightweight aggregate. AEROPOR® has been produced near the Upper Franconian town of Bamberg under strict quality and emission guidelines since 2014 and is therefore 100% “Made in Germany”. The AEROPOR® GmbH is part of the Dennert Group. Are you looking for innovative and economical solutions that make your products significantly lighter, increase yield and improve processing quality? In an innovative thermal manufacturing process, aluminosilicates of natural origin are gently and precisely expanded. Suitable for permanent use in paste-like products due to closed-pore structure and vitrified surface. Founded in 1933 as a building materials trading company, the Dennert family business has since established itself as a market leader in the specialist manufacturer of products for advanced, fast and energy-efficient construction.
Mitterteich, Germany
51-100 Employees
Unsere GLAPOR Wärmedämmung wird seit dem ersten Produktionstag 2007 konsequent und ressourcenschonend aus 100 % Recyclingglas hergestellt. Dämmstoffe aus GLAPOR Schaumglas sind wasser- und dampfdicht, extrem druckfest und nicht-brennbar. Das vorbereitete Glasmehl wird in einem speziellen Ofen dank innovativem Prozess zu Schaumglasplatten aufgeschäumt. Mit Lösungen für nahezu jede Anwendung bietet GLAPOR verlässliche Dämmkonzepte, vom Keller bis zum Dach, vom Straßenbau bis zur Grünanlage, vom Neubau bis zur Sanierung. Und wird in Zukunft sicher noch weitaus innovativere Verwendung finden. Gemeinsam schaffen und nutzen wir verlässliche Produkte für klimaneutrale Bauweisen. Durch innovative Herstellungsprozesse haben wir das Produkt Schaumglas ganz neu gedacht und nachhaltiger gestaltet. Hier sehen wir große Möglichkeiten in GLAPOR Schaumglas.
Burlington, United States
11-50 Employees
Our Mission: Glavel is redefining sustainable construction, offering partners the ability to build respnsibly and contribute to a low carbon future. Glavel’s foam glass gravel is manufactured in Essex VT, where 7,500 tons of recycled glass are transformed into foam glass annually. The plant is the first foam glass gravel plant powered by renewable energy, keeping Glavel’s embodied carbon footprint incredibly low. Foam glass gravel is a lightweight bulk aggregate made from recycled glass.
Energocell Foamglass Plant
Debrecen, Hungary
11-50 Employees
The Energocell® foam glass granules are tested and qualified according to the strictest European regulations governing product certification. The Energocell® foam glass granules are tested and qualified according to the strictest European regulations governing product certification. The Energocell® foam glass granules and boards are an outstanding example of upcycling (increased environmental value). The aim is to re-utilize waste glass by increasing its environmental value, which is known as upcycling. From a pollutant that otherwise negatively impacts the environment we produce a useful insulating material, the foam glass. However, the mission of our research and development laboratory hasn't been fulfilled by the launching of the foam glass granules production, but it continues with the development of new and innovative solutions. For the scope of manufacturing and selling thermally insulative foam glass products for building purposes we have introduced and run a quality control system and an environmental management system. As a first step in achieving this goal we have established in the same year a research and development laboratory in Debrecen, with the objective to develop waste glass re-utilization by increasing its environmental value, which is known as upcycling.
Portec AG
Aadorf, Switzerland
1-10 Employees
Portec is an independent Swiss Company.We are the inventor and producer of METAPOR® and ESPOR® micro-porous materials. We are developing and producing a broad variety of porous products for various applications.Our porous air permeable products offer significant advantages for many applications which require consistent permeability, especially vacuum or other pressure related processes. Our name stands since 1991 for Swiss Quality, innovative solutions and reliable high-tech products. This reputation is dedicated to our excellent long-time employees who always strive to produce porous materials and porous moulds of the highest quality to exceed the high customer expectations. Our top-quality products under the trade name METAPOR® and ESPOR® are very well known and are continuously growing in popularity. Our unique micro-porous air permeable products under the trade names METAPOR® and ESPOR® adding values for more than 30 years in the Thermoforming-, Vacuum-forming, Vacuum-clamping, Automotive-, Semiconductor- and many other industries. Breathable Aluminum expands thermoform design flexibility, reduces manufacturing costs and results in higher quality molds for producing most accurate parts without markings and striations.
swisspor AG
Steinhausen, Switzerland
51-100 Employees
Sowohl die klassischen swisspor Hartschaumdämmplatten als auch die swisspor Mineraldämmungen werden in der Schweiz hergestellt. Die Kombination swissporXPS mit beidseitiger mineralischer Beschichtung legt die Basis für das Sortiment swissporBOARD, unter Baupraktikern auch bekannt als Bauplatten. Das optimal abgestimmte swisspor Rohbau-Sortiment dient als dauerhafte Schnittstelle zwischen Primär- und Sekundärkonstruktion im erweiterten Umfeld der Wärmedämmung und Abdichtung von Hochbauten. Das Fassadensystem swissporVENTO wurde entwickelt, um standardisierte, hochgedämmte Schichtaufbauten perfekt mit der individuellen Bekleidung eines Gebäudes in Einklang zu bringen. Das Steildachsystem swissporTETTO umfasst sämtliche konstruktiv und bauphysikalisch optimierten Schichtaufbauten für Steildächer nach SIA 232/1. Das swisspor System SAFSYS umfasst die komplette Sicherheitstechnik für das Arbeiten an und auf Gebäuden. Für die Ausstellung Blut & Staub – Wenn Reststoffe zu Werkstoffen werden, stellte swisspor AG Briketts aus EPS zur Verfügung. Von Januar bis November 2024 bieten wir praxisorientierte Fachkurse in der swisspor Akademie in Boswil und beim Polybau in Uzwil an.