Novexx Pte Ltd Logo

Novexx Pte Ltd

About Us | Novexx Engineering

Who is Novexx Pte Ltd?

Novexx is established by a group of Process / Refinery / Pharmaceutical engineers, sharing a common vision of providing integrated engineering solutions, design, project management, human resource management services for the engineering and related industries. Novexx is committed to deliver high quality innovative service and solutions at fair prices to delight our customers. Novexx continuously strives to upgrade its knowledge base and core competencies to the benefit of all stakeholders. We are committed to improving the customer experience and customer satisfaction, while ensuring the highest quality in our programmes. We believe in providing the solutions to challenging engineering obstacle and derived much joy from resolving complex matter with simple solutions where applicable. The purpose is to deliver high quality innovative service and solutions at fair prices. We believe in being truthful, transparent, and professional in our actions and to be a good citizen in the countries we operate in. We listen to our customers’ needs with an open mind, and provide answers with patience and understanding.

This company is:


singapore, Singapore

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 2001


Recruitment and Resource Contracting
Engineering Design
Plant Maintenance
Course Curriculum Developement
Accreditated Short Industrial Training
WSH Consultation & Training
ISO Consultation & Training
NEBOSH Training


Health Care

Contact of Novexx Pte Ltd

City: singapore

State: -

Country: Singapore

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Novexx Pte Ltd

The company Novexx Pte Ltd is located in singapore, Singapore. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Novexx Pte Ltd has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Novexx Pte Ltd was founded in 2001

The company Novexx Pte Ltd has it's main focus in the industries of Health Care

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Novexx Pte Ltd seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Novexx Pte Ltd

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