Onyx Specialty Papers Logo

Onyx Specialty Papers

papers - Onyx Papers

Who is Onyx Specialty Papers?

We are committed to a sustainable business by doing right by all of our stakeholders. We are committed stewards of our environment, actively working to reduce our business’ environmental footprint. We are proud to support a broad range of organizations in our community, including charities, cultural organizations, family organizations, and educational institutions. We are committed to building a strong and long-lasting relationship with our suppliers based on mutual trust and transparency. Onyx Specialty Papers has been manufacturing technically exacting papers since 1806. We will partner with you to create groundbreaking customized products and solutions. Our team of accomplished scientists and engineers can create new products with a broad range of critical properties for you and your customers. We continue this 200+ year tradition by partnering with customers to develop customized products.

This company is:


Lee, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 2009

Products & services of Onyx Specialty Papers

Product AdobeStock_266549099-2200 - Onyx Papers image


AdobeStock_266549099-2200 - Onyx Papers

Onyx Specialty Papers produces highly engineered papers for technically demanding applications. Onyx has been manufacturing technically exacting papers since 1806. We partner with customers to develop customized products that are true solutions for today’s challenges.

Product Desiccant - Onyx Papers image


Desiccant - Onyx Papers

Onyx Specialty Papers produces highly engineered papers for technically demanding applications. Onyx has been manufacturing technically exacting papers since 1806. We partner with customers to develop customized products that are true solutions for today’s challenges.

Product blue_curl_05 - Onyx Papers image


blue_curl_05 - Onyx Papers

Onyx Specialty Papers produces highly engineered papers for technically demanding applications. Onyx has been manufacturing technically exacting papers since 1806. We partner with customers to develop customized products that are true solutions for today’s challenges.

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Saturating grades
Paper & Forest Products
Custom designed products
Paper Manufacturing


Paper and Forest Products

Use Cases of Onyx Specialty Papers


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Contact of Onyx Specialty Papers

City: Lee

State: Massachusetts

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Onyx Specialty Papers

The company Onyx Specialty Papers is located in Lee, Massachusetts, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Onyx Specialty Papers has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Onyx Specialty Papers was founded in 2009

The company Onyx Specialty Papers has it's main focus in the industries of Paper and Forest Products

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Onyx Specialty Papers seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Onyx Specialty Papers

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