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Ornitolink Logo


Filetr media, filetr cells, filter bags, activated carbon cartridges... for filtration of dusts, pollens, pollutants, solvents, odours... Diffusion grilles, louvers, ventilation ducts, dampers and regulation shutters. A wide choice of grilles and louvers systems in standard dimensions and customizable. Subscribe to our newsletter and stay up-to-date on our offer.

Quick overview

Changé, France

Founded in 2018

1-10 Employees

Additional information

Working industry

Business Supplies and Equipment

Type of company

Service provider, Manufacturer

Ownership structure

Privately Held


1 Headquarter

Number of products

2 Products

Specialised areas

Industrial Products and Equipment, Acoustic enclosures, panels, doors, Filtration systems and air treatment, Expansion joints, compensators, Regulation, Valves, Dosing registers, Industrial fans: axial, centrifugal, Atex, Industrial exhaust silencer, Air intake silencer, Business Supplies & Equipment

Products & services of Ornitolink

Ornitolink offers a wide range of products and services

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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:

Very low

ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Headquarter of Ornitolink

Ornitolink operates in 1 country around the world

City: Changé

State: Pays de la Loire

Country: France

Locations of Ornitolink

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Pays de la Loire


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Ornitolink

Some frequent questions that have been asked about Ornitolink

The company headquarter of Ornitolink is located in Changé, Pays de la Loire, France. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information Ornitolink has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Ornitolink was founded in 2018

The company Ornitolink has it's main focus in the industries of Business Supplies and Equipment

Competitors of Ornitolink

Check out some interesting alternative companies to Ornitolink

Airlink Products's Logo

Airlink Products

Navi Mumbai, India

1-10 Employees


Our Products improve comfort while lessening the impact on the environment. We Provide Best Quality Products, On Time Delivery, Flexible Quantity at Best and very Reasonable Rates. Each of our Products and Services are meant to give you a happier life with breath of Fresh Air. We manufactures standard and custom metal ceiling grilles with fixed blades, perforated face and egg crate grids. We Provides rectangular, spiral, exhaust, round and textile ducts. We Manufacturers industrial ventilation equipment & systems including louvers. We Manufactures Air & Gas diffusers made from galvanized steel, aluminum and stainless steel. We offer high-quality, cost-effective repairs for HVAC systems.

Veotec Americas LLC's Logo

Veotec Americas LLC

Lakeville, United States

11-50 Employees


Custom Designs | Free Quotes | Warrantied Products. We offer a variety of industrial products ranging from water removal technology, heating and cooling, acoustic attenuation, filtration, and more! We even offer hurricane louvers to help keep your structures safe. We offer moisture eliminators with more features than other manufacturers, and we specialize in snow, ice melt, and hurricane louvers. We offer a wide range of high-performance filters designed to reduce dust and other harmful particulates in the intake systems of power generators, marine craft, vehicles, HVAC units, and other equipment. Our team has years of experience designing systems to meet specific requirements for our clients, and you can count on us to do the same for you.

Gardair S.p.A.'s Logo

Gardair S.p.A.

San Felice del Benaco, Italy

11-50 Employees


Gardair è azienda leader nella produzione di filtri, ventilatori, diffusori e componenti per il trattamento dell’aria. Scopri tutti i filtri Gardair per il trattamento dell’aria e per cabine di verniciatura. Gardair produce filtri piani e ondulati, filtri UTA, filtri CTA, filtri ventilconvettori, filtri antisabbia e filtri ai carboni attivi. Gardair ha a cuore i propri fornitori da sempre e lavora in un’ottica di orientamento al cliente, seguendo una strategia di mercato mirata a individuare i bisogni degli stakeholder, per offrire loro servizi sempre migliori. La ventilazione è un processo di immissione forzata di una quantità di aria necessaria al ricambio totale in tempi stabiliti per preservare la salute delle persone e la salubrità dell’aria. Questo processo di estrazione dell’aria è garantito dai prodotti Gardair: ventilatori semplici e centrifughi, estrattori d’aria e unità di filtrazione.

MayAir Group plc's Logo

MayAir Group plc

Subang Jaya, Malaysia

- Employees


Variety of air filtration products suitable for various industries, such as manufacturing, pharmaceutical & hospital, commercial, environmental and residential buildings.

CMS Group's Logo

CMS Group

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

501-1000 Employees


We are manufacturers and suppliers of Air filter, Ecology Unit, HVAC ducts, Fire Rated Ducts, Fire Dampers, Grilles and Diffusers. We are committed to helping you define your HVAC needs as they apply to our product line. We are expanding and spreading our reach day by day, Trans continentally from Asia and Middle East to Africa. At CMS Global, we are working on solving the challenges that take us a step closer to our mission every day – to ensure and deliver best engineering practices. We are always looking for people who believe in the innovative work and can collaborate to help us build a better and sustainable business. CMS Global offers a wide range of products and services. Moreover, Quality is not just a requirement for us, rather it is a fundamental virtue of our existence. Every month our engineering experts handpick a few of our products to demonstrate the technological advanced capabilities and standards of quality that we achieve with our products.

Economy Filtration, LLC's Logo

Economy Filtration, LLC

Dickinson, United States

1-10 Employees


Our industry knowledge, experience, and expertise allow us to fit you in the best equipment for your specific application. We represent several manufacturers of equipment and products to support and service any and all things related to air filtration or ventilation. We design custom dust, fume, and mist extraction systems for our valued customers while maintaining the focus to stay compliant, save money, minimize risk, reduce operational downtime and maintain the equipment we service and install. Fans and blowers of any size can be designed with controls, supplied, and installed to ventilate facility or process area. Wall fans, roof ventilators as well as interior ventilation equipment can be sized to meet your needs.