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At pacemaker.ai, we work with passion and ambition on AI-based solutions that make it possible to make the best data-based decisions for a sustainable supply chain. We use your data and the industry knowledge of your experts to create highly accurate forecasts and CO₂ balances using machine learning algorithms. For a cost-optimized, more efficient & sustainable supply chain.

Quick overview

Münster, Germany

Founded in 2022

11-50 Employees


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Working industry

Environment, Disposal and Recycling, IT, Software and Services

Type of company

Service provider


1 Headquarter

Number of services

2 Services

Specialised areas

Carbon intelligence, Demand forecasting, Supply chain, Sustainability, Product carbon intelligence, PCI, Demand Planning, SaaS, AI, Artificial intelligence

Products & services of pacemaker.ai

pacemaker.ai offers a wide range of products and services

Product: Demand Forecasting


Demand Forecasting

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Product: Product Carbon Intelligence


Product Carbon Intelligence

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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:

Very low

ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



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Grade (A-E)

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Use Cases of pacemaker.ai

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UseCase: Forecasting methodology in the insulation material industry through AI integration

Use case

Forecasting methodology in the insulation material industry through AI integration

Dämmaterial, Dämmaterial Industrie, Insulation Material, insulation material industry, supplier, construction, construction industry

In the complex industrial landscape of insulation materials, in which multiple market segments and diverse product lines coexist, precise forecasting and strategic planning based on this is essential. For a multinational manufacturer in this sector, forecasting plays a critical role, as it is the basis for budget distribution across the various departments. Previous forecasting methods relied on manual calculations and the use of Excel-based solutions, which often only work with simple averages. This high level of manual and personnel effort not only limited the accuracy of the forecasts, but also their timeliness and frequency. The forecasting methods were also vulnerable to unpredictable market changes, which often led to delays in the supply chain. The introduction of an AI-based forecasting tool marked a turning point for the manufacturer. This advanced tool not only uses internal historical data, but also integrates external influencing factors such as special calendar events, past and future expected inflation indices and building permits into its analyses. As a result of this comprehensive data integration, the accuracy of forecasts was significantly increased to 91.4%.The increased forecast accuracy led to numerous positive effects on operations. A more reliable forecast enabled a more efficient and targeted budget allocation, which made it possible to achieve significant cost savings. Improved predictability and speed of response to market changes also contributed to a reduction in delivery times. The implementation of AI technology thus strengthened operational safety and sustainably improved the company's competitiveness.By using innovative AI technologies in forecasting practice, the insulation material manufacturer was not only able to optimize its processes, but also make it more adaptive and resilient to market fluctuations. This case study impressively demonstrates how technological advances can be used specifically to solve specific industry-specific challenges in order to promote operational efficiency and economic stability.

UseCase: Aerospace supply chain planning

Use case

Aerospace supply chain planning

Aerospace, industrial, industry, supply chain, aerospace industry, supplier

Customers from various industrial sectors, including original equipment and the aftermarket, are facing similar challenges. A specific example of this is a supplier to leading aerospace companies. It must predict the developments of over 4,000 material types in various market segments. For one of its main end customers, the planning processes were previously carried out manually and exclusively using Excel. In the past, this method of planning led to inaccurate results, which in turn led to both inventory shortages and excessive inventories. To overcome these challenges, pacemaker.ai provides a solution that provides automated, regularly updated forecasts. These forecasts serve as a basis for replenishment planning and help to precisely define the quantities to be purchased at the level of individual products.The planning is based on a forecast period of 18 months, during which the delivered materials are carefully reviewed. An important feature of the pacemaker.ai solution is the implementation of a five-level grouping structure. Within this structure, Cluster A materials are given priority, with a total of 215 articles being prioritized based on ABC/XYZ analysis.The current accuracy of pacemaker.ai's predictions is over 80%. Continuously refining and adjusting these forecasts is a key part of pacemaker.ai's commitment. This shows the company's efforts to constantly optimize its customers' supply chains and maximize their efficiency through innovative approaches in data analysis and machine learning.The integration of advanced, data-driven forecasting tools such as those from pacemaker.ai can significantly help solve traditional supply chain planning problems. The use of automated systems not only improves the accuracy and efficiency of inventory management, but also prevents costly overstocks and shortages. This represents enormous added value for suppliers in highly dynamic industries such as aerospace.‍

Headquarter of pacemaker.ai

pacemaker.ai operates in 1 country around the world

City: Münster

State: North Rhine-Westphalia

Country: Germany

Locations of pacemaker.ai

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North Rhine-Westphalia


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about pacemaker.ai

Some frequent questions that have been asked about pacemaker.ai

The company headquarter of pacemaker.ai is located in Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information pacemaker.ai has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

pacemaker.ai was founded in 2022

The company pacemaker.ai has it's main focus in the industries of Environment, Disposal and Recycling, IT, Software and Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company pacemaker.ai seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change