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Parichat Haehnen & Partners Logo

Parichat Haehnen & Partners

Our vision is to provide consulting services that are fully flexible, price transparent, available onsite, and virtual. Strategic and hands-on approach - we help start-ups accelerate and execute their product and commercial development. We offer software for recruitment and provide external recruiters as a contractor for your company. We specialize in European Public Policy in the area of Sustainable Energy Economics, Sustainable Climate Policy, and Electric Mobility and Transport. Parichat has extensive years of experience in leadership in South East Asia and Europe. Parichat has been working with many global leading companies as well as advising start-ups in Europe. The team consists of digital experts, a commercial leader, and a public policy advisor. When it comes to focusing your product offering and clarifying who your audience is - and can be, Partichat's business enhancement methods not only gets to the heart of the matter, they're easy to put into practice.

Quick overview

Dusseldorf, Germany

Founded in 2020

1-10 Employees


Additional information

Working industry


Type of company

Service provider

Ownership structure

Sole Proprietorship


1 Headquarter

Number of services

1 Service

Specialised areas

Start up , Digital, Growth Marketing, PR, Public Policy, Leadership Development, Agile, Scrum, Management Consulting

Products & services of Parichat Haehnen & Partners

Parichat Haehnen & Partners offers a wide range of products and services

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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:

Very low

ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Headquarter of Parichat Haehnen & Partners

Parichat Haehnen & Partners operates in 1 country around the world

City: Dusseldorf

State: North Rhine-Westphalia

Country: Germany

Locations of Parichat Haehnen & Partners

Get an overview of the locations of Parichat Haehnen & Partners







North Rhine-Westphalia


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Parichat Haehnen & Partners

Some frequent questions that have been asked about Parichat Haehnen & Partners

The company headquarter of Parichat Haehnen & Partners is located in Dusseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information Parichat Haehnen & Partners has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Parichat Haehnen & Partners was founded in 2020

The company Parichat Haehnen & Partners has it's main focus in the industries of Consulting

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Parichat Haehnen & Partners seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Parichat Haehnen & Partners

Check out some interesting alternative companies to Parichat Haehnen & Partners

Fast Forward Advisors's Logo

Fast Forward Advisors

Berlin, Germany

1-10 Employees


We are a team of professionals coming from different cultural and academic backgrounds, with experiences in a wide range of markets, industries, functions and roles. We are constantly looking for brilliant and driven talents to (remotely) join our regional HQ and work with clients globally. We provide a broad range of services that cover the major challenges of tech startups on growth, go-to-market, investment-readiness, and fundraising.From content and simple 1-1 chats through mentoring and advisory sessions to operational hands-on support. We provide a broad range of services that cover the major challenges of your portfolio companies on growth, go-to-market, investment-readiness, and fundraising.From content and simple 1-1 chats through mentoring and advisory sessions to operational hands-on support. We provide a broad range of services that cover the major challenges of investors’ portfolio companies on growth and go-to-market.We also support in independently screening and analyzing tech companies, and building deal flow and venture partnerships in new markets, verticals, and ecosystems. We provide services to build your corporate venturing strategy and capabilities in order to enable to get access and integrate disruptive innovations into your business.We furthermore support in developing and growing the corporate ventures in your portfolio. We provide support for both innovation and venture policy making, as well as strategic and operational support in venturing projects with their ecosystem stakeholders.We also develop primary research and can serve in advisory board roles in development agencies. We worked with and for hundreds of highly innovative SMEs, disrupting tech startups, global brands and world-class service providers.

Articulo's Logo


Zagreb, Croatia

1-10 Employees


Our team provides both high-level strategic consulting and hands-on execution operations to ensure the sustainable growth of your company. We believe the future of work lies in virtual teams. Our commitment is to continue in this direction, steering clear of mass production. With over 20 years of experience and a robust local network, you can confidently reach out to us. Our approach is founded on a commitment to the client, building trust through understanding their needs and goals. Our client and market expertise includes industries such as consumer electronics, information technology, energy, financial services, tourism, healthcare and various other topics. We offer a range of strategic and operational solutions with the ultimate goal of helping you achieve your business objectives and set you apart from the competition.

TAAS's Logo


Watford, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


We are equally dedicated to working with early-stage businesses that have found their product-market fit and larger organisations looking to embark on transformation projects. At our core, we are passionate about helping businesses and professionals reach their full potential. We are committed to continuing our journey, connecting exceptional talent with visionary companies, and contributing to the dynamic and ever-evolving tech ecosystem. Our services are tailored to the unique needs and challenges that high-growth scale-ups face. From Product Managers to VP Product roles, we've placed top talent across the globe - London, New York, Barcelona, Lisbon, Berlin, and Dubai to name a few. We're not redefining recruitment but we are offering you an approach where many fall short. We understand that finding exceptional Product talent is vital to your success and we've designed our services to deliver precisely that, without breaking the bank. P.S - we might ask a LOT of questions but we’ll definitely understand your product, in return we’ll identify exactly the right candidates for your needs!



Montpellier, France

1-10 Employees


We are here with efficient tools to help you. As a management consulting and innovation support boutique we are true partners for founders and owners of businesses, as well as for CEO, HR, Product and Commercial managers. We help to improve your product management by assessment of 2 flow dimensions of your product portfolio and each product - investment flow and process flow. Together with your team we will orchestrate your Product and Project Management practices (Agile, Scrum etc.) with overall management and financial framework of your business to facilitate better product KPI achievement. We accompany startups in pursuit of funding and product launch by interim collaboration as part of your top management team to attract investment and accelerate traction and quality of project development. With 3 innovative seed stage projects today on this model, we will gladly discuss your project's need of building a convincing management team.

Paratum Consulting's Logo

Paratum Consulting

Hamar, Norway

1-10 Employees


At Paratum Consulting, our mission is to empower organizations to achieve extraordinary success through strategic guidance and innovative solutions. We are dedicated to understanding our clients’ unique needs and challenges, and providing them with tailored strategies and actionable recommendations. Our vision is to be the premier business consulting firm globally, renowned for our unparalleled expertise, innovative thinking, and transformative solutions. We provides the wide range of services expected from a quality consulting firm. Paratum Consulting is an independent firm of expert consultants with over 30 years of experience. We work with some of the world’s leading organizations as well as medium and small businesses, and individuals who are looking to start their own business but need assistance. Our commitment to excellence, integrity, and delivering measurable results fosters partnerships built on trust, transparency, and mutual success. We aspire to be trusted advisors, consistently exceeding our clients’ expectations by delivering exceptional value and sustainable impact.

staq's Logo


Dublin, Ireland

1-10 Employees


Our products break traditional barriers in the industry, allowing for collaborative relationships between clients and recruiters, to ensure success across all stages of the growth cycle. We have a team of experienced and dedicated professionals who are passionate about helping start-ups and scale-ups succeed.