Pembroke Instruments LLC Logo

Pembroke Instruments LLC

Pembroke Instruments Home Page

Who is Pembroke Instruments LLC?

We are often the first choice of many technical centers of excellence including Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Lincoln Lab, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, California Institute of Technology, the US Air Force Research Laboratory, the Naval Research Laboratory and many Fortune 100 companies. LOTTE in-vacuum low noise CCD camera is the latest innovation from Greateyes. LOTTE can be submerged, operated and positioned freely inside a vacuum chamber. We offer hyperspectral cameras for industrial, medical, research and drone applications. For the first time it offers wavelength ranges up to 2100 nm with an uncooled InGaAs array sensor. Based on a unique platform concept, CCD’s designed by Greateyes is a product family of scientific cameras for imaging and spectroscopy in the X-Ray, XUV, EUV, UV, VIS and NIR range. Innovative and affordable spectrometers for VUV/XUV/Hard X-Ray spectroscopy applications in science and industry.

This company is:


San Francisco, United States

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2008


SWIR Cameras
USB Spectrometers
InGaAs Cameras
Machine Vision Cameras
CCD Cameras
XUV Spectrometer
Vacuum Cameras
thermal imaging
LWIR cameras
3D sensors
Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing



Use Cases of Pembroke Instruments LLC


SWIR Application VIdeos

SWIR Camera Applications and Videos | Live Animal Imaging By SWIR Hyperspectral Imaging | Semiconductor Wafer Defect Testing with SWIR Cameras | SWIR Imaging for Industrial Robotic Machine Vision | “High Definition (HD) SWIR Imaging” | SWIR Gated Imaging Applications | SWIR Imaging Contact Form

Contact of Pembroke Instruments LLC

City: San Francisco

State: California

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Pembroke Instruments LLC

The company Pembroke Instruments LLC is located in San Francisco, California, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Pembroke Instruments LLC has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Pembroke Instruments LLC was founded in 2008

The company Pembroke Instruments LLC has it's main focus in the industries of Manufacturing

Competitors of Pembroke Instruments LLC

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