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Peri Formwork Systems Inc Logo

Peri Formwork Systems Inc

As a leading provider of construction equipment, PERI Canada offers innovative and cost-effective solutions to meet your project requirements.

Quick overview

Caledon, Canada

Founded in 1998

101-250 Employees


Additional information

Working industry


Type of company

Service provider, Manufacturer

Ownership structure

Public Company


4 Locations

Number of products

16 Products

Specialised areas

Construction, Engineering, Formwork, Heavy construction equipment rental Scaffolds, mobile or stationary: Metal, Scaffolding, Architectural and Structural Metals Manufacturing, Real Estate and Rental and Leasing, Rental and Leasing Services, Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing

Products & services of Peri Formwork Systems Inc

Peri Formwork Systems Inc offers a wide range of products and services

Product: Civil Engineering Systems


Civil Engineering Systems

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Product: Logistics Services


Logistics Services

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Product: Crown



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Product: Accessories for Formwork


Accessories for Formwork

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Product: Shoring & Slab Formwork


Shoring & Slab Formwork

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Product: Wall Formwork


Wall Formwork

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Product: GT 24 Formwork Girder


GT 24 Formwork Girder

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Product: Dams



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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:

Very low

ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Use Cases of Peri Formwork Systems Inc

Get insights into the use cases of Peri Formwork Systems Inc

UseCase: Chaudiere Dam

Use case

Chaudiere Dam

Fast and safe assembly of high load bearing MULTIPROP shoring towers at hydro electric facility

UseCase: Civil Engineering

Use case

Civil Engineering

PERI Projects worldwide

Headquarter of Peri Formwork Systems Inc

Peri Formwork Systems Inc operates in 1 country around the world

City: Caledon

State: Ontario

Country: Canada

Locations of Peri Formwork Systems Inc

Get an overview of the locations of Peri Formwork Systems Inc









Canada Office



Laval (administrative region)

Canada Office




Canada Office


British Columbia


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Peri Formwork Systems Inc

Some frequent questions that have been asked about Peri Formwork Systems Inc

The company headquarter of Peri Formwork Systems Inc is located in Caledon, Ontario, Canada. Peri Formwork Systems Inc has subsidiaries in Canada

As of the latest available information Peri Formwork Systems Inc has around 101-250 employees worldwide.

Peri Formwork Systems Inc was founded in 1998

The company Peri Formwork Systems Inc has it's main focus in the industries of Construction

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Peri Formwork Systems Inc seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Peri Formwork Systems Inc

Check out some interesting alternative companies to Peri Formwork Systems Inc

PERI France's Logo

PERI France

Meaux, France

51-100 Employees


Nous sommes le partenaire fiable pour toutes les phases de construction de vos projets. Les ingénieurs PERI conçoivent et élaborent des solutions de coffrages et d'échafaudage en tenant compte des nécessités techniques, des conditions générales en cours d'utilisation et des exigences individuelles des clients. Sie befinden sich auf der internationalen PERI Webseite. Lokale Informationen finden Sie auf der Webseite von PERI Deutschland.

PERI Saudi Arabia's Logo

PERI Saudi Arabia

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

51-100 Employees


We are building the future, because that runs in our veins. The very first PERI school in Kenya opened its doors at the end of February 2024 for over 200 children. As a leading provider of construction equipment, PERI Saudi Arabia offers innovative and cost-effective solutions to meet your project requirements. Created to provide the right level of support throughout your project. With innovative concepts along the entire value chain, we are co-developers, guarantors of reliable results and pioneers in the digital transformation of the entire industry. In Kibera, the largest slum in Nairobi, the first school in the PERI sustainability initiative “Building Sustainability” was built in less than a year. In collaboration with the non-profit start-up “Start Somewhere”, PERI developed what are known as TwistBlock Moulds for hollow concrete blocks, which were designed specifically for use in slums due to the simple and flexible manner in which they can be used. The Pinnacle One Yonge project is a multi-phase development, designed by Hariri Pontarini Architects.

PERI's Logo


Weißenhorn, Germany

10001+ Employees


Today we are represented by more than 60 subsidiaries on all continents, in many countries also with several branches and additional sales offices. Wherever possible, we develop our systems for the widest possible range of applications. Proof that we are on the right track with this approach is the fact that PERI has always set standards in the market with its innovations and that our systems have established themselves worldwide. The wide range of PERI development and production processes include load tests, durability tests as well as continuous quality control. Our products make construction work more economical, faster and safer for our customers. A cooperation based on partnership and trust is a fundamental value in our company, which therefore also forms the basis of our customer relationships. In more than 160 efficient rental parks worldwide, we provide the formwork and scaffolding material required to supply your projects and cover peak demand periods. We bundle this know-how for the development of suitable products and services.

PERI Norge's Logo

PERI Norge

Sande, Norway

51-100 Employees


Vi er din komplette samarbeidspartner gjennom hele byggeprosessen, og i alle faser av ditt prosjekt. PERI systemforskaling brukes til høye bygg med komplekse former, broer og tunneler samt større betongkonstruksjoner hvor funksjonelle former har en avgjørende betydning for sluttresultatet. Vi er din lojale samarbeidspartner gjennom alle faser i hele byggeprosessen! I PERI mener vi at menneskene er vår mest verdifulle ressurs. Sie befinden sich auf der internationalen PERI Webseite. Lokale Informationen finden Sie auf der Webseite von PERI Deutschland. Vi tilbyr produkter som er intelligente, innovative, og som forenkler din arbeidshverdag. Dagen vil være full av inspirasjon, faglig påfyll og presentasjoner av våre produkter.

PERI Sweden's Logo

PERI Sweden

Halmstad, Sweden

51-100 Employees


PERI erbjuder marknadsledande form- och ställningssystem, tjänster och plywood. Vi är en pålitlig partner för hela byggprocessen. PERI UP Easy är den innovativa fasadställningen som kombinerar högsta säkerhet och kostnadseffektivitet på ett idealiskt sätt. PERI UP Easy ́s låga vikt har resulterat i väsentligt reducerad monterings- och demonteringstid. PERI UP Easy är också kompatibel med modulställningen PERI UP Flex vilket möjliggör arbete i komplicerade projekt.Mer om fasadställningen PERI UP Easy. Sie befinden sich auf der internationalen PERI Webseite. Lokale Informationen finden Sie auf der Webseite von PERI Deutschland. Vi erbjuder innovativa form och ställningssystem, säkra och effektiva lösningar tillsammans med teknisk expertis.

PERI PSS GmbH's Logo


Weißenhorn, Germany

1-10 Employees


März 2024 präsentiert PERI auf der DACH+HOLZ International in Stuttgart den PERI UP Gerüstbaukasten, ein Gerüstsystem für nahezu alle Anwendungen. Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit dem PERI Support, einfach top. Mit PERI haben wir bereits frühzeitig im Projektverlauf zusammengearbeitet. PERI UP ist für uns das System mit Zukunft. Mit PERI konnten wir von Anfang an auf Augenhöhe arbeiten. Mit der PERI UP Stiellösung sind wir sehr flexibel und können im Vergleich zur Rahmenbauweise platzsparend transportieren. Das PERI Konzept mit den Umsetzeinheiten hat wunderbar funktioniert. Ausgerichtet auf die unterschiedlichen Anforderungen von Bauunternehmen, Gerüstbauunternehmen und Handwerksbetrieben bieten wir Ihnen wirtschaftliche Schalungs- und Gerüstlösungen – zum Kauf oder zur Miete.