PG Sealants LTD - London Sealant Contractors Logo

PG Sealants LTD - London Sealant Contractors

PG SEALANTS - Professional Mastic Sealant Services | Expert Mastic Man | London

Who is PG Sealants LTD - London Sealant Contractors?

We are currently doing the sealant in bathrooms in one of the largest developments in London, Chelsea Creek and Kings Road where we are due to deliver more than 40,000 linear metres of internal sealant. We have carried out for different contractors mastic to precast joints, delivering quality searvices. Our professional mastic man team has been part of this project delivering both internal and external sealant London Mastic Man - Sealant Applicator. PG SEALANTS offer the most cost effective service by either working on a day rate or to a quoted metrage price.

This company is:

Service provider

London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2018


Sealant Contractos
Mastic Man
Mastic Pointing
Silicone Sealant
Internal Mastic
Glazing Silicone
Sealant Contractors



Use Cases of PG Sealants LTD - London Sealant Contractors


PG Sealants - London Sealant Contractors / Mastic Man

PG Sealants - London Mastic Man are specialists sealants applicators. We are as a Sealant Company fully qualified for all internal/external mastic work.

Contact of PG Sealants LTD - London Sealant Contractors

City: London

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about PG Sealants LTD - London Sealant Contractors

The company PG Sealants LTD - London Sealant Contractors is located in London, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information PG Sealants LTD - London Sealant Contractors has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

PG Sealants LTD - London Sealant Contractors was founded in 2018

The company PG Sealants LTD - London Sealant Contractors has it's main focus in the industries of Construction