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PT. Corea System Indonesia (CSI) Logo

PT. Corea System Indonesia (CSI)

We have several products and solutions for Cyber Security such as Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing, Security Information & Event Management, Threat Hunter, Identity Access & Privilege System Management, and Database Security.

Quick overview

Special Region of Jakarta, Indonesia

Founded in 2011

51-100 Employees


Additional information

Working industry

IT, Software and Services

Type of company

Manufacturer, Service provider

Ownership structure

Public Company


1 Headquarter

Number of services

1 Service

Specialised areas

Information Technology & Services

Products & services of PT. Corea System Indonesia (CSI)

PT. Corea System Indonesia (CSI) offers a wide range of products and services

Product: CSI | Experience


CSI | Experience

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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:


ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Headquarter of PT. Corea System Indonesia (CSI)

PT. Corea System Indonesia (CSI) operates in 1 country around the world

City: Special Region of Jakarta

State: Java

Country: Indonesia

Locations of PT. Corea System Indonesia (CSI)

Get an overview of the locations of PT. Corea System Indonesia (CSI)








Special Region of Jakarta

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about PT. Corea System Indonesia (CSI)

Some frequent questions that have been asked about PT. Corea System Indonesia (CSI)

The company headquarter of PT. Corea System Indonesia (CSI) is located in Special Region of Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information PT. Corea System Indonesia (CSI) has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

PT. Corea System Indonesia (CSI) was founded in 2011

The company PT. Corea System Indonesia (CSI) has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company PT. Corea System Indonesia (CSI) seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of PT. Corea System Indonesia (CSI)

Check out some interesting alternative companies to PT. Corea System Indonesia (CSI)

Forequest Technologies SAL's Logo

Forequest Technologies SAL

Basta Tahta, Lebanon

11-50 Employees


We provide the whole spectrum of information security consulting, including Auditing, Risk Assessment, Business continuity, Governance, Vulnerability Assessment, Data Classification, Pen Testing and more. End-to-end Cyber Security Solutions with Over 30 Worldwide Leading Products.

CyberGuard Consult's Logo

CyberGuard Consult

London, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


We are well-versed in a variety of solutions that will help manage and secure your operating systems, networks, databases, web and mobile application. Thus, we offer offensive security services, ranging from Vulnerability scanning to Penetration testing.

InfoSec Consult's Logo

InfoSec Consult

Varna, Bulgaria

1-10 Employees


We provide services such as Network Vulnerability Assessments, Penetration Tests, Web Application and Mobile (Android/iOS) Security Assessments, Firewall Configuration Reviews, Security Incident Investigations and other customized security-related services. Our mission is to protect our customers’ digital assets using innovate techniques. Let our security-passionate experts guide your server administration - or handle it for you entirely. With years of experience in Information Security, we handle web hosting and security projects of any size.

PenTest Hub's Logo

PenTest Hub

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

1-10 Employees


We are excited to take on your biggest data risk challenges. Complete Security Assessment and Penetration Testing services, offering detailed reports of the detected vulnerabilities along with custom tailored reports and remediation solutions. Our trainings and workshops will provide a higher level of security and threats awareness within the company. Fully automated security testing solution built for any CI/CD environment, helping development teams identify security vulnerabilities early in the software development lifecycle. We offer premium cyber security consultancy services and solutions. With a holistic approach, our mission is to help customers build a cyber resilient business regardless of their industry. As a software company we can provide secure and robust applications using our internal high skilled experts but, in some cases, using an external provider helps auditing the internal quality process, also discover possible security issues that need more specialized expertise. The Security Testing workshop provided by pentest-hub was very appreciated by the participants.

CybRisk's Logo


Bengaluru, India

1-10 Employees


At our company, we understand that cybersecurity is a critical concern for businesses of all sizes. That's why we offer a range of expert cyber security services to help businesses protect their systems and data from threats. Our services include risk assessments, penetration testing, security policy development, and employee training. We work with our clients to understand their unique security needs and develop customized solutions to address them. Our team has a wealth of knowledge and experience in various fields, including network security, cloud security, and compliance.

Caveo Systems's Logo

Caveo Systems

Dublin, Ireland

11-50 Employees


The cyber threat landscape is evolving and unique for every business and every industry. With this in mind, we develop tailored cyber security solutions to best protect your business. We offer a range of products and services that holistically manage your cyber risk by embedding both preventative and reactive controls. Our solutions range from advanced security software and hardware to managed security services and technical training from our industry experts. We provide you with visibility and control over your business to grow confidently.