PureAox Clean Technology Logo

PureAox Clean Technology

Who is PureAox Clean Technology?

Our mission is to provide customers with limitless help and support. PUREAOX is providing the next generation, whole home, smart residential air purification technology, which both improves the air quality inside your house and enables you to monitor your air conditioning performance. PUREAOX is a breakthrough innovation in material science, allowing for unprecedented filtration from the largest to the smallest of pollutants, combined with an easy-to-use IOT solution to monitor air quality. With online subscription to PUREAOX platform, you will receive ongoing annual filter replacement service. Once PUREAOX is installed, the customer can easily connect to our platform and see the air quality metrics of their unit, just by scanning the QR code on the product. Our system consists of a basic HEPA filter accompanied by 3 layers of PUREAOX filters purifying your indoor air by targeting odors, VOCs, viruses and bacteria all without sacrificing airflow. Our professional team provides you with the most fit solution for your case. Iman is a chemical engineer by background, with years of experience working in the petrochemical field.

Richmond Hill, Canada

1-10 Employees



Environmental Services


Professional Services

Contact of PureAox Clean Technology

City: Richmond Hill

State: Ontario

Country: Canada

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about PureAox Clean Technology

The company PureAox Clean Technology is located in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information PureAox Clean Technology has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

The company PureAox Clean Technology has it's main focus in the industries of Professional Services

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