San Diego Occupational Therapy Inc Logo

San Diego Occupational Therapy Inc

San Diego Occupational Therapy Pediatric Speech Therapy

Who is San Diego Occupational Therapy Inc?

We are a child-centered pediatric clinic offering Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, and Physical Therapy services to the greater San Diego region. We provide services that support and promote the achievement of a child’s independence and overall development. Stephanie Drummond is a pediatric occupational therapist with over twenty six years of education, training, and experience within the field of pediatric occupational therapy. Pediatric Occupational Therapy is a profession concerned with promoting a child’s health and well-being through occupation. We believe in a team approach with all of the families we work with – emphasizing effective communication with parents and individualized strategies for home to carry over all of the gains we make within treatment. Our pediatric occupational therapists provide evaluation, intervention and consultation in the following areas:.

This company is:

Service provider

San Diego, United States

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2006


Hospital & Health Care



Contact of San Diego Occupational Therapy Inc

City: San Diego

State: California

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about San Diego Occupational Therapy Inc

The company San Diego Occupational Therapy Inc is located in San Diego, California, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information San Diego Occupational Therapy Inc has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

San Diego Occupational Therapy Inc was founded in 2006

The company San Diego Occupational Therapy Inc has it's main focus in the industries of Healthcare