Sawdust & Whiskey Logo

Sawdust & Whiskey

Live Edge Table | Sawdust & Whiskey | Nashville

Who is Sawdust & Whiskey?

Most modern furniture companies today produce one-size-fits-all products that don’t completely complement your design taste, space, or story. We seek to match these one-of-a-kind treasures from nature to our customers because we believe they are one-of-a-kind too.

Nashville-Davidson, United States

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2018

Products & services of Sawdust & Whiskey

Product K33454CEN: MONKEYPOD FLAT SAWN | sawdust and whiskey image


K33454CEN: MONKEYPOD FLAT SAWN | sawdust and whiskey

2 x 31 x 102 inches // 44 bf This is the quintessential live edge table with one important distinction - that being its prodigious width. No longer do you have to settle for a live edge table that is pieced together when you can have a full view of the years of intricate & beautiful growth displayed before you - one single tapestry from side to side and end to end. We search far and wide to find trees so wide to make tabletops from, and we bring them into your home for the intricate and beautiful experiences you and your family will have around them.

Product K31257CEN: MONKEYPOD FLAT SAWN | sawdust and whiskey image


K31257CEN: MONKEYPOD FLAT SAWN | sawdust and whiskey

2 x 31 x 89 inches // 38 bf This is the quintessential live edge table with one important distinction - that being its prodigious width. No longer do you have to settle for a live edge table that is pieced together when you can have a full view of the years of intricate & beautiful growth displayed before you - one single tapestry from side to side and end to end. We search far and wide to find trees so wide to make tabletops from, and we bring them into your home for the intricate and beautiful experiences you and your family will have around them.

Product K33263CEN: MONKEYPOD FLAT SAWN | sawdust and whiskey image


K33263CEN: MONKEYPOD FLAT SAWN | sawdust and whiskey

2 x 37 x 86 inches // 44 bf This is the quintessential live edge table with one important distinction - that being its prodigious width. No longer do you have to settle for a live edge table that is pieced together when you can have a full view of the years of intricate & beautiful growth displayed before you - one single tapestry from side to side and end to end. We search far and wide to find trees so wide to make tabletops from, and we bring them into your home for the intricate and beautiful experiences you and your family will have around them.

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Live Edge Tables
Custom Tables
Drip Slab Tables
Sculpted Tables
Epoxy Tables
Coffee Tables
Custom Cabinets
Commercial Furniture


Business Supplies and Equipment

Contact of Sawdust & Whiskey

City: Nashville-Davidson

State: Tennessee

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Sawdust & Whiskey

The company Sawdust & Whiskey is located in Nashville-Davidson, Tennessee, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Sawdust & Whiskey has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Sawdust & Whiskey was founded in 2018

The company Sawdust & Whiskey has it's main focus in the industries of Business Supplies and Equipment

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