Shree Balaji Alumnicast Pvt. Ltd. Logo

Shree Balaji Alumnicast Pvt. Ltd.

SBA | Shree Balaji Alumnicast

Who is Shree Balaji Alumnicast Pvt. Ltd.?

We are the first choice when considering die casting. Shree Balaji Alumnicast (SBA) is a customer driven organization that has made a commitment to supply products and services that will meet or exceed our customer's needs and expectations. Shree BalajiAlumnicast manufacture standard general purpose aluminium alloys, exhibiting an excellent combination of cost, strength, ductility, impact strength and finishing characteristics. Many organizations publish more specific standards for the manufacture of aluminium alloy, including the Society of Automotive Engineers standards organization, specifically its aerospace standards subgroups and the ASTM. Compared to smelting, recycling consumes only 5% energy and produces only 8% gaseous emissions. This has served as an effective method for emission reduction. This is the reason SBA is continuously able to create numerous exciting opportunities for its employees, who seek a career and not just employment. Ltd manufacture standard general purpose aluminium alloys, exhibiting an excellent combination of cost, strength, ductility, impact strength and finishing characteristics.

This company is:


Dharuhera, India

251-500 Employees


Products & services of Shree Balaji Alumnicast Pvt. Ltd.

Product SBA | Shree Balaji Alumnicast image


SBA | Shree Balaji Alumnicast

OUR PRODUCTS | ALUMINIUM ALLOY (INGOT) | Various alloys manufactured in SBA- | ZINC ALLOY (INGOT) | INGOT & PACKING MEASUREMENT | ALUMINIUM ALLOY (LIQUID) | About us | Recent posts | Latest Tweets | CONTACT INFO | JIS Standard: | BS Standard: | IS Standard: | Our Ingot and packing measurement for Aluminum Alloys are as follows: | Our Ingot and packing measurement for Zinc Alloys are as follows: | Molten Metal Supply Chain | Liquid Metal Delivery Funnel | SUPPLIER NETWORK ACROSS THE WORLD

View all products





Contact of Shree Balaji Alumnicast Pvt. Ltd.

City: Dharuhera

State: Haryana

Country: India

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Shree Balaji Alumnicast Pvt. Ltd.

The company Shree Balaji Alumnicast Pvt. Ltd. is located in Dharuhera, Haryana, India. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Shree Balaji Alumnicast Pvt. Ltd. has around 251-500 employees worldwide.

The company Shree Balaji Alumnicast Pvt. Ltd. has it's main focus in the industries of Transportation

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Shree Balaji Alumnicast Pvt. Ltd. seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Shree Balaji Alumnicast Pvt. Ltd.

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