Smartfuture Pte Ltd Logo

Smartfuture Pte Ltd

Smartfuture - Tech Solutions for Healthcare Providers

Who is Smartfuture Pte Ltd?

We provide proprietary, end-to-end, white-label, customizable Remote Patient Monitoring Platform to healthcare providers across the world so they can engage with their patients remotely. The solutions we provide have several unique capabilities:. Smartfuture, headquartered in Singapore with a global presence spanning 11 countries, specializes in delivering customized, plug and play remote patient monitoring solutions. Each healthcare client has unique requirements and workflows, and we provide remote patient monitoring solutions tailored to their specific needs. With a focus on clinics, hospitals, and nursing homes across USA and South East Asia, we strive to connect healthcare providers, patients, insurers, and employers through our advanced technological solutions. The platforms offer capabilities to healthcare providers to offer at-home testing to their patients. The platforms do analytics on medical data collected to provide accurate insights on patients' health to their providers, and for predictive analytics, diet recommendations and customized reports. The platforms allow healthcare providers to own and offer their own marketplace to offer health and wellness products and services to their patients and corporate clients.

This company is:


San Jose, Philippines

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2015

Products & services of Smartfuture Pte Ltd

Product DreamStation Go 12mm Micro-Flex 6 Foot Tubing - Smartfuture image


DreamStation Go 12mm Micro-Flex 6 Foot Tubing - Smartfuture

Philips Respironics features the smallest and lightest tube they have ever designed in the DreamStation Go 12mm Micro-Flex 6 Ft Tubing. The new improvements give you more freedom of movement, enhanced flexibility, portability, and connectivity while you’re sleeping. The DreamStation Go 12mm tubing is 58% smaller than 22mm performance tubing and offers better flexibility and … Continue reading "DreamStation Go 12mm Micro-Flex 6 Foot Tubing"

Product Health Kiosks and Pods - Smartfuture image


Health Kiosks and Pods - Smartfuture

We provide portable health kiosks and pods to clinics, hospitals, hotels and offices, for triage, health check-ups, and on‑demand consultations.

Product Low Risk - Lungs Assessment - Smartfuture image


Low Risk - Lungs Assessment - Smartfuture

YOUR RESULT IS… Low Risk Your results indicate that you have a low probability of having lung-related diseases. However, if you think that you may have a breathing or lungs issue, consider speaking to your general practitioner.

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Health Care
Health Diagnostics
Medical Device
Personal Health



Contact of Smartfuture Pte Ltd

City: San Jose

State: Nueva Ecija

Country: Philippines

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Smartfuture Pte Ltd

The company Smartfuture Pte Ltd is located in San Jose, Nueva Ecija, Philippines. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Smartfuture Pte Ltd has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Smartfuture Pte Ltd was founded in 2015

The company Smartfuture Pte Ltd has it's main focus in the industries of Other

Competitors of Smartfuture Pte Ltd

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