Spectrometrics Limited Logo

Spectrometrics Limited

Who is Spectrometrics Limited?

Spectrometrics are your Independent Boutique Consultancy and Analytical Solutions Partner. Spectrometrics specialises in bringing emerging and enabling analytical technologies to the UK & Ireland market and supporting, low-volume, specialised instrumentation to support research & innovation in the key areas of food-security, bioenergy, climate change. Spectrometrics works consultatively and collaboratively with our customers, to ensure we offer the best solution for their needs and budget. Spectrometrics distributes an extensive range of general-purpose and specialist mass spectral libraries & databases in all major vendor formats. Spectrometrics Specialise in bringing new Analytical Technologies to Market in the UK and Ireland. Our services range from contract market research and business development through distribution (including acting as a UK import agent for UKCA marking). With over 20-years’ experience in method development and, devising and developing innovative analytical technologies, Spectrometrics offers a range of independent consultancy services to scientists, laboratory managers & laboratory owners. And, with over 25-years’ experience building and curating mass spectral databases, we can provide a range of additional services including turnkey integration into your methods/workflows and training.

This company is:


Kettering, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2022

Products & services of Spectrometrics Limited

Product DiscovIR-GC™ Solutions for Forensic Science & Toxicology - Spectrometrics - The Chemistry of Collaboration image


DiscovIR-GC™ Solutions for Forensic Science & Toxicology - Spectrometrics - The Chemistry of Collaboration

With DiscovIR-GC™, forensic drug chemists can rapidly and reliably distinguish between positional isomers of controlled substances, even in complex mixtures & matrices. DiscovIR-GC™ yields enhanced (4cm-1) resolution solid-phase infrared spectra for the unambiguous identification of regioisomers, diastereomers, analogues, and other closely related compounds such as novel psychoactive substances, fentanyl analogues, pseudoephedrine/ephedrine, phenethylamines, and synthetic cannabinoids. Compared to Mass Spectrometry, Infrared spectroscopy provides unique, structurally informative mass spectra. As a routine, hyphenated technique, when combined with parallel mass spectrometry, GC-FTIR/MS far exceeds the minimum requirements for drug identification, combining two SWGDRUG Category A and one Category B technique. DiscovIR-GC™ alone, or with, parallel Mass Spectrometry provides a powerful “walk-up” instrument for unambiguous, uniquely defensible, drug identification, delivering detailed chemical information for differential analysis, at a higher level of specificity and selectivity than can be attained by (even HRAM tandem) Mass Spectrometry. The DiscovIR-GC™ uses a spectral database search engine, to facilitate the rapid, unequivocal identification of sample unknowns against in-house, SWGDRUG or commercially available, solid-phase infrared and Mass Spectral Libraries. Applications of DiscovIR-GC™ for Forensics analysis: Simplified, unambiguous, uniquely defensible Drug Identification Platform for commercial forensic drug laboratories. The single, ‘one-stop shop’ platform for the analysis of complex drug mixtures (e.g., novel Psychoactive Substances and Synthetic Cannabinoids) reduces the potential for errors in automated assignment and is particularly useful for trace analysis, or when purification/fractionation for confirmatory NMR analysis is impractical or impossible. Walk-up instruments for rapid confirmatory analysis in border-agency, airport/port authority, customs, or law-enforcement laboratories/facilities. Confirmatory Forensic Analysis for border security, crime & counter-terrorism agencies Unique intelligence platform for Forensic Investigators to determine the geographical origin and synthetic route of drugs

Product Mass Spectra of Flavours and Fragrances of Natural and Synthetic Compounds (FFNSC), 3rd Edition - Spectrometrics - The Chemistry of Collaboration image


Mass Spectra of Flavours and Fragrances of Natural and Synthetic Compounds (FFNSC), 3rd Edition - Spectrometrics - The Chemistry of Collaboration

This innovative MS library for natural and synthetic products makes the identification of unknown compounds in complex mixtures (essential oils, perfumes, extracts, botanicals, etc.) easier, faster, and more reliable. Combining Linear Retention Indices (LRIs) and mass spectral data enables more reliable assignment of components in complex mixtures. This software contains >3,400 mass spectra, LRI retention data, calculated Kovats RI, and searchable chemical structures of compounds of interest to chemical ecologists, natural products chemists, and the Flavours & Fragrances industry. Chromatographic information, such as Linear Retention Index (LRI) data, can be used to filter MS results, enabling more reliable peak assignment of components in complex mixtures. Mass spectra, relative to standard and well-known simple matrix components, were obtained and recorded through GC-MS separation/identification by Prof. Luigi Mondello. Additional component information such as CAS number, common name, CAS name, molecular weight, and chemical class are also included

Product NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Library 2020 - Spectrometrics - The Chemistry of Collaboration image


NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Library 2020 - Spectrometrics - The Chemistry of Collaboration

The NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Library 2020, the successor to the NIST 2017, is a fully evaluated collection of electron ionization (EI) and MS/MS mass spectra, with chemical and GC data, plus search software to identify your own unknown spectra. NIST 20 contains over a million mass spectra including 350,000 EI spectra for 306,000 compounds and 1,320,000 tandem MS/MS spectra. It is a product of a more than three-decade, comprehensive evaluation and expansion of the world's most widely used mass spectral reference library by a team of experienced mass spectrometrists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in which each spectrum was examined for correctness. The collection is comprised of the following three libraries: Electron Ionization (EI) mass spectral library 4 MS/MS libraries GC Retention Index library

View all products


Analytical Chemistry
Mass Spectrometry
Defence, Security & Forensics
Chemical Ecology
Food, Flavour & Fragrances
Polymers & Material Emissions
Residual Impurities, E&L
Food Authenticity
Business Development
Novel Psychoactive Substances
Metabolic Phenotyping
Scientific Software & Databases


Data and Analytics

Contact of Spectrometrics Limited

City: Kettering

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Spectrometrics Limited

The company Spectrometrics Limited is located in Kettering, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Spectrometrics Limited has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Spectrometrics Limited was founded in 2022

The company Spectrometrics Limited has it's main focus in the industries of Data and Analytics

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Spectrometrics Limited seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

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