Star Lubricants Logo

Star Lubricants

Increased productivity, higher profit with Mobil Pegasus - Star Lubricants

Who is Star Lubricants?

Star Lubricants este distribuitor autorizat al produselor Mobil în România. Oferim o gamă completă de produse Mobil destinate vehiculelor de pasageri, vehiculelor comerciale și aplicațiilor industriale într-o varietate mare de ambalaje și dimensiuni, de la cisterne până la bidoane de 1L. De la comandă la livrare echipa Star Lubricants se asigură că putem îndeplini comanda dumneavoastră la timp, in decurs de maxim 48 de ore, de fiecare dată. Fiecare reprezentant vă poate oferi soluţii şi idei pentru a rezolva o gamă largă de probleme de lubrifiere, indiferent de industrie sau condiţii de aplicare.

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1993

Products & services of Star Lubricants

Product Star Lubricants Services image


Star Lubricants Services

Star Lubricants Services | SIGNUM | REACH | Proudly Distributing Mobil Lubricants | Quick Links

Product ExxonMobil Marine Lubricant Products - Star Lubricants image


ExxonMobil Marine Lubricant Products - Star Lubricants

ExxonMobil Marine Lubricant Products | Proudly Distributing Mobil Lubricants | Increased performance with Mobil SHC – let decades of experience work for your equipment | Quick Links

View all products


Car Engine Oils
Commercial Vehicle Engine Oils
Industrial Lubricants
Wind, Gas, Energy lubricants
Oil & Energy



Use Cases of Star Lubricants


ExxonMobil Marine Lubricant Products - Star Lubricants

ExxonMobil Marine Lubricant Products | Proudly Distributing Mobil Lubricants | Quick Links

Contact of Star Lubricants

City: Cluj-Napoca

State: Cluj

Country: Romania

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Star Lubricants

The company Star Lubricants is located in Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Star Lubricants has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Star Lubricants was founded in 1993

The company Star Lubricants has it's main focus in the industries of Energy

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Star Lubricants seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change