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Stäubli Logo


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Stäubli is a global industrial and mechatronic solution provider with four dedicated Divisions: Electrical Connectors, Fluid Connectors, Robotics and Textile, serving customers who aim to increase their productivity in many industrial sectors. At our production unit in Sulzbach-Rosenberg we design and manufacture premium AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) solutions.​ Over the last 20 years, our AGV platforms series have delivered agile motion on the factory floor for manufacturing automation to customers worldwide.​

Quick overview

Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Germany

Founded in 1918

1001-5000 Employees

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Working industry

Type of company



1 Headquarter

Number of products

1 Product

Specialised areas

AGV, Mobile Robots, Mobile Robotics, Platform AGV, Forklift, Forklift AGV, Mobile robot system, Transportation, Intralogistic

Products & services of Stäubli

Stäubli offers a wide range of products and services

Product: PF3



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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:

Very low

ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Use Cases of Stäubli

Get insights into the use cases of Stäubli

UseCase: Industrial intralogistics

Use case

Industrial intralogistics

intralogistics, industrial intralogistics

One of our target areas for PF3 is industrial intralogistics. Driving underneath a table to pick-up the load, or dropping off the good at its right position, the PF3 performs those tasks with a subcentimeter position precision. Contact us, to find out more about our products and solutions for intralogistics!

UseCase: Assembly line

Use case

Assembly line

Assembly line, montage linie

One of our target areas for PF3 is the assembly line. Cost-effective, reliability and flexibility are at the art of the manufacturing process. Stäubli AGV PF3 addresses these challenges with an ultra compact design and long-lasting technology. Contact us, to find out more about our products and solutions for the assembly line!

Headquarter of Stäubli

Stäubli operates in 1 country around the world

City: Sulzbach-Rosenberg

State: Bavaria

Country: Germany

Locations of Stäubli

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Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Stäubli

Some frequent questions that have been asked about Stäubli

The company headquarter of Stäubli is located in Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Bavaria, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information Stäubli has around 1001-5000 employees worldwide.

Stäubli was founded in 1918

Competitors of Stäubli

Check out some interesting alternative companies to Stäubli

dhf Intralogistik's Logo

dhf Intralogistik

Munich, Germany

1-10 Employees


Zahlreiche automatisierte sowie manuelle Produktions-, Montage-, Fertigungs-, Prüf- und Bedienprozesse setzen eine zuverlässige Beleuchtung des Aktionsfeldes voraus. In einer zukunftsweisenden Partnerschaft vereinen Safelog und Stäubli ihre branchenführenden Kompetenzen, um die Transportrobotik voranzutreiben. In der großen dhf Intralogistik-Herstellerumfrage 2023 geben Hersteller und Anbieter von Lagerlogistik-Lösungen Antworten auf diese Fragen sowie eine Einschätzung der Marktentwicklung in den kommenden Jahren. Die Vandemoortele Group setzt für die digitale Transformation in der Kommissionierung auf die Workflows der Augmented-Reality-Plattform (AR) Teamviewer Frontline. Der Sportwagenhersteller Porsche bindet in der Intralogistik Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) ein, die ab sofort über den MHP FleetExecuter gesteuert werden. Mit diesem Schritt möchte der Flurförderzeughersteller rechtzeitig die Weichen für den bevorstehenden Generationswechsel stellen. In mehreren Teilprojekten wurden Lösungen für die anspruchsvollen Einsätze autonomer Gegengewichtsstapler entwickelt, die sowohl im Innen- als auch im Außenbereich Lasten bewegen. Das über knapp vier Jahre laufende Vorhaben wurde im Rahmen des FuE-Programms „Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik“ des Freistaates Bayern mit rund 2,8 Millionen Euro gefördert.




11-50 Employees


WE PROVIDE THE BEST SERVICE FOR OVER 7 YEARS. Use technically advanced solutions to coordinate your entire textile process with everything from a single source. From weaving preparation, frame and Jacquard weaving, to carpet and technical weaving, Stäubli offers innovative machinery systems and solutions for high quality textile production. Take advantage of Stäubli know-how and direct your high-grade textile production with passion. We would love to see you as a part of our Community.

S & Ü Hydraulik- und Maschinenbau GmbH's Logo

S & Ü Hydraulik- und Maschinenbau GmbH

Marienmünster, Germany

11-50 Employees


Seit mehr als 25 Jahren entwickeln wir mit unserem hochqualifizierten Team innovative und maßgeschneiderte Systemlösungen für anspruchsvolle Aufgaben. Begleite spannende und innovative Projekte – vom Schaltschrankbau, über Robotik bis hin zum AGV… Setze deine Idee in der Praxis um. Seit 25 Jahren entwickeln wir mit unserem hoch qualifizierten Team innovative und maßgeschneiderte Systemlösungen für anspruchsvolle Aufgaben. Die jüngste Neuentwicklung von S&Ü ist ein fahrerloses Transportsystem – auch AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) genannt. Roboter sind aus industriellen Fertigungs- und Produktionsprozessen nicht mehr wegzudenken und ermöglichen maximale Produktivität und kürzeste Fertigungszeiten.

AGVE Group's Logo

AGVE Group

Göteborgs Stad, Sweden

11-50 Employees


The AGVE Group is a leading provider of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) and control devices, having 60 dedicated employees working on AGV automation worldwide. We keep the AGV design and the manufacturing in-house, and have sold more than 2.500 vehicles and 3.500 control units throughout the world. The company was founded based on the business model of developing, manufacturing, and marketing high class controls for AGVs, with the first customer being GM. Together with AGVE Korea (ABVeK), we have delivered a large number of highly tailored solutions for big South Korean enterprises. Also, in 2015 we set up AGV Limited to provide Automated Guided Vehicle systems and service in UK. AGVE Group customers are highly diverse and operate across many different business sectors, ranging from companies who design and produce their own Automated Guided Vehicles using our controls, to many companies outside the material handling sector that buy complete turn-key systems and all-in service & support. The AGVE Group is a leading provider of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) or Automatic Guided Vehicles and control devices, having 60 dedicated employees worldwide working on Automated Guided Vehicle automation. With in-house design and manufacturing, we have sold more than 2.500 AGV’s and 3.500 AGV control units throughout the world.

Merebit's Logo


Pohořelice, Czechia

1-10 Employees


We are able to solve complex automation in the field of laboratory operations, biotechnology, pharmaceutical production, food industry as well as other industries. We are an integrator of robotic manipulators from the Swiss company Stäubli and the Japanese company Omron, supplying not only robots but also a wide portfolio of parts for robotics and automation. Design and manufacture of specialized laboratory machines and equipment in the fields of medical research and biotechnology.

Active Space Automation's Logo

Active Space Automation

Coimbra, Portugal

11-50 Employees


Our automated solutions for transporting materials and goods in manufacturing and storage facilities are highly flexible, efficient and adapted to customers' infrastructure and organization. Design, develop and manufacture of AGVs from scratch, on all components (mechanical, control and electronics). Development of automation parallel to AGV processes in order to deliver turnkey systems.