Stralis Aircraft Logo

Stralis Aircraft

Stralis Aircraft – Emission free hydrogen electric aircraft

Who is Stralis Aircraft?

Stralis intends to obtain a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for this product with CASA and the FAA. At Stralis, it is our belief that if we have the means to capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, we should use that capacity to sequester carbon and push beyond Net Zero to carbon negative and start to undo some of the damage that we have already done to the planet.All this considered, SAF along with high-integrity carbon offsetting, serve as a good way to make immediate changes and can be a great improvement over fossil fuels but hydrogen electric propulsion will come out on top in the long run as it will have a greater impact on emission reduction, lower engine maintenance costs and offer lower fuel costs (for most scalable SAF production pathways you need more than 1 kWh of H2 to produce 1 kWh of SAF, then consider that you need to supply and pro- cess the carbon feedstock and that the HEPS is almost twice as efficient as a PT6 turbine engine).Stralis anticipates there will always be a need for SAF in difficult to abate niches such as ultra-long-haul flight or supersonic flight. It is Stralis’s mission to build and support sustainable aircraft. At Stralis we believe that climate change should be tackled from all angles, including finding a path to sustainable flight. At Stralis, we want this to continue but just without the negative impact on our environment – and we can do that. It is our goal to bring air travel to even more people then have access to it today, by working to make it more affordable, help local production of green hydrogen in remote areas and implementing technologies that make flying easier end safer. STRALIS IS LOOKING TO GROW OUR TEAM AND WILL PUBLISH A LIST OF OPEN ROLES SOON. WE ARE ALWAYS HAPPY TO HEAR FROM TALENTED PEOPLE.

This company is:


Brisbane City, Australia

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2021


Aviation & Aerospace



Contact of Stralis Aircraft

City: Brisbane City

State: Queensland

Country: Australia

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Stralis Aircraft

The company Stralis Aircraft is located in Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Stralis Aircraft has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Stralis Aircraft was founded in 2021

The company Stralis Aircraft has it's main focus in the industries of Transportation

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Stralis Aircraft seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

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