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tech9logy.com Logo


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Tech9logy Creators is an India-based Software Development & IT Consulting firm established in 2014. As the industry leader, we cherish all the challenges that come in our way and stand firm upon the pillars of creativity & innovation to get through. In a short span of 10 years, we've paved the way to tremendous growth with our compelling services & disciplined delivery in the field of Salesforce, Web Development, eCommerce Development, Mobile App Development, UI/UX Design, and Digital Marketing.

Quick overview

Faridabad, India

Founded in 2014

51-100 Employees


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Working industry

IT, Software and Services, Consulting, Business Services, Gaming

Type of company

Service provider


1 Headquarter

Number of services

1 Service

Specialised areas

Software development, web development, app development, ecommerce, salesforce, mobile app

Products & services of tech9logy.com

tech9logy.com offers a wide range of products and services

Product: Custom Kanban


Custom Kanban

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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



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ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Headquarter of tech9logy.com

tech9logy.com operates in 1 country around the world

City: Faridabad

State: Haryana

Country: India

Locations of tech9logy.com

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Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about tech9logy.com

Some frequent questions that have been asked about tech9logy.com

The company headquarter of tech9logy.com is located in Faridabad, Haryana, India. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information tech9logy.com has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

tech9logy.com was founded in 2014

The company tech9logy.com has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services, Consulting, Business Services, Gaming

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company tech9logy.com seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of tech9logy.com

Check out some interesting alternative companies to tech9logy.com

Elitech Systems's Logo

Elitech Systems

Ahmedabad, India

51-100 Employees


We are Elitech Systems, a future ready, innovation driven and customer centric IT company which was founded in 2006 at Ahmedabad and made a global presence over a decade of time. We are now a global IT service brand with our clientele spread across several countries across four continents of the world. We are basically a creative bunch of developers and designers with years of experience in building most sophisticated and cutting edge IT solutions for numerous customer needs and business niches. We are a key player in custom web development, mobile app development and Ecommerce development with proven expertise on various languages and platforms that include iPhone, Android, PHP, MVC frameworks like CodeIgniter, Zend & Yii Framework, WordPress, Joomla, Magento, Drupal, Phonegap, Unity3D and many others. We are a bunch of geek developers and innovative strategists who regularly hatch out new and innovative ideas and turn them into robust web solutions and mobile apps. We provide end-to-end Salesforce professional services including Salesforce development & customization, Salesforce app development & much more. We are a leading eCommerce web development company crafting beautiful web-based eCommerce solutions for ultimate online shopping experiences. We boast of dedicated team of developers and marketers comprising experienced experts from every field.

Marra Global's Logo

Marra Global

New York, United States

51-100 Employees


We are extremely passionate about technologies, design, and digital enhancements, specializing in creating top-notch user experiences in an intelligent, effective, timely, and profitable manner. Our mission is to dive deeper into innovation with every new project and treat each new collaboration as an opportunity to break the existing patterns. We provide a cutting-edge technology workforce and consultancy services to help you take strategic initiatives. We create digital products & enhance digital services. Industry-specific, adaptable, and robust Salesforce technology products, as well as cost-effective and flexible cloud and data solutions. We blend consulting and technology to provide our customers with exceptional experiences & a ride of a lifetime. From backend integration solutions to process digitization and creative business models, we are what you need — a full package! Our team of experts never ceases to upgrade their knowledge through courses, workshops & seminars, always placing them at the top of the winners’ pyramid.

Tech9's Logo


Old Toronto, Canada

1-10 Employees


We believe in providing deliberate and dynamic technology solutions that attain real business results in diverse industries. We possess major expertise to develop innovative online applications platform and web applications. At Tech9, team is committed to deliver the state-of-the-art solutions based on latest technologies and trends. Expertise that comes under umbrella of Microsoft products and other platform are:. Tech9 has a cluster of committed & dedicated highly skilled and experienced professionals enriched with latest Technologies and Project Management tools, including Document management, workflows, corporate portals, collaboration tools and many more. Standard built-in workflows These workflows are used commonly to automate document flow process within departments and teams APPROVAL This workflow…. Accelerate productivity by transforming processes, approvals to complex operational workflows along with Power Automate.

TNine Innovations Pvt. Ltd.'s Logo

TNine Innovations Pvt. Ltd.

New Delhi, India

1-10 Employees


We are the one-stop solution to all your tech-based problems! We are the new age mobile app studio based out of India, who believe technology can be a flag bearer to ease life and improve its quality. The name Tnine comes from room no 9, third floor of Cluster Innovation Centre, Delhi University, where the idea was conceived for the first time. Formed in the year 2016, we are a small team of experts with more than 5 years of experience. With an amalgamation of designers, developers, and content creators, Tnine Infotech aims to provide you with the best services to elevate your businesses, in a hassle-free way.

techcreatix.'s Logo


New York, United States

11-50 Employees


At Techcreatix we equip enterprenuers, startups, engineering teams and enterprises with best industry talent to deliver intelligent, innovative & scalable digital solutions. By applying techcreatix’s core methodology, organizations minimize risk, reduce technical debt, and derive more value from their software in a predictable, scalable and sustainable way. Techcreatix started back in 2015 from a garage in Lahore and now after around 8+ years going strong and still growing. Techcreatix is a trusted technology partner that offers custom software development services to deliver intelligent, innovative & scalable digital solutions. Since then, we've helped a wide range of startups & enterprises deliver innovative solutions with our technology, innovation, design and engineering ensuring multiple successes in a quite a few verticals.We helped our startup partners successfully raise funds over US $100 million and transitioned into a profitable business with valuations more than US $4 Billion. Our enterprise partners have remarkable success in the fintech industry with innovative solutions revolutionizing the way merchants process payments. Our R&D teams continuously innovate to make it easier for all developers to deliver clean code. We believe the best way to work is by working together in a diverse team, collaborating with each other and inspiring each other to be the best ourselves.

Ardira's Logo


United States

1-10 Employees


We are creative group of people with a deep love for technology and passion for building enterprise scale software to impact an organization’s success. We are Software Services provider with global deliver centers in USA and India. We also provide Salesforce implementation (configuration, customization, administration, and integration) services to businesses of all sizes and Salesforce Consulting organizations. Our team combines years of experience in the software industry in areas of information security, compliance and risk management, cloud computing, enterprise software, SaaS services, and large-scale software infrastructure. With the following skills to offer, we can help successfully execute your Salesforce projects on time and within budget. Salesforce AppExchange Expertise: Our team has built and published many AppExchange apps. Our team has over 50 years of experience at developing and deploying large scale SaaS applications on leading PaaS environments such as Force.com. We have acted as the catalyst for growth for organizations by delivering enterprise software solutions.