technikum29 Computer Museum Logo

technikum29 Computer Museum

Who is technikum29 Computer Museum?

It has a focus on computer history between the 1920s and 1980s. Furthermore, the museum covers a number of different topics, such as the development of broadcasting and television within this time span. First and foremost, this is a living museum and shall become a lively place where interested people can work and spend time with vintage computers. In these three exemplary museums, the restauration of computers is the exception, not the rule. In January 2020 friends and supporters of technikum29 re-open the museum and offer guided tours.

This company is:

Service provider

Kelkheim, Germany

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2004

Products & services of technikum29 Computer Museum

Product Programmable third-generation calculators with early IC-technology - technikum29 image


Programmable third-generation calculators with early IC-technology - technikum29

technikum29 | Programmable third-generation calculators with early IC-technology | Museum Tour | WANG 700 | WANG 500 | Diehl Combitronic | Hewlett Packard HP 9810, 9820, 9830

Product Development Projects - technikum29 image


Development Projects - technikum29

technikum29 | Development Projects | Museum Tour | Paper tape processing with contemporary computers | Reading punch cards with contemprary computers

Product Fax engineering - technikum29 image


Fax engineering - technikum29

technikum29 | Fax engineering, Picture Telegraphy | Museum Tour

View all products


Museums & Institutions



Use Cases of technikum29 Computer Museum


Study projects - technikum29

technikum29 | Study projects | Museum Tour | technikum29 supports school projects | Siemens computer for demonstration

Contact of technikum29 Computer Museum

City: Kelkheim

State: Hesse

Country: Germany

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about technikum29 Computer Museum

The company technikum29 Computer Museum is located in Kelkheim, Hesse, Germany. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information technikum29 Computer Museum has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

technikum29 Computer Museum was founded in 2004

The company technikum29 Computer Museum has it's main focus in the industries of Other

Competitors of technikum29 Computer Museum

American Computer Museum Ltd Logo

American Computer Museum Ltd

United States

1-10 Employees


The National Museum of Computing Logo

The National Museum of Computing

United Kingdom

11-50 Employees

The Rhode Island Computer Museum Inc Logo

The Rhode Island Computer Museum Inc

United States

1-10 Employees


Foerderverein Luftfahrtmuseum Merseburg e.V. Logo

Foerderverein Luftfahrtmuseum Merseburg e.V.



National Capital Radio & Television Museum, Inc. Logo

National Capital Radio & Television Museum, Inc.

United States

1-10 Employees


DDR Museum Berlin GmbH Logo

DDR Museum Berlin GmbH


11-50 Employees


The Believer Logo

The Believer

United States

1-10 Employees

German Museum Logo

German Museum


1-10 Employees


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